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Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Administers and implements public assistance to eligible clients. Benefits: Auxiliary Grant Program, Emergency Assistance (TANF-EA), Energy Assistance, Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS), Medicaid, SNAP, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).
Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) connects Fairfax County residents to county- and community-based services and resources that can assist county residents with a variety of needs and provide information and referral. Provides general information on county programs and/or community-based resources to fulfill more pressing needs such as emergency food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, employment or financial assistance and other essential needs.
Provides hospital and medical insurance for people aged sixty-five and older; and for disabled individuals younger than sixty-five.
Administer all programs under Social Security Administration.


Burial Benefits
Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Disability Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Survivors Insurance
Disability Benefits
Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Offers aging & disability services, information and referral resources including Adult Day Care, Home-delivered Meals, Senior Centers, assistance with understanding Medicare, and other long term care insurance, help enrolling in Medicare D, Medicaid and Advocacy.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Benefits Screening
Available to assist families completing applications to provide health insurance for their children.
No Wrong Door is a virtual single point of entry for accessing public and private health and human supports for older adults and adults with disabilities. The vision of No Wrong Door in Virginia is to provide older adults and adults with disabilities with comprehensive information and streamlined access to available long term supports through collaborative partnerships and shared technology.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Benefits Screening
Area Agencies on Aging
Works with families and pregnant mothers to complete and track the applications for Medicaid and FAMIS services.
Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus waiver screening: Assessments in the home or community setting for Medicaid funded long term care. For eligibility and scheduling information call (757)385-3550 for adults and call 757-518-2762 for children. Follow-up information, call (757)518-2762.
Provides health insurance for the aged, disability, retirement and survivors insurance and other financial aid programs.


Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Survivors Insurance
Disability Benefits
Healthcare and benefits assistance for recently discharged veterans with service in a theater of combat operations.
NO WRONG DOOR SITE - Provides quality services and opportunities to enhance the dignity and independence of older persons and promotes their continued contributions to the community. Responds to needs of the elderly populations in the Northern Shenandoah Valley Region through planning, coordinating and administering the following services: Insurance Counseling program, Senior Transportation, Senior Center Programs, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals, Cooling Assistance, Utility Assistance, Group Respite Day Care Programs, In-Home Personal Care and Homemaker Services, Case Management, Information and Referral, Long-term Care Ombudsman Program.


Specialized Information and Referral
Benefits Screening
Area Agencies on Aging
This screening tool provides a preliminary screening for financial assistance programs administered by the Virginia Department of Social Services. It does not confirm actual eligibility. For a final determination, you must complete an application for benefits and be interviewed at your local department of social services. An online application for most programs is also available at the website. People with existing cases with the Department of Social Services may also access information about their cases through the website. (https://commonhelp.virginia.gov/access/).
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Survivors Insurance
Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Web-based program that allows Virginians to: * Screen for eligibility for Department of Social Services (DSS) benefits & services * Apply for benefits & services (including renewals) * Check status of benefits * Report changes to status * Access help 24/7 Provides ability to submit one application for assistance from multiple programs: * TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families * SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program * MA Medical Assistance * EA Energy Assistance * Child Care * Callers with Internet access - Provide with website address above * Callers without Internet access - Determine whether they meet income eligibility requirements listed below. If no, do not proceed to CommonHelp. If yes, may be eligible for assistance. Proceed to steps below. * Access CommonHelp website and perform eligibility pre-screening * When completed, inform caller whether may/may not be eligible * DO NOT complete application for caller * Refer caller to local Department of Social Services for further information * Enter contact as referrals for: CommonHelp, DSS-Specific Service (TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, etc.) and provide additional referrals as needed.