Medical Alert - Lexington, Project Lifesaver, Lexington Police Department
Provides state of the art technology to assist those who care for victims of Alzheimer's and Related Mental Dysfunction Disorders (ARMD) and victims who become lost. These victims include the elderly and even the youngest in our community who are afflicted with Downs Syndrome and Autism. Project Lifesaver places personalized radio transmitters on identified persons with ARMD. These transmitters assist caregivers and local emergency agencies in locating those who cannot help themselves.
Physical Address
11 Fuller Street, Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 463-9257
Application process
Enrolling a friend or loved one on the program, please contact the Project Lifesaver Coordinator.
Service area
Lexington City, VA
Agency info
Lexington Police Department
Provides a law enforcement agency for the safety and protection of Lexington residents. Emergency Dispatch: Inside the area: 911 Outside the area: (540)463-9177 Suspicious criminal activities can be reported anonymously by calling the Crime Line at (540)463-2878.