Youth Employment - Lynchburg, Virginia Career Works Central Region Youth Program, Central Virginia Workforce Development Board
Comprehensive, objective assessments of academic levels, skill levels, aptitudes/interests and service needs. Individual Service Strategies (IAA) for each participant, including educational, developmental and career goals. Provide opportunities for: basic skills training, tutoring, work maturity skills, career exploration, drop out prevention, leadership development, social sills development, post secondary education, paid/unpaid employment experiences - including internship and job shadowing, mentoring, job search referral to supportive services. Eligibility: meet income requirements and ONE of the following: deficient in basic literacy skills, school dropout, homeless, runaway, foster child, pregnant, parenting, offender.
Physical Address
3125 Odd Fellows Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501
(434) 455-5942
Application process
Call (434) 455-5940 and press 5 to speak with our youth career navigators
Service area
Lynchburg, VA Appomattox, VA Amherst, VA Bedford, VA Campbell, VA
Agency info
Central Virginia Workforce Development Board
Our services are offered at our job center site, Virginia Career Works Lynchburg Center, 3125 Odd Fellows Rd., Lynchburg VA 24501. This agency coordinates workforce development efforts in the region.