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Provides counseling services and support groups for persons infected/affected by HIV/AIDS. Also provides a support group for LBGTQ+ youth age 15-19, HIV positive or negative.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Provides several weight management programs: Weigh 2 Go 12 weekly one-hour sessions. In addition to group discussion there is a private weigh-in and an opportunity to have food and activity records reviewed by the facilitator. Habits Not Diets 12 weekly one-hour sessions for weight management that focus on identifying and changing current eating habits that lead to weight gain. Healthy Weight Modules 12 weeks (group) to promote and support weight loss efforts. For information on other health improvement programs, visit the web site.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Weight Management
The Arc offers training workshops that provide information and resources to assist families of children with disabilities on topics such as waivers, vision therapy, advocacy, and much more. These are open to both parents and professionals from any locale. A special education attorney volunteers monthly to offer free 45-minute consultations (2 per month) on special education topics. The Family Support Coordinator also will provide information and referral via phone or email.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Services are targeted to family members of children with cancer, adult survivors of childhood cancer, and professionals working with childhood cancer. Also offers online support groups. Check website for more information or call for information on time and place of local meetings.
Support groups, led by both peers and/or professional helping professionals, for caregivers and individuals living with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia
Offers an array of services for cancer patients and their families. Screenings, diagnosis, education, support groups, and resource referral are just a few ways assistance is offered for patients.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
General Health Education Programs
Exchanges information, provides support, and shares struggles and triumphs that occur with children with type 1 diabetes. A light supper will be provided. Entire families are welcome and encouraged to attend. Childcare is available.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provide information about support groups around the state. The groups operate independently of BIAV but are provided technical assistance as they want from BIAV. Groups provide personal support and fellowship from members and help people who are living with a brain injury - either their own, or that of a loved one. Facilitators and group members help each other adapt to living a life affected by brain injury and provide fellowship and understanding. Some groups offer educational programming, recreational, and/or advocacy activities depending on the preference of the members. A complete listing of support groups throughout Virginia for people with brain injury and their families is available online in our directory: https://www.biav.net/resource-directory
Support groups are important to our patients' healing process as they provide emotional support from others facing similar, difficult situations. They allow people to share their problems without judgment, process their feelings and hear others talk about their situation. Martha Jefferson Hospital offers a variety of groups that offer support groups for family members of cancer patients: spouses, parents, mature children and friends of cancer patients. Call for meeting times and dates. For more information on meeting times and dates, please call: Suzanne Smith at (434) 654-8407. For a complete list of support groups, please call Health Connection at (434) 654-7009 or 1-888-652-6663.
Matches a person who is being offered a clinical trial for cancer with someone who has participated in a clinical trial. This provides the caller with the opportunity to ask and get answers to many of the questions only someone who's gone through the decision-making process can answer. Being matched with a Talking About Clinical Trials(TACT) volunteer can help the caller separate fact from fiction, myth and misinformation. Matches can be requested online through the website.
JDRF International - Mid-Atlantic Chapter provides a nationwide network of Advocates who are dedicated to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Disease/Disability Information
Provide support and education to those with Parkinson Disease and caregivers.
Offers emotional and educational support to breast cancer patients & their families both newly diagnosed patients & those with current diagnoses are welcome. For more information contact (757) 395-8686.
A support group provides an opportunity for family members, caregivers, friends, and/or persons with dementia to meet and develop a mutual support system that will help maintain the health and well being of its members. Exchanging practical information on caregiving problems and solutions, sharing ways of adapting to the continuing stress of coping. Sharing feelings, needs and concerns in a supportive, non-threatening and non-judgmental atmosphere, providing social contact for family members who feel isolated by constant, continual caregiving. Group will be for Caregivers and/or person with Early-stage Alzheimer's or dementia. The group will be divided with two. Either caregiver or person with dementia may attend or both.
Support groups and educational classes are offered to family and friends of those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Support group for families and friends of Alzheimer's patients.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Mental Health Related Support Groups
PFNCA provides programs to strengthen breath support and improve the ability to project. The goal of PFNCA Communications Club is to establish a wellness and prevention program for individuals with Parkinson's disease and their caregivers with a focus on maintenance of communication skills.
Offers a Center for Independent Living - resource center for persons with disabilities which provides peer counseling, independent living skills training, an advocacy program, consumer groups, and sign language instruction.


Centers for Independent Living
Specialized Information and Referral
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Educates patients, families and health care professionals about this autoimmune disease. Symptoms are dry eyes, dry mouth, joint pain and fatigue. Internal organ damage may cause fibromyalgia, heart disease, thyroid disease, neurological disease, and kidney disease. The is no cure, but early diagnosis and treatment may prevent complications.
Support services and referrals for burn survivors and families. To assist anyone affected by a burn injury through peer support, education, collaboration and advocacy.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Support Group Clearinghouses
Provides patients, families and the community with resources and services that address cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and support. Offers support groups for persons diagnosed with cancer and their family members.


Disease/Disability Information
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provide support for those patients who have experienced or are currently in treatment for breast cancer.
Support and education for stroke survivors and their families.
Offers an informal forum, for those who have had an amputation, to share with each other and gather new information. Guest Speakers are invited periodically to address topics of interest to the group. Families are welcome. For more information on support groups contact the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) (888)AMP-KNOW or visit the web site http://www.amputee-coalition.org/.
LupusConnect is an online community where people affected by lupus can engage with others to share experiences, find emotional support and discuss practical ways to live and cope with the disease.