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Volunteers opportunites to tutor phonics, comprehension, grammar, and word definitions. One tutor is matched with one child, for one hour each week. Tutoring takes place at Hampton Roads Title I Elementary schools usually inside of an LEC funded Technology and Literacy computer labs.
Volunteers opportunites to tutor phonics, comprehension, grammar, and word definitions. One tutor is matched with one child, for one hour each week. Tutoring takes place at Hampton Roads Title I Elementary schools usually inside of an LEC funded Technology and Literacy computer labs.
Mentoring Programs
Administration Volunteer Opportunities
Provides academic assistance to eligible high school students who show promise for success in education beyond high school The Program is offered to ninth through twelfth grade students who reside in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Selected students shall show potential for success in a two or four-year college, but because of inadequate educational preparation, admission to such an institute would be difficult without the benefit of Upward Bound.
Provides academic assistance to eligible high school students who show promise for success in education beyond high school The Program is offered to ninth through twelfth grade students who reside in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Selected students shall show potential for success in a two or four-year college, but because of inadequate educational preparation, admission to such an institute would be difficult without the benefit of Upward Bound.
Mentoring Programs
Tutoring Services
Teenagers who are pregnant or parenting their first newborn are eligible to receive adult mentoring services from women who have raised children of their own. Mentors reinforce basic health education related to pregnancy and parenting such as nutrition, infant growth and development, coping skills, and the importance of receiving health care services for themselves and for their infants. Resource Mothers help young parent(s) keep medical appointments, develop plans for the baby's care, stay in school or continue working, delay repeat pregnancies until adulthood, and solve the myriad of day to day problems involved in being a new parent.
Teenagers who are pregnant or parenting their first newborn are eligible to receive adult mentoring services from women who have raised children of their own. Mentors reinforce basic health education related to pregnancy and parenting such as nutrition, infant growth and development, coping skills, and the importance of receiving health care services for themselves and for their infants. Resource Mothers help young parent(s) keep medical appointments, develop plans for the baby's care, stay in school or continue working, delay repeat pregnancies until adulthood, and solve the myriad of day to day problems involved in being a new parent.
Neonatal Care
Postpartum Care
Mentoring Programs
Higher Grounds mentoring program empowers youth to develop the necessary skills and abilities required to maximize their opportunities for personal growth and productive citizenship. Higher Grounds provide school based, academic, therapeutic, and group mentoring based on personal need and development.
Youth are connected to current community resources aimed particularly at the development and improvement of character and competency. Providing the basic skills needed to transition into adulthood through education, skills training, exposure to different cultural ideas, and the building of confidence.
Higher Grounds mentoring program empowers youth to develop the necessary skills and abilities required to maximize their opportunities for personal growth and productive citizenship. Higher Grounds provide school based, academic, therapeutic, and group mentoring based on personal need and development.
Youth are connected to current community resources aimed particularly at the development and improvement of character and competency. Providing the basic skills needed to transition into adulthood through education, skills training, exposure to different cultural ideas, and the building of confidence.
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mentoring Programs
Provides diverse activities that meets the interests of youth. Five core program areas of the club are character and leadership; education and career development; the arts; health and life skills; and sports, recreation and fitness.
Provides diverse activities that meets the interests of youth. Five core program areas of the club are character and leadership; education and career development; the arts; health and life skills; and sports, recreation and fitness.
Boys/Girls Clubs
Mentoring Programs
Offers unique Scouting programs are designed to meet the needs of youth and their parents, by offering fun and challenging adventures that children and their parents do together. Programs offer youth the opportunity to learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects, and community service.
Cub Scouting is the program for elementary school aged youth. This program teaches youth about their family and community.
Scouts BSA is for middle/high school youth. This program features leadership development and life skills.
Venturing/Sea Scouting/Exploring are for high school and young adults to explore high adventure, leadership development, career exploration and have fun.
Offers unique Scouting programs are designed to meet the needs of youth and their parents, by offering fun and challenging adventures that children and their parents do together. Programs offer youth the opportunity to learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects, and community service.
Cub Scouting is the program for elementary school aged youth. This program teaches youth about their family and community.
Scouts BSA is for middle/high school youth. This program features leadership development and life skills.
Venturing/Sea Scouting/Exploring are for high school and young adults to explore high adventure, leadership development, career exploration and have fun.
Scouting Programs
Mentoring Programs
A center and community based program for people with intellectual disabilities that serves ages 12 years through adulthood. Provides supports, as identified in Individual Support Plans, to increase socialization, adaptive skills, communication, and more through the use of community resources (field trips, volunteer opportunities, etc) and center-based activities (arts and crafts, personal hygiene education, horticulture, etc.).
A center and community based program for people with intellectual disabilities that serves ages 12 years through adulthood. Provides supports, as identified in Individual Support Plans, to increase socialization, adaptive skills, communication, and more through the use of community resources (field trips, volunteer opportunities, etc) and center-based activities (arts and crafts, personal hygiene education, horticulture, etc.).
Life Skills Education
Adult Day Programs
Mentoring Programs
Respite Care
Mentoring program for youth where high school athletes serve as mentors to elementary students. Team building, cooperation, getting along with others and the importance of staying in school are areas focused on during the mentoring. Sports skills are also taught.
Mentoring program for youth where high school athletes serve as mentors to elementary students. Team building, cooperation, getting along with others and the importance of staying in school are areas focused on during the mentoring. Sports skills are also taught.
Mentoring Programs
Provides a program where undergraduate women are paired with local middle school girls to work on enhancing leadership skills. All mentors are trained and commit to the program for one year. Optional service projects are planned monthly for mentor pairs who will continue past 1 year.
Provides a program where undergraduate women are paired with local middle school girls to work on enhancing leadership skills. All mentors are trained and commit to the program for one year. Optional service projects are planned monthly for mentor pairs who will continue past 1 year.
Mentoring Programs
Hermanos y Hermanas Mayores One-To-One mentoring program provides carefully screened, caring adult mentors who understand the Latino to Latino children, 7-18 years old, mostly from single-parent homes.
Hermanos y Hermanas Mayores One-To-One mentoring program provides carefully screened, caring adult mentors who understand the Latino to Latino children, 7-18 years old, mostly from single-parent homes.
Mentoring Programs
Provides a youth organization whose mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to develop the qualities and skills needed to become responsible citizens and leaders.
Provides a youth organization whose mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to develop the qualities and skills needed to become responsible citizens and leaders.
Mentoring Programs
Boys/Girls Clubs
Thrive is a long-term mentoring program and not an immediate financial assistance program. Individuals enrolled in the program may receive direct financial support with rent, mortgage, or utilities if it aligns with their goals, or if urgency occurs for them while in the program. To receive housing relief, individuals must actively be in the program and complete certain steps.*
Thrive is a long-term mentoring program and not an immediate financial assistance program. Individuals enrolled in the program may receive direct financial support with rent, mortgage, or utilities if it aligns with their goals, or if urgency occurs for them while in the program. To receive housing relief, individuals must actively be in the program and complete certain steps.*
Mentoring Programs
Personal Financial Counseling
Offers education, mentoring, and counseling for teens (10-19 years) and young adults (20-29 years) on the benefits of waiting until marriage to conceive a child to ensure healthy, happy families. Promotes self-esteem, healthy relationships, male responsibility, and abstinence plus contraception education through creative strategies using media campaigns, direct intervention, and public forums. Goal is to reduce the incidence of non-marital births without increasing the incidence of abortions.
Offers education, mentoring, and counseling for teens (10-19 years) and young adults (20-29 years) on the benefits of waiting until marriage to conceive a child to ensure healthy, happy families. Promotes self-esteem, healthy relationships, male responsibility, and abstinence plus contraception education through creative strategies using media campaigns, direct intervention, and public forums. Goal is to reduce the incidence of non-marital births without increasing the incidence of abortions.
Mentoring Programs
Family Planning
Provides a youth organization whose mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to develop the qualities and skills needed to become responsible citizens and leaders. Call to seek more information about regular programs offered.
Provides a youth organization whose mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to develop the qualities and skills needed to become responsible citizens and leaders. Call to seek more information about regular programs offered.
Mentoring Programs
Boys/Girls Clubs
Provides young ladies with opportunities to address issues concerning the transition from girlhood to womanhood through workshops, activities and guest-speakers.
Provides young ladies with opportunities to address issues concerning the transition from girlhood to womanhood through workshops, activities and guest-speakers.
Mentoring Programs
Provides supplemental educational services to the children, aged 3-21, of current and former migrant farm workers and highly mobile agricultural laborers. Services offered are assistance enrolling in school, mentoring and tutoring support and arrangements, including transportation and Spanish/English interpretation, for appointments that directly affect a child's education or well-being. The Shenandoah Valley Migrant Education Program (MEP) serves the public school systems in the cities of Harrisonburg and Winchester and the counties of Clarke, Frederick, Fauquier, Loudoun, Page, Prince William, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah and Warren. Our team includes 5 year-round, bilingual (Spanish/English) Migrant Student Advocates, several work-study student employees and over 20 trained volunteer tutors.
Provides supplemental educational services to the children, aged 3-21, of current and former migrant farm workers and highly mobile agricultural laborers. Services offered are assistance enrolling in school, mentoring and tutoring support and arrangements, including transportation and Spanish/English interpretation, for appointments that directly affect a child's education or well-being. The Shenandoah Valley Migrant Education Program (MEP) serves the public school systems in the cities of Harrisonburg and Winchester and the counties of Clarke, Frederick, Fauquier, Loudoun, Page, Prince William, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah and Warren. Our team includes 5 year-round, bilingual (Spanish/English) Migrant Student Advocates, several work-study student employees and over 20 trained volunteer tutors.
Mentoring Programs
Tutoring Services
Literacy Programs
Big Brothers Big Sisters matches children from single parent homes with caring adults who serve as role models. School mentoring offered - one to one.
Big Brothers Big Sisters matches children from single parent homes with caring adults who serve as role models. School mentoring offered - one to one.
Mentoring Programs
Gabriel Project - provides mentoring for pregnant women and mothers of infants. Provides maternity and baby clothing, baby furniture and supplies, as available from donations.
Gabriel Project - provides mentoring for pregnant women and mothers of infants. Provides maternity and baby clothing, baby furniture and supplies, as available from donations.
Mentoring Programs
Maternity Clothing
Baby Clothing
Provides a safe and drug-free environment for teens with adult supervision. Activities include dances, homework assistance, mentoring, board games, sports, clubs, community service projects and computer and internet access.
Provides a safe and drug-free environment for teens with adult supervision. Activities include dances, homework assistance, mentoring, board games, sports, clubs, community service projects and computer and internet access.
Recreational Activities/Sports
Mentoring Programs
Provides a mentoring program for 12th grade boys. Meetings include dinner, discussion, and recreation. Spiritual matters, community service, leadership development, and vocational enrichment are the focus. Annual CCDA Youth Conference trip in August if enough interest.
Provides a mentoring program for 12th grade boys. Meetings include dinner, discussion, and recreation. Spiritual matters, community service, leadership development, and vocational enrichment are the focus. Annual CCDA Youth Conference trip in August if enough interest.
Mentoring Programs
Big Buddies is a school based mentoring program which matches adult mentors with children in elementary and middle schools throughout the region. Volunteers spend one hour per week during the school year.
Big Buddies is a school based mentoring program which matches adult mentors with children in elementary and middle schools throughout the region. Volunteers spend one hour per week during the school year.
Mentoring Programs
Serves more than 20,000 girls and 7,000 volunteers from Southwest Virginia to North Georgia. The Four Program Goals serve as the foundation for all of the materials, activities and initiatives that are developed under the auspices of Girl Scouting. They are as follows: 1. Girls will develop to their full potential. 2. Girls will relate to others with increasing understanding, skill and respect. 3. Girls will develop a meaningful set of values to guide their actions and to provide a foundation for sound decision making. 4. Girls will contribute to the improvement of society through the use of their abilities and leadership skills, working in cooperation with others.
Serves more than 20,000 girls and 7,000 volunteers from Southwest Virginia to North Georgia. The Four Program Goals serve as the foundation for all of the materials, activities and initiatives that are developed under the auspices of Girl Scouting. They are as follows: 1. Girls will develop to their full potential. 2. Girls will relate to others with increasing understanding, skill and respect. 3. Girls will develop a meaningful set of values to guide their actions and to provide a foundation for sound decision making. 4. Girls will contribute to the improvement of society through the use of their abilities and leadership skills, working in cooperation with others.
Scouting Programs
Mentoring Programs
Resource Mothers is an in-home visiting program. It matches experienced mothers with pregnant teenagers to help provide guidance as they make the adjustment to motherhood.
Resource Mothers is an in-home visiting program. It matches experienced mothers with pregnant teenagers to help provide guidance as they make the adjustment to motherhood.
Mentoring Programs
Parenting Education
Makes a difference in the lives of children who are seriously emotionally disturbed by providing a positive and caring role model, known as a mentor, who spends quality time finding a child's strengths and building on them. Mentors also teach social skills, anger management, and much more while also working with parents, and assisting with school-related challenges.
Makes a difference in the lives of children who are seriously emotionally disturbed by providing a positive and caring role model, known as a mentor, who spends quality time finding a child's strengths and building on them. Mentors also teach social skills, anger management, and much more while also working with parents, and assisting with school-related challenges.
Guidance and Counseling
Mentoring Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Positive Action is for elementary students to focus on "feeling good" about themselves.
Project Aim is for ages 11-14 and provides them with the motivation to make safe choices to address deeper barriers to sexual risk prevention such as hopelessness, poverty, and risk opportunities in low-income environments. The children and youth who participate in these programs develop self-esteem, learn to make wise choices for themselves and focus on the importance of others.
The TOP (Teen Outreach Program), is an evidence based national program using leadership development classes and community service learning to lead teens toward productive decisions and positive behaviors. Leadership development topics include: self esteem, communication, values, goal setting, decision making, conflict resolution, relationships, and health education. This program takes place at 13 different partner locations and is for middle and high school students.
Positive Action is for elementary students to focus on "feeling good" about themselves.
Project Aim is for ages 11-14 and provides them with the motivation to make safe choices to address deeper barriers to sexual risk prevention such as hopelessness, poverty, and risk opportunities in low-income environments. The children and youth who participate in these programs develop self-esteem, learn to make wise choices for themselves and focus on the importance of others.
The TOP (Teen Outreach Program), is an evidence based national program using leadership development classes and community service learning to lead teens toward productive decisions and positive behaviors. Leadership development topics include: self esteem, communication, values, goal setting, decision making, conflict resolution, relationships, and health education. This program takes place at 13 different partner locations and is for middle and high school students.
Volunteer Development
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mentoring Programs