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WorkSource Enterprises also has a contract to work with students with disabilities at Charlottesville High School to find and maintain employment in the community and volunteer opportunities.
Project SEARCH: Carilion Clinic is a one year program that provides education and on-site training to prepare youth with disabilities to be work ready upon graduation from high school. The program, which serves as a workforce alternative for students in their last year of high school, is located at a community health-care facility, Carilion Clinic. Students participating in Project SEARCH: Carilion Clinic report each day to the host business, learn employability skills in the classroom, and job skills while participating in three unpaid internships during the year. Students actively participate in defining their career goal and planning the necessary steps to achieve that goal. Students also have the added benefit of learning life skills, such as utilizing public transportation, to report to work sites. The ultimate goal, upon program completion, is to have the skills necessary to obtain competitive employment. Students are chosen for the program by a selection committee made up of individuals from the organizations involved in the Project SEARCH: Carilion Clinic collaboration including the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and local school systems. The Down Syndrome Association of Roanoke generously provided the funds to cover startup costs for the program.
Offers employment assistance to young people between the ages of 17-24. Maintains employer contacts and job leads. Refers clients to appropriate job openings. Provides competency-based training, education and employment search skills in many locations throughout Northern Virginia. Offers career planning including financial aid search assistance for post-high school education.
The Youth Career Center (YCCHR) provides career exploration, job preparation, and financial literacy education to youth ages 14-24. Services are provided through on-site group tours, scheduled workshops or programs, and to individuals on a walk-in basis. Additionally, the YCCHR hosts recruitment events on behalf of local employers.
Provides a Youth Employment Program (YEP). Each summer, the Highland Center gives local teenagers actual work experience by placing them with area businesses and organizations. YEP recipients also receive job and life skills training throughout the year. This latter portion of the program is available even to youth who are too young to take part in a work experience. The Highland Center also partners with other organizations to provide job opportunities for out of school youth, ages 18 to 24
Youth Work Experience Coaches to Ensure Success The Goodwill Youth Work Experience program provides work experience and vocational activities to youth, ages 14 to 21, who are economically disadvantaged and at-risk. The program focuses on areas such as developing work maturity skills, writing a resume, interview skills, problem solving skills, and support services. Youth are referred to the Youth Work Experience program by community and state agencies or the local school systems. The program is funded through the Children's Services Act (CSA) and local or state government. The Youth Work Experience program provides: Paid work experience Transportation Leadership development Supportive services Occupational training skills Follow-up services Benefits of the Program Work within the home community leads to understanding of the importance of giving back. Referral from appropriate agency ensures program outcomes match with youth's needs. Provided transportation ensures participation. Paid community work experience is an educational stipend. Four to one ratio ensures personalized attention. Services are provided as needed in a variety of community settings at times that are agreeable to the youth and his/her family.


Youth Employment Programs
Vocational Education
Guidance and Counseling
Provides a summer employment program, Teens at Work, to enable young teens to work at area businesses and non-profits. We provide job experience, vocational training, and incentives.
Offers employment services and teaches interviewing skills and resume preparation. Service includes locating training and employment in a variety of fields. Offers access to employment resources including computers for self-directed job searches. Offers a variety of job preparation and career exploration workshops, GED preparation and training through books & videos available to use on site. Provides both subsidized and unsubsidized job placements and transportation to interviews.
Provide education, training, and employment opportunities. Services include: job coaching, occupational skills training, tutoring and instruction leading to completion of secondary school, alternative school services, summer employment opportunities, paid and unpaid work experience including job shadowing and internships, leadership development opportunities, supportive services such as transportation and childcare, mentoring, and follow-up services.
Comprehensive, objective assessments of academic levels, skill levels, aptitudes/interests and service needs. Individual Service Strategies (IAA) for each participant, including educational, developmental and career goals. Provide opportunities for: basic skills training, tutoring, work maturity skills, career exploration, drop out prevention, leadership development, social sills development, post secondary education, paid/unpaid employment experiences - including internship and job shadowing, mentoring, job search referral to supportive services. Eligibility: meet income requirements and ONE of the following: deficient in basic literacy skills, school dropout, homeless, runaway, foster child, pregnant, parenting, offender.
Goodwill's School to Work Adjustment Program allows high school students, between the ages of 16 and 22 with a disability, to safely explore the work world and prepare for the future during the students' regular school hours. Students are referred by school administration and teachers. School staff, parents, and Goodwill work together to ensure that the program is the best option for the student given their skill level and capabilities.
Youth ages 16-24, who needs help with job applications, resume writing, interviewing and other work readiness skills.