
Social Security - Winchester, Social Security Administration

Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. For assistance, please call: Social Security Winchester: (866) 365-3035 Social Security National Headquarters: (800) 772-1213 Social Security Fraud Hotline: (800) 269-0271

Physical Address

323 Hope Drive, Winchester, VA 22601


(833) 950-2296


(833) 950-2296

Application process

Self-referral. Written application, birth verification, Social Security card & proof of U.S. Citizenship required

Service area

Winchester, VA Frederick, VA

Agency info

Social Security Administration Winchester

Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. Clients may not apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information. For assistance, please call: Social Security Winchester: (866) 365-3035 Social Security National Headquarters: (800) 772-1213 Social Security Fraud Hotline: (800) 269-0271