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Project Lifesaver provides a timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer's, autism, and other related conditions or disorders.


Missing Persons Location Assistance
Emergency Alert
Provides Lifeline Personal Emergency Response System. Subscribers wear a lightweight, waterproof, help buttons. Pushing the button alerts a Lifeline operator who will call a designated friend or family member or will dispatch an emergency crew if necessary. Auto Alert fall detection button, wireless service for those without a landline and OnTheGo Mobile system with GPS and fall detection technology. Senior health staff from the hospital personally install and manage service calls for all VHC subscribers.
Provides a 24-hour personal emergency response system which is installed in the subscriber's home where a button is pushed when emergency help is needed.
Specializes home delivery and set up of medical equipment and supplies including respiratory products, pediatric equipment, incontinence supplies, bathroom supplies, diabetic supplies and additional items like wheelchairs, hospital beds, etc. Carries oxygen concentrators, portable oxygen tanks, CPAP machines, BIPAP machines, and nebulizers for your respiratory needs. Offers pediatric medical equipment, and our products in this category include apnea monitors, neulizers and bilirubin lights. Provides diabetic testing supplies such as testing strips and lancets.
The Assistive Technology Program assists individuals with disabilities seeking access to assistive technology devices and services, with emphasis on obtaining funding from vocational rehabilitation and special education providers, and Medicaid or Medicare. Assistive technology is any device, adaptive equipment, or service which enables people with disabilities to accomplish a task that would otherwise not be possible. dLCV can help people learn about the great potential of assistive technology and help them find funding assistance. dLCV provides advocacy and legal representation services to persons who have been denied funding for assistive technology services or devices.


Medical Equipment/Supplies
Emergency Alert
Assistive Technology Training
Project Lifesaver locate and rescue missing persons who suffer from Alzheimer's, Dementia or Autism.
Project Lifesaver provides a timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer's, autism, and other related conditions or disorders.


Emergency Alert
Missing Persons Location Assistance
Provides a Safe Return Program that assists in the safe return of persons with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia who wander and become lost.


Missing Persons Location Assistance
Emergency Alert
Project Lifesaver uses technology to assist caregivers of people who suffer with Alzheimer's, Downs Syndrome, Autism and other related mental dysfunction disorders. Those utilizing the program wear personalized radio transmitters. The Crime Prevention Unit can track individual transmitters, allowing officers to quickly locate someone who is lost or has wandered away. The program is free of charge. The Roanoke Police Department also allows citizens in near-by jurisdictions to obtain transmitters.
A tracking system for individuals prone to wander with conditions including Alzheimer's, dementia, down syndrome, and autism.
To reduce the time to locate Alzheimer's victims and other persons suffering from dementia who may walk away from their place of residence. Project strategy is to distribute electronic bracelet to victims of Alzheimer's Disease and victims with related Mentally Dysfunctional Disorders with a history of, or potential for, wandering. Use of transmitters will enable victims to be located in a matter of minutes instead of many hours or days.
Provides bracelets for Alzheimer's and dementia patients in the event they wander.
Provides bracelets for Alzheimer and Dementia patients in the event that they wander.
Program for people with Alzheimer's, Autism, Down Syndrome. Sheriff's office will place a wrist band/transmitter on program participants. Caregiver will check transmitter daily and once a month sheriff's office will change transmitter battery. If client wanders, caregiver needs to call 911 and reference Project Lifesaver client. 911 will dispatch Project Lifesaver Team with receiver to search for client with wrist band. Project is meant to bring peace of mind to family members. Personnel on call after office hours.


Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Emergency Alert
Provides identification bracelets and a national toll-free contact center to identify, locate, and return lost memory-impaired individuals. Families can register for Safe Return at each office. Scholarships are available.
Project Lifesaver helps provide rapid response to save lives and reduce potential for serious injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer's, Autism, Down Syndrome, dementia and other related disorders.
Partnership involving the Sheriff, the Police Chief, and AARP or older/retired leadership in the area who work to reduce the criminal victimization of older citizens and enhance the delivery of law enforcement services to this population. Provides the opportunity for an exchange of information between law enforcement and senior citizens. Focuses on reducing unwarranted fear of crime and improving the quality of life for seniors.
Project Lifesaver is an active response to the problem of locating wandering persons before they become victims. Project Lifesaver relies on pulse-carrier wave radio-frequency technology, complemented by a search and rescue team that has received specialized training. People who use the program wear a personalized wristband that emits a tracking signal. When caregivers notify the local Project Lifesaver agency that the person is missing and a search and rescue team responds to the wanderer's area to begin the search.


Emergency Alert
Missing Persons Location Assistance
Provides a non-profit membership organization offering emergency medical information and personal identification service via an alerting emblem (bracelet or necklace) worn by the member. One toll free call gives emergency personnel your computerized information, including any condition, medications, allergies, physician and family contacts via their 24/7 Emergency Response Center. Please call (209)668-3333 from outside the U.S. For Technical Support, please call: (888)ALERT90 or (888)253-7890
Tracking of Alzheimer's patients through electronic means.
Offers respiratory and oxygen therapy, home medical equipment, diabetic supplies, enteral nutrition, and personal emergency response systems.


Home Health Care
In Home Assistance Registries
Emergency Alert
Medical Equipment/Supplies
24-hour-a-day link to a professionally staffed command center. Upon receiving call, operators trained in emergency procedures place a call to paramedics or police or take other appropriate action. Depending on information in the central station computer that your or your doctor provide, the operators can review your complete medical history and supply the ambulance or emergency personnel with vital data like medication dosages and any special conditions and instructions.
Provides state of the art technology to assist those who care for victims of Alzheimer's and Related Mental Dysfunction Disorders (ARMD) and victims who become lost. These victims include the elderly and even the youngest in our community who are afflicted with Downs Syndrome and Autism. Project Lifesaver places personalized radio transmitters on identified persons with ARMD. These transmitters assist caregivers and local emergency agencies in locating those who cannot help themselves.
Health Watch is a home emergency warning device that works through the home telephone. In case of an accident, fall, or other minor medical emergency; help is only minutes away.
Project Lifesaver assists families and caregivers of individuals with autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and related conditions and disabilities. Project Lifesaver clients wear a wrist or ankle band that emits a silent tracking signal. When caregivers notify the Sheriff's Office that a loved one is missing, a search and rescue team comprised of specifically trained sheriff's deputies responds to the area with tracking equipment.