Maternal and Child Health - Radford, Radford City Health Department
Maternity Care Pregnant women are provided medical examinations; education regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors including nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise, and safety; and referrals to other agencies. Case management services, BabyCare and Resource Mothers, are offered to high-risk pregnant women. Baby Care Registered Nurses, trained in maternal and child health, identify needs, provide clinical services, and coordinate support resources for pregnant women and their children up to age two.
Physical Address
220 East Main Street, Radford, VA 24141
(540) 831-6109
Application process
Call for an appointment or clinic times.
Service area
Radford, VA
Agency info
Radford City Health Department
Radford City Health Department is part of the New River Health District. Offers a variety of programs and health services to enhance the health of the citizens of the county.