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Administer all programs under Social Security Administration.


Disability Benefits
Burial Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Provides hospital and medical insurance for people aged sixty-five and older; and for disabled individuals younger than sixty-five.
SSI provides monthly payments to people with disabilities and older adults who have little or no income or resources.
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information. Main office Charlottesville: (866) 613-3959 For the Toll-free National number, please call (800)772-1213. For Medicare Information, please call (800)633-4227.


Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Benefits Screening
Retirement Benefits
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information.


Disability Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Survivors Insurance
Retirement Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Social Security Numbers
Disability Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information.


Disability Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Burial Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Benefits Screening
Provide social security and supplemental security income payments, Medicare, information, literature - available free. Purpose is administration of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Programs.


Disability Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. SSI payments are also made to people age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Disability Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Survivors Insurance
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Disability Benefits
Survivors Insurance
Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.


Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information.


Retirement Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Disability Benefits
Survivors Insurance
Operates a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues. Services are designed to help senior citizens, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income. Provides financial assistance to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
Operates a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues. Services are designed to help senior citizens, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income. Provides financial assistance to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. For assistance, please call: Social Security Winchester: (866) 365-3035 Social Security National Headquarters: (800) 772-1213 Social Security Fraud Hotline: (800) 269-0271


Retirement Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Disability Benefits
SSI gives cash assistance to people with limited income and resources who are age 65 or older, blind or disabled. Children with disabilities can get SSI, too.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Disability Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.


Retirement Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Disability Benefits