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FISH provides holiday food and toys to low income people. Referrals are received through Fairfax County Public Schools social workers, North County Community Service Board and some community-based organizations. A limited number of self-referrals are taken, also.
FISH provides holiday food and toys to low income people. Referrals are received through Fairfax County Public Schools social workers, North County Community Service Board and some community-based organizations. A limited number of self-referrals are taken, also.
Holiday Programs
Will begin taking applications for 2024 in October
Will begin taking applications for 2024 in October
Distributes Thanksgiving food baskets and Holiday Toys along side with a Gift Cards for food to LCAC registered clients.
Referrals accepted from schools, churches, Department of Family Services, and Information and Referral for individuals residing in 22079, 22199, 22122 and 22060.
Distributes Thanksgiving food baskets and Holiday Toys along side with a Gift Cards for food to LCAC registered clients.
Referrals accepted from schools, churches, Department of Family Services, and Information and Referral for individuals residing in 22079, 22199, 22122 and 22060.
Holiday Programs
Serves the counties of Spotsylvania and Orange and Fredericksburg City with ministries that reach out to individuals and families that are economically challenged, including serving meals at the Thurman Brisben Center, Christmas Angel Tree program, Warm the Hearth and more.
Serves the counties of Spotsylvania and Orange and Fredericksburg City with ministries that reach out to individuals and families that are economically challenged, including serving meals at the Thurman Brisben Center, Christmas Angel Tree program, Warm the Hearth and more.
Holiday Programs
Soup Kitchens
Collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
Collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
Holiday Programs
Offers holiday assistance to low income families in need.
Offers holiday assistance to low income families in need.
Holiday Programs
Offers a food basket during Thanksgiving
Offers a food basket during Thanksgiving
Holiday Programs
Visits nursing homes, correctional institutions, jails and shut-ins, particularly at Christmas time. Area nursing homes receive a visit once a week (every Wednesday).
Visits nursing homes, correctional institutions, jails and shut-ins, particularly at Christmas time. Area nursing homes receive a visit once a week (every Wednesday).
Friendly Visiting
Holiday Programs
Holiday Cheer, a Christmas holiday assistance program for children and older adults. Persons needing help must sign up for gifts. Families and idividuals are matched with community resident, churches and businesses who provide gifts and help to fill holiday needs. The food pantry also helps to supplement holiday needs. *Rebecca Price is the coordinator for gifts. Deadline October 31. Serves the zip code of 22827 only.
Holiday Cheer, a Christmas holiday assistance program for children and older adults. Persons needing help must sign up for gifts. Families and idividuals are matched with community resident, churches and businesses who provide gifts and help to fill holiday needs. The food pantry also helps to supplement holiday needs. *Rebecca Price is the coordinator for gifts. Deadline October 31. Serves the zip code of 22827 only.
Holiday Programs
The Salvation Army's Angel Tree program provides gifts for Christmas to children 12 years of age or younger.
The Salvation Army's Angel Tree program provides gifts for Christmas to children 12 years of age or younger.
Providing Christmas to children by way of food, clothing, toys, and other gifts. Call for dates and times to fill out applications for Holiday Assistance. Applications start the first weekend in October.
Providing Christmas to children by way of food, clothing, toys, and other gifts. Call for dates and times to fill out applications for Holiday Assistance. Applications start the first weekend in October.
Holiday Programs
Offers holiday sharing assistance program. Client may request needed items, such as clothing, one toy-type item per child, and a grocery gift certificate. Parent may request one family item. Not eligible to sign up unless you receive services from DCHS. Only children will receive gifts.
Offers holiday sharing assistance program. Client may request needed items, such as clothing, one toy-type item per child, and a grocery gift certificate. Parent may request one family item. Not eligible to sign up unless you receive services from DCHS. Only children will receive gifts.
Holiday Programs
Provides families with children with toys and clothing during the Christmas holiday.
Provides families with children with toys and clothing during the Christmas holiday.
Holiday Programs
Assists families in need with food baskets and underprivileged children with toys and clothes during the Christmas season.
Assists families in need with food baskets and underprivileged children with toys and clothes during the Christmas season.
Holiday Programs
Distribution Thanksgiving food baskets to qualifying residents of eastern Prince William County annually in November.
Distribution Thanksgiving food baskets to qualifying residents of eastern Prince William County annually in November.
Provides a Holiday Assistance program for those in need. Also operates the Adopt-A-Cherub program where the family seeking aid for children completes an application and a wish list. When people call in and ask to adopt children, Social Services gives the benefactor a profile of the child or children and a wish list. Names of the families are confidential.
Provides a Holiday Assistance program for those in need. Also operates the Adopt-A-Cherub program where the family seeking aid for children completes an application and a wish list. When people call in and ask to adopt children, Social Services gives the benefactor a profile of the child or children and a wish list. Names of the families are confidential.
Food Donation Programs
Holiday Programs
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Provides holiday assistance programs such as Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas kettles and Adopt A Child gift program. Must pick up and complete forms at Social Services. Completed forms are to be taken to the Salvation Army to receive a Wish List form.
Provides holiday assistance programs such as Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas kettles and Adopt A Child gift program. Must pick up and complete forms at Social Services. Completed forms are to be taken to the Salvation Army to receive a Wish List form.
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Holiday Programs
Food Donation Programs
Oasis coordinates the distribution of food baskets at Thanksgiving and food along with gifts for Christmas. The majority the baskets are sponsored by various civic groups and individuals. Oasis helps to supplement basket items as needed.
Oasis coordinates the distribution of food baskets at Thanksgiving and food along with gifts for Christmas. The majority the baskets are sponsored by various civic groups and individuals. Oasis helps to supplement basket items as needed.
Holiday Programs
Christmas Mother Applications are now being accepted until November 1. Applications are also available in front of Cumberland Department of Social Services. Please provide an email address for correspondence if you have one.
For child applications https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1aqwbXnD__u9hgzoXWoucCcYOg6_P39gjSY4NVamhDRg8ng/viewformvc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
For Seniors application:
Christmas Mother Applications are now being accepted until November 1. Applications are also available in front of Cumberland Department of Social Services. Please provide an email address for correspondence if you have one.
For child applications https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1aqwbXnD__u9hgzoXWoucCcYOg6_P39gjSY4NVamhDRg8ng/viewformvc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
For Seniors application:
Sponsors children and senior citizens in need with basic life essentials, along with birthday gifts and celebration surprises.
Sponsors children and senior citizens in need with basic life essentials, along with birthday gifts and celebration surprises.
Holiday Programs
Home Delivered Meals
Angel Tree holiday assistance program. Providing clothing & toys for children and food for individuals and families in need at Christmas.
Angel Tree holiday assistance program. Providing clothing & toys for children and food for individuals and families in need at Christmas.
Holiday Programs
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Henrico Christmas Mother 2024
Application Dates for 2024 Apply in person at 360 Dabbs House Road Monday, October 7, 9:30AM-3PM Monday, October 14, 9:30AM-3PM Saturday, October 19, 9AM-1PM Monday, October 21, 1PM-6PM Monday, October 28, 9:30AM- 3PM
Download the application form at 2024_app_schools_2_sided.pdf (henricochristmasmother.org) print on letter size paper, complete and bring with you OR
You must apply in person at our warehouse at 361 Dabbs House Road
You must have all of the documentation listed in the "Required Documentation" section.
Applicants requesting assistance from Henrico Christmas Mother may not apply for holiday assistance from other organizations.
Henrico Christmas Mother 2024
Application Dates for 2024 Apply in person at 360 Dabbs House Road Monday, October 7, 9:30AM-3PM Monday, October 14, 9:30AM-3PM Saturday, October 19, 9AM-1PM Monday, October 21, 1PM-6PM Monday, October 28, 9:30AM- 3PM
Download the application form at 2024_app_schools_2_sided.pdf (henricochristmasmother.org) print on letter size paper, complete and bring with you OR
You must apply in person at our warehouse at 361 Dabbs House Road
You must have all of the documentation listed in the "Required Documentation" section.
Applicants requesting assistance from Henrico Christmas Mother may not apply for holiday assistance from other organizations.
Household product assistance (cleaning supplies, household staples). Back to School Backpack & School Supplies Assistance Program; Holiday Assistance Programs
(Thanksgiving & Christmas).
Please note: DO NOT provide household furniture nor provide vouchures to purchase furniture.
Household product assistance (cleaning supplies, household staples). Back to School Backpack & School Supplies Assistance Program; Holiday Assistance Programs
(Thanksgiving & Christmas).
Please note: DO NOT provide household furniture nor provide vouchures to purchase furniture.
School Supplies
Holiday Programs
Cleaning Products
Provides Holiday assistance for Thanksgiving and Christmas to those in need. Serves the county of Frederick and city of Winchester.
Provides Holiday assistance for Thanksgiving and Christmas to those in need. Serves the county of Frederick and city of Winchester.
Holiday Programs
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Food Donation Programs
Providing food, clothing, financial assistance, school supplies, school uniforms, holiday food baskets and Christmas gifts.
Providing food, clothing, financial assistance, school supplies, school uniforms, holiday food baskets and Christmas gifts.
School Clothing
Food Pantries
School Supplies
General Clothing Provision
Holiday Programs