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EPSDT is a comprehensive and preventive child health program that includes periodic screening, vision, dental, and hearing services.


Pediatric Evaluation
Dental Care
Eye Care
Offers a Service club to assist the visually handicapped with eye exams and glasses
VEI offers free cataract surgery to people who do not have insurance (including Medicare or Medicaid) and do not have the financial means to pay for cataract surgery.
Sight and Hearing Conservation - Provide eye and hearing exams, eyeglasses and hearing aids for indigent persons. Collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for recycling. Sight and Hearing Van - Conduct hearing, sight and glaucoma test free. Leader Dog School - Club sponsors eligible blind people to attend the Leader Dog School in Rochester, MI.
Provides infants and children with visual disabilities, their families and teachers with technical assistance and support to help them during the child's development and educational process. Staff provide technical assistance for evaluation, program planning, curriculum modification, transition programs, information about blindness, and adaptive equipment.


Braille Instruction
Eye Care
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Training
Offers eyeglasses to the financially needy. Client must be unable to receive glasses from a public program, and be unable to afford the full fee for glasses. Requests client pay part of the cost if possible. Appointment required.
Adults may get free eye exams and glasses by contacting the Culpeper County Social Services Department to get an appointment to complete the application to see if they meet our needs requirement. This application will be sent to us for a decision. If an adult needs a hearing aid the same process is followed.


Eye Care
Assistive Technology Equipment
Hearing Screening
New Eyes provides new prescription eyeglasses for low income individuals across the U.S. (two pairs for each child; one pair for adults; every 12 months).
A full-time private low vision rehabilitation center.
The Board of Optometry at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: Optometrist-Non TPA, Professional Designation, Optometrist-TPA Certified. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Eye Care
Consumer Protection Agencies
Provides low vision examinations, available by appointment, to maximize use of residual vision for those who cannot see with conventional glasses. Preliminary assessment, and follow-up counseling and training programs in the home or school setting are aimed at ensuring that maximum benefit is gained from the low vision (20/70)optical aids prescribed. Examiners are located throughout Virginia.


Assistive Technology Training
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides visual examination, corrective and laser surgery, treatment and diagnosis for ophthalmic diseases, visual eye education including glaucoma and diabetes as it relates to the eyes, community education programs and health fairs-many include free screenings.
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation. Provides assistive devices for hearing or sight impaired individuals who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations. (Social Services also has applications for eye glasses)
Offers a variety of programs and services for people with low vision, including examinations and personalized rehabilitation programs.
A civic club which is service oriented with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Primary purpose is to buy hearing aids and glasses and help residents of Spotsylvania County receive free eye examinations.


Assistive Technology Equipment
Medical Expense Assistance
Eye Care
Provides assistive devices to individuals with sight and hearing impairment(s) who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations.


Eye Care
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Civic Groups
Hearing Screening
Offers a civic club that helps low income individuals obtain eye exams, prescription glasses and hearing aids.


Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
Health education, supportive services and financial assistance within the financial capabilities/limitations of the club to aid individuals who are blind or deaf.


Eye Care
Eye Screening
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Offers a variety of programs and services for people with low vision, including examinations and personalized rehabilitation programs.
FFB offers information and referral services for affected individuals and their families as well as for doctors and eye care professionals.
Provides evaluation services to determine eligibility including eye, hearing and general medical and other evaluations as needed. Individualized programs are developed to assist visually impaired individuals with obtaining or retaining employment. Offers a variety of services, including, but not limited to, vocational evaluation and training; eye surgery and/or eye treatment; adaptive equipment, rehabilitation engineering services to modify training/job sites; counseling; supported employment services; job placement and follow-up services.


Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Assessment
Eye Care
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides financial assistance to help persons with vision impairment or blindness receive the assistive technology, treatment, and devices they need. Provides assistance with eye care and eyeglasses to people in need.


Medical Expense Assistance
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
Conducts low vision evaluations and recommends assistive devices including telescopes, magnifiers, and telescopic lenses. Recommends accommodations to reduce eyestrain or enhance vision. Also refers clients for rehabilitation, counseling, and medical services, if necessary. The evaluation also includes educating the patient, family and other care providers on low vision enhancement techniques and resources.