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Provides specialists to perform comprehensive client and work site evaluations and consult with employers to design user accessible work environments for the visually impaired. Engineering staff remain current with the latest trends in technology, developing "Best Practice" standards and guidelines.


Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Information
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assistive Technology Training
Comprehensive seating and mobility assessments and intervention. Includes a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a rehabilitation engineer. Offers team evaluations and prescription recommendations for appropriate seating and mobility systems, as well as fabrication and fitting of seating systems.


Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Hospital Based Outpatient Services
Assistive Technology Training
Provides speech/language services to all ages. Treats communication problems (e.g., language, articulation, fluency, voice, etc.). Evaluates and treats hearing disorders. Additional semester fees apply for speech-language therapy or aural rehabilitation, including hearing aid services. Demonstrates and evaluates assistive listening devices. Offers small speech reading classes.


Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Training
Speech and Hearing
ACCI distributes various communication devices, environmental controls, adaptive toys, switches, educational software, prevocational materials, wheelchair mounting systems, work stations, and low tech. items. ACCI provides demonstrations, inservice, and service training. Educational software and alternative keyboards. Durable medical equipment - some private insurance - accepts medicare.


Medical Equipment/Supplies
Assistive Technology Training
Provides special services for individuals with a combined loss of vision and hearing (deafblind, blind-hard of hearing, visually impaired-deaf, and visually impaired-hard of hearing) in the areas of communication, education, assistive technology, independent living and rehabilitation services. In addition, training is provided on deafblindness to other agencies/organizations and individuals interested in information on this population.


Assistive Technology Training
Hearing Screening
Braille Instruction
Assistive Technology Equipment
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Assistive Technology Training
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Equipment
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Information
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Training
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Assistive Technology Training
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides state-of-the-art evaluation, consultation and treatment programs for individuals who require assistive technology to live, work and get to school as independently as possible. Assistive Technology Programs and Services offered include: Assistive Listening and Alerting Devices (ALAD) Center for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Computer Accommodation Program Adaptive Driving Program Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Program Electronic Aids to Daily Living (EADL) Home, School, and Work Accessibility Seating and Mobility Rehabilitation Engineering Recycling Program of Assistive Technology Devices ACCREDITED BY: CARF, Southern Association of Colleges & Schools LICENSED BY: Virginia Department of Health


Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Information
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness is a statewide program designed to provide technical assistance, training, distance education, and networking information to families, teachers, and service providers of individuals birth through 21 who have both a hearing loss and a vision loss. Do not provide direct services.
Provides low vision examinations, available by appointment, to maximize use of residual vision for those who cannot see with conventional glasses. Preliminary assessment, and follow-up counseling and training programs in the home or school setting are aimed at ensuring that maximum benefit is gained from the low vision (20/70)optical aids prescribed. Examiners are located throughout Virginia.


Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Training
Eye Care
Assistive Technology Equipment
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides information regarding telecommunications and media access for customers who are deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened or deaf-blind. Publications include a national directory and resource guide with 30,000 listings of businesses, organizations, agencies and residencies with TTY numbers, fax numbers, pagers, Instant Messaging and webcams. Publishes quarterly news magazine and sells an etiquette handbook for TTY users, a history of TTY and the Emergency Access Self Evaluation. Conducts community training activities in consumer advocacy and emergency preparedness.
Provides infants and children with visual disabilities, their families and teachers with technical assistance and support to help them during the child's development and educational process. Staff provide technical assistance for evaluation, program planning, curriculum modification, transition programs, information about blindness, and adaptive equipment.


Eye Care
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Training
Braille Instruction
The Assistive Technology Program assists individuals with disabilities seeking access to assistive technology devices and services, with emphasis on obtaining funding from vocational rehabilitation and special education providers, and Medicaid or Medicare. Assistive technology is any device, adaptive equipment, or service which enables people with disabilities to accomplish a task that would otherwise not be possible. dLCV can help people learn about the great potential of assistive technology and help them find funding assistance. dLCV provides advocacy and legal representation services to persons who have been denied funding for assistive technology services or devices.


Assistive Technology Training
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Emergency Alert
Supplies rehabilitation technology that specializes in pediatric positioning and mobility equipment sales and service.


Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Assistive Technology Training
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.


Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assistive Technology Information
Specialized Information and Referral