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Pregnant women are provided medical examinations; education regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors including nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise, and safety, and referrals to other agencies. Home visiting services, BabyCare and Resource Mothers, are offered to high-risk pregnant women.


Postpartum Care
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Provides health care for expectant mothers and their babies in order to give children the best possible start in life. Nurses work with expectant mothers of all ages; mothers expecting their first babies, and mothers expecting their fourth; mothers who are in their first trimester of pregnancy, and those who will delivery in a matter of weeks. Ensures that all pregnant women enrolled in the program are covered with health insurance through either Pregnant Medicaid or FAMIS Moms. Offers transportation to doctor appointments, nutrition education, infant care education, breastfeeding support with a lactation consultant, and referrals to area childbirth education classes.


Family Planning
Neonatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Childbirth Education
Maternity Care Pregnant women are provided medical examinations; education regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors including nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise, and safety; and referrals to other agencies. Case management services, BabyCare and Resource Mothers, are offered to high-risk pregnant women. Baby Care Registered Nurses, trained in maternal and child health, identify needs, provide clinical services, and coordinate support resources for pregnant women and their children up to age two.


Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Postpartum Care
Neonatal Care
Childbirth Education
Provides case management including identification of needs and coordination of resources for accessing appropriate and timely services to pregnant women and their children up to age two. Offers pregnancy tests, pregnancy related health education, and routine prenatal care visits.


Prenatal Care
Postpartum Care
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Pregnant women are provided medical examinations, education regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors including nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise, and safety, and referrals to other agencies. Offers case management including identification of needs and coordination of resources for accessing appropriate and timely services to pregnant women and their children until age two.


Postpartum Care
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
A home visiting, case management program providing nursing assessment, medical and social referrals for high risk pregnant women and infants up to the age of two.


Breastfeeding Support Programs
Neonatal Care
Postpartum Care
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Bon Secours Love and Learn parent education classes will guide parent through a healthy pregnancy, learn the basics of breastfeeding, soar through childbirth with confidence, create a safe and healthy environment for your child, and so much more. To register for the program go to: https://legacy.yomingo.com/BonSecoursMercyHealth/BonSecoursRichmondOnDemandPrenatalEducation_24748_684


Parenting Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Childbirth Education
An innovative midwife physician collaborative practice providing holistic maternity care services including prenatal, birth and postnatal care; breastfeeding assistance, and lifelong health care and education. Services currently offered: Women's health education; Breastfeeding education and support; Prenatal education. Now taking appointments for preconception visits, prenatal care, and routine gynecologic exams.


Preconception Care
Pap Tests
Prenatal Evaluation
Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Childbirth Education
The BabyCare program is a home-based program that fosters safe and healthy pregnancies and healthy babies by providing free education, care coordination, and support services from registered nurses to high-risk pregnant people and infants up to 24 months of age.


Prenatal Care
Postpartum Care
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Bon Secours Love and Learn parent education classes will guide parents through a healthy pregnancy, learn the basics of breastfeeding, soar through childbirth with confidence, create a safe and healthy environment for your child, and so much more. To register for the program go to https://legacy.yomingo.com/BonSecoursMercyHealth/BonSecoursRichmondOnDemandPrenatalEducation_24748_684


Breastfeeding Support Programs
Parenting Education
Childbirth Education
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Women's Health Pavilion offers a full range of services for mothers and babies - from the problem-free pregnancy to one that might be high-risk. SNGH offers private birthing rooms for labor and delivery and dedicated operating rooms for C-section deliveries. Special private post-partum rooms allow mothers the choice of having the baby with them in their room. A newborn nursery is available, as well as a 48-bed Special Care Nursery equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and staffed around the clock by board-certified neonatologists (specialists in newborn care) to care for our sickest babies.


Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Care
Postpartum Care
General Medical Care
Childbirth Education
A home visiting, case management program providing nursing assessment,and medical and social referrals for high risk pregnant women and infants up to the age of two.


Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Baby Care, Breast Feeding, Lamaze, Weekend Lamaze, Birth Center Tours, Sibling Class, Emergency Care for Infants & Children, Safe Sitter, Puberty Class, Infant Massage, and Osteoporosis. Call for information, location and fee.
An in home visiting program matches experienced mothers with pregnant teenagers to help provide guidance as they make the adjustment to motherhood. A free program for teens who are 19 years or younger, and who are pregnant or parenting for the first time. Resource Mothers help teen mothers: get early prenatal care avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs learn about Medicaid, WIC and other community services learn about child development and how to keep children safe develop plans for baby's care build parenting skills finish school obtain a GED and find or continue employment assist with creating a stable, nurturing


Neonatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Care
Postpartum Care
Operates a birthing center with private labor, delivery and recovery rooms. Features rooming-in for mother and baby, liberal visiting hours; intensive care nursery; high-risk pregnancy unit; and antenatal testing.


Postpartum Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Care
Prenatal Evaluation
Childbirth Education
Educates parents-to-be about newborn care, infant feeding and needs, pediatric care, adjustments to parenthood, newborn clothing and equipment, day care and newborn safety. Several classes are available, preparation for childbirth, breastfeeding, tour for expectant parents, and basics in baby care. Fees waived if on Medicaid or having financial difficulties. For information on any of our Parenting and Maternity Education Programs or to register, please call Health Connection at (434)654-7009 or toll free at 1-888-652-6663.


Parenting Education
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Bon Secours Love and Learn parent education classes will guide parent through a healthy pregnancy, learn the basics of breastfeeding, soar through childbirth with confidence, create a safe and healthy environment for your child, and so much more. To register for the program go to: https://legacy.yomingo.com/BonSecoursMercyHealth/BonSecoursRichmondOnDemandPrenatalEducation_24748_684


Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Parenting Education
Educate women, teens, and families in the areas of prenatal care, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding, infant care, child seat safety, reproductive health and hygiene. Provide support and supplies (diapers, formula, child safety seat) free to low income families.


Breastfeeding Support Programs
Child Passenger Safety Seats
Childbirth Education
Parenting Education
Educates and offers support to mothers dedicated to breast feeding their babies. Offers monthly meetings to breast feeding mothers and individual breast feeding help by trained, accredited volunteers. For more information, please call: Leader, Cynthia Downes: 540-463-9234 Cell: 540-460-3966 Cindy Miller: 540-464-3110


Breast Pumps
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Pregnant women are provided medical examinations, education regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors including nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise, and safety, and referrals to other agencies. Offers case management including identification of needs and coordination of resources for accessing appropriate and timely services to pregnant women and their children up to age two.


Childbirth Education
Postpartum Care
Prenatal Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Mentor program for pregnant teens. These adult role models have successfully raised their own children and assist the teen throughout her pregnancy and up to the baby's first birthday.


Parenting Education
Mentoring Programs
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Promotes healthy outcomes for at risk pregnant women and infants through home visiting and education which is provided by registered nurses.


Breastfeeding Support Programs
Postpartum Care
Neonatal Care
Prenatal Care
Offers safe, evidence-based options in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, Brookhaven is a full service freestanding birth center providing client-centered care in Harrisonburg, Virginia. From preconception to postpartum, offer a variety of holistic and dynamic services to families during the childbearing year.


Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
Postpartum Care
Preconception Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Neonatal Care