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Provide diagnostic evaluations as well as a variety of evidence-based services that support families and their children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related challenges. Increase Helpful Behaviors with ABA Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a proven approach that focuses on increasing behaviors that are helpful and decreasing behaviors that are harmful or interfere with learning. VIA's Outpatient Behavioral Services team delivers ABA services in two ways: Build Skills for Daycare, Preschool, or Kindergarten with Early Intervention (ages 2 to 6) Help Children Succeed in Their Local Schools with Intensive School-Based Intervention (ages 5 to 22) Outpatient psychological services include psychological assessments for a variety of developmental and emotional concerns, parent support and coaching, social skills and emotional regulation groups, and therapy for children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD, other neurodevelopmental disorders, and related mood disorders. Speech therapy offers evaluation and treatment of varied communication disorders aimed at increasing clients' communication and independence while focusing on individual strengths and interests. Services are provided at the outpatient clinic and often include family training and consultation.
Psychiatric residential treatment provider for adolescents and young adults who are diagnosed with an intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder. Adolescents and young adults dually diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability and an Axis I diagnosis; or adolescents and young adults dually diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Autism and Aspergers) and an Axis I diagnosis.


Autism Therapy
Residential Treatment Facilities
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Connections ABA & Family Support Services Provides home-based and clinic-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children and adolescents under the age of 21 who demonstrate significant impairment in adaptive functioning that is related to either developmental delays or other health conditions.


Home Based Mental Health Services
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Crisis Intervention
Autism Therapy
Mental Health Screening
Connections ABA & Family Support Services Provides home-based and clinic-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children and adolescents under the age of 21 who demonstrate significant impairment in adaptive functioning that is related to either developmental delays or other health conditions.


Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Screening
Autism Therapy
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Connections ABA & Family Support Services Provides home-based and clinic-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children and adolescents under the age of 21 who demonstrate significant impairment in adaptive functioning that is related to either developmental delays or other health conditions.


Mental Health Screening
Autism Therapy
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Day Support for Children provides a structured program for individuals with a diagnosed intellectual disability and/or autism, covered by the Medicaid Waiver. The after-school program caters to each child's needs working inside of the school's Individualized Education Program and Individual Service Plan. Participants have the opportunity to engage in skill enhancement activities, socialization with peers, therapeutic recreation such as arts and crafts, music, and physical activity, and field trips focused on community integration. Individual choice is encouraged throughout all aspects of programming. Personal care assistance and nutritional meals and snacks are provided. To best serve each child, staff-to-client ratio will not exceed 1:4.
Provides services to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a clinical setting; supports families with ASD by increasing knowledge of the disorder and its evidence-based treatments; increase awareness of ASD at the community level Services include: clinical consultations; home consultations; school observations; classes for parents, students and professionals about Autism and ABA; program coordination; supervision of full and part time home based programs; resource and referral services and individual education program (IEP) development.
Connections ABA & Family Support Services Provides home-based and clinic-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children and adolescents under the age of 21 who demonstrate significant impairment in adaptive functioning that is related to either developmental delays or other health conditions.


Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Screening
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Home Based Mental Health Services
General Counseling Services
Autism Therapy
Connections ABA & Family Support Services Provides home-based and clinic-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children and adolescents under the age of 21 who demonstrate significant impairment in adaptive functioning that is related to either developmental delays or other health conditions.


Home Based Mental Health Services
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Mental Health Screening
Autism Therapy
Provides a place dedicated to serving children with special needs. Children between the ages of birth through 21 come to the CDRC from all over the state, throughout the nation and internationally. Many families come to find out why their child is having difficulties walking, talking, learning, eating or experiencing behavior problems.
Day school for autistic children using one-on-one instruction utilizing the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Technique with positive reinforcements. Qualified and licensed to serve people with autism, ages 3-21. Educational programs and behavioral intervention strategies are developed with our Behavior consultant to meet the individual needs of each person. Emphasizes a strong focus on communication, socialization, and adaptive living skills.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Private Schools
Student Disability Services
Autism Therapy
The Dominion Care ABA Therapy and Education Center provides a play-based ABA curriculum designed for children ages 2-6 with autism and related disorders. Individualized instruction is provided in a variety of settings by behavior therapists supervised by a BCBA and a licensed special education teacher. Each child receives intensive communication training as well as instruction in social, classroom, and daily living skills. Individualized parent support is provided and wrap around home support is offered for generalization of skills.
The Autism Spectrum Program (ASP) provides services for children who have moderate to severe symptoms of autism, and to children who have communication disorders combined with problems in relating.
Provides clinical and educational services. VIA currently provides the following services: The James C. Hormel School is a year-round, day-school program licensed to serve students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 2 and 22. Provides students with a comprehensive education and clinical program designed to address the core symptoms of autism and related learning issues. A multidisciplinary faculty develops individualized education programs for each student. Students receive daily one-on-one instruction from instructors, as well as supervision from an Behavior Analyst. Students' parents and caregivers receive additional support and training to implement practices in the home. In addition, families are supported by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who helps families and caregivers access additional support and community resources. The Outpatient Behavioral Services program provides evidence-based behavioral therapies designed to address the continuum of needs exhibited by children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Services are designed to address the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder along with many of the associated challenges. Depending upon a client's needs, behavior therapy is provided in their homes, communities, and/or VIA's specialized clinic. In addition to individual therapy, the Outpatient Behavioral Services program provides social skills training groups, summer camps, parent and caregiver coaching, and a number of workshops/continuing education events for health care practitioners, educators and child care providers. The Academy is designed to provide adults with autism spectrum disorder a variety of continuing education opportunities and behavioral supports. The Academy provides a continuum of life-long supports designed to meet the variety of needs adults across the autism spectrum may experience. The Academy is comprised of three colleges: College of Life Skills, College of Business and Entrepreneurship, and the College of Health and Well-being. Adult students in the Academy take a variety of courses designed to teach independent living skills, gaining and maintain meaningful employment, and how to live healthy lifestyles. In addition, the College of Health and Well-being offers behavior consultation services. Behavior consultation services consist of intensive, evidence-based assessment and treatment services to address behavior challenges and provide on-going therapeutic support. Highly-trained licensed staff members use person-centered planning techniques with each client to emphasize individual preferences and strengths. Behavior consultation services are designed to assist adults with autism with accessing and maintaining skills taught at the Academy.
Psychological Services Center (PSC) is a comprehensive community based counseling center. We provide a full range of individual and family counseling services geared towards providing affordable and professional mental health care for children and adolescents. We also provide state of the art assessments and treatments for children, adolescents and adults that may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, learning disorder, autism. We provide both short- and long-term therapy on an outpatient basis. The Clinic provides Assessment through diagnostic and psychological evaluations for infants/toddlers, children, adolescents, and adults who are suspected to have an Autism Spectrum Disorder, including Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS.


Autism Therapy
General Counseling Services
Parent Counseling
Pediatric Evaluation
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides information, referrals and support for family members and others affected by autism. Offers monthly meetings, website with monthly newsletter, social activities, and seminars for those who are newly diagnosed.


Disease/Disability Information
Specialized Information and Referral
Autism Therapy
Promotes the creation of social, recreational, and vocational programs designed to meet needs of individuals with autism. Currently, activities offered include monthly socials, a day camp over spring break, and Camp Gonnawannagoagain, a summer day camp experience for children and teens with autism.
The Winchester campus provides special education services for children with autism and other developmental disabilities at the Elm Street location and the Ruth Birch center. Also provide community-based group homes for children and adults with autism and an intellectual disability. Applied behavior analysis services are also available and are provided by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.


Autism Therapy
Special Education
Residential Treatment Facilities
The school provides services on-site from early intervention through school age and intensive programming for children and young adults diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. In addition, the school offers a variety of consultative services, including home-program support, school consultation, after-care and summer programs and community workshops.
Provides a mutual support group for professionals or those who have family members who have autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Asperger's Syndrome, or any related disorder. Various lectures, workshops, lending library of books, articles, audio and videotapes, information packets, resource information, social outings, and a newsletter are among the services provided.


Autism Therapy
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
A statewide resource center dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Through integrative research, outreach and collaborative initiatives, VARC promotes and facilitates best practices for those diagnosed within the autism spectrum.
Provides outpatient mental health services including counseling for individuals, families, adolescents, and children. Also offers marriage, substance abuse, bereavement, sexual, Autism, and anger management counseling.


General Counseling Services
Autism Therapy
Psychiatric Day Treatment
BreakThru Services is ABA services empower children, helping them surmount behavioral hurdles and excel in social, educational, and home environments.