
Day School - Charlottesville, James C. Hormel School, VIA Centers for Neurodevelopment

Provides clinical and educational services. VIA currently provides the following services: The James C. Hormel School is a year-round, day-school program licensed to serve students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 2 and 22. Provides students with a comprehensive education and clinical program designed to address the core symptoms of autism and related learning issues. A multidisciplinary faculty develops individualized education programs for each student. Students receive daily one-on-one instruction from instructors, as well as supervision from an Behavior Analyst. Students' parents and caregivers receive additional support and training to implement practices in the home. In addition, families are supported by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who helps families and caregivers access additional support and community resources. The Outpatient Behavioral Services program provides evidence-based behavioral therapies designed to address the continuum of needs exhibited by children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Services are designed to address the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder along with many of the associated challenges. Depending upon a client's needs, behavior therapy is provided in their homes, communities, and/or VIA's specialized clinic. In addition to individual therapy, the Outpatient Behavioral Services program provides social skills training groups, summer camps, parent and caregiver coaching, and a number of workshops/continuing education events for health care practitioners, educators and child care providers. The Academy is designed to provide adults with autism spectrum disorder a variety of continuing education opportunities and behavioral supports. The Academy provides a continuum of life-long supports designed to meet the variety of needs adults across the autism spectrum may experience. The Academy is comprised of three colleges: College of Life Skills, College of Business and Entrepreneurship, and the College of Health and Well-being. Adult students in the Academy take a variety of courses designed to teach independent living skills, gaining and maintain meaningful employment, and how to live healthy lifestyles. In addition, the College of Health and Well-being offers behavior consultation services. Behavior consultation services consist of intensive, evidence-based assessment and treatment services to address behavior challenges and provide on-going therapeutic support. Highly-trained licensed staff members use person-centered planning techniques with each client to emphasize individual preferences and strengths. Behavior consultation services are designed to assist adults with autism with accessing and maintaining skills taught at the Academy.

Physical Address

1414 Westwood Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903


(866) 309-9532


(434) 923-8566

Application process

Written application/specific documents required for some programs. Contact Gina Yoder at yodergl@earthlink.net.

Service area


Agency info

VIA Centers for Neurodevelopment

A non-profit organization that offers a year-round day-school, pediatric outpatient behavioral services, and adult day support and behavioral consultation services for people with autism. Provides other resources for families, educators and health professionals seeking services, training or information about autism and evidence based interventions. ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.