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Adults may get free eye exams and glasses by contacting the Culpeper County Social Services Department to get an appointment to complete the application to see if they meet our needs requirement. This application will be sent to us for a decision. If an adult needs a hearing aid the same process is followed.
Adults may get free eye exams and glasses by contacting the Culpeper County Social Services Department to get an appointment to complete the application to see if they meet our needs requirement. This application will be sent to us for a decision. If an adult needs a hearing aid the same process is followed.
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
Provides financial and/or educational assistance to enable transition into the hearing environment for school age children with hearing impairments.
Provides financial and/or educational assistance to enable transition into the hearing environment for school age children with hearing impairments.
Disability Awareness Programs
Assistive Technology Equipment
A national nonprofit that expands possibilities for people with vision loss in the United States. Removes barriers, creates solutions, and expands possibilities, so people with vision loss can achieve their full potential. Offers advocacy, technology, and information and tools for the professionals who serve people with vision loss and for people with vision loss. The web site serves as a gateway to information and services. The Helen Keller Archives are also housed here.
A national nonprofit that expands possibilities for people with vision loss in the United States. Removes barriers, creates solutions, and expands possibilities, so people with vision loss can achieve their full potential. Offers advocacy, technology, and information and tools for the professionals who serve people with vision loss and for people with vision loss. The web site serves as a gateway to information and services. The Helen Keller Archives are also housed here.
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Braille Instruction
Disease/Disability Information
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation. Provides assistive devices for hearing or sight impaired individuals who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations. (Social Services also has applications for eye glasses)
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation. Provides assistive devices for hearing or sight impaired individuals who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations. (Social Services also has applications for eye glasses)
Eye Care
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
JCIL provides equipment on a loan basis to individuals with disabilities assists these in obtaining their own equipment, and on a limited basis will assist with purchasing needed technology. JCIL will assist in the development of loan applications, assembling appraisals, medical records, and other documentation required to support the application. Junction Center for Independent Living in conjunction with the Starkey Foundation and Hear Now ( WHEN AVAILABLE) assists persons with disabilities to obtain hearing aids and other devices to alleviate or eliminate barriers caused by limited hearing ability.
JCIL provides equipment on a loan basis to individuals with disabilities assists these in obtaining their own equipment, and on a limited basis will assist with purchasing needed technology. JCIL will assist in the development of loan applications, assembling appraisals, medical records, and other documentation required to support the application. Junction Center for Independent Living in conjunction with the Starkey Foundation and Hear Now ( WHEN AVAILABLE) assists persons with disabilities to obtain hearing aids and other devices to alleviate or eliminate barriers caused by limited hearing ability.
Assistive Technology Equipment
All who are legally blind* or have physical impairments which prevent them from holding a book to read are eligible for the following free services in the following formats:
Lending Library
Bible Study Guides
Lending Library
Over 1,400 book titles are available on NLS digital cartridge through the Christian Record lending library. Books may be checked out on a 30-day loan period.
Gift Bibles and Bible Courses
Gift Bibles are available in Braille, large print, solar player, and NLS cartridge. Bible courses are available in braille, large print, and NLS digital cartridge.
Full-Vision Books
A combination of braille and print enables blind parents to read to their sighted children and sighted parents to help blind children learn to read braille.
Anne Lowe Scholarship
All who are legally blind* or have physical impairments which prevent them from holding a book to read are eligible for the following free services in the following formats:
Lending Library
Bible Study Guides
Lending Library
Over 1,400 book titles are available on NLS digital cartridge through the Christian Record lending library. Books may be checked out on a 30-day loan period.
Gift Bibles and Bible Courses
Gift Bibles are available in Braille, large print, solar player, and NLS cartridge. Bible courses are available in braille, large print, and NLS digital cartridge.
Full-Vision Books
A combination of braille and print enables blind parents to read to their sighted children and sighted parents to help blind children learn to read braille.
Anne Lowe Scholarship
Electronic Information Resources
Assistive Technology Equipment
Offers a civic club that helps low income individuals obtain eye exams, prescription glasses and hearing aids.
Offers a civic club that helps low income individuals obtain eye exams, prescription glasses and hearing aids.
Eye Care
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
The purpose of this program is to provide temporary hearing aids and FM systems for children with hearing loss, who are under the age of 18, while they are awaiting to receive their personal amplification devices. Family must be in process of obtaining, or making arrangements to obtain, a permanent amplification system through insurance or other mean. Six months is the standard length of the loan.
The purpose of this program is to provide temporary hearing aids and FM systems for children with hearing loss, who are under the age of 18, while they are awaiting to receive their personal amplification devices. Family must be in process of obtaining, or making arrangements to obtain, a permanent amplification system through insurance or other mean. Six months is the standard length of the loan.
Hearing Aids
Assistive Technology Equipment
Pay for eye exams and eyeglasses. Pay for hearing aids; depending on cost. Hearing aids are processed according to what the client needs, according to their doctor.
Pay for eye exams and eyeglasses. Pay for hearing aids; depending on cost. Hearing aids are processed according to what the client needs, according to their doctor.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Medical Expense Assistance
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assistive Technology Information
Provides free white canes to any blind individual.
Provides free white canes to any blind individual.
Assistive Technology Equipment
VPAS' Emergency Services program provides one-time immediate financial assistance and other resources, including referrals to other public and private agencies to older adults who have an emergency need. Emergency Services may include payment assistance for medication refills, assistive devices, and utility and rent payments. Assistance is provided one-time, per year, per older adult age 60+, who must have an emergency need for help which endangers their health and/or well-being.
VPAS' Emergency Services program provides one-time immediate financial assistance and other resources, including referrals to other public and private agencies to older adults who have an emergency need. Emergency Services may include payment assistance for medication refills, assistive devices, and utility and rent payments. Assistance is provided one-time, per year, per older adult age 60+, who must have an emergency need for help which endangers their health and/or well-being.
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides mobility assistance for elderly and disabled. Provides financial assistance to purchase vans, scooters and new and used vehicles that are handicapped accessible. Rental vans available. Offers a wide range of products, including Lifts, Scooters and Portable Ramps and has a fully trained service staff specializing in van conversions.
Provides mobility assistance for elderly and disabled. Provides financial assistance to purchase vans, scooters and new and used vehicles that are handicapped accessible. Rental vans available. Offers a wide range of products, including Lifts, Scooters and Portable Ramps and has a fully trained service staff specializing in van conversions.
Transportation Expense Assistance
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provide no-cost adaptive mobility and communication equipment, educate pediatric clinicians, teachers, and caregivers, and promote responsive and responsible public health policy.
Provide no-cost adaptive mobility and communication equipment, educate pediatric clinicians, teachers, and caregivers, and promote responsive and responsible public health policy.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Health education, supportive services and financial assistance within the financial capabilities/limitations of the club to aid individuals who are blind or deaf.
Health education, supportive services and financial assistance within the financial capabilities/limitations of the club to aid individuals who are blind or deaf.
Hearing Screening
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
VPAS' Emergency Services program provides one-time immediate financial assistance and other resources, including referrals to other public and private agencies to older adults who have an emergency need. Emergency Services may include payment assistance for medication refills, assistive devices, and utility and rent payments. Assistance is provided one-time, per year, per older adult age 60+, who must have an emergency need for help which endangers their health and/or well-being.
VPAS' Emergency Services program provides one-time immediate financial assistance and other resources, including referrals to other public and private agencies to older adults who have an emergency need. Emergency Services may include payment assistance for medication refills, assistive devices, and utility and rent payments. Assistance is provided one-time, per year, per older adult age 60+, who must have an emergency need for help which endangers their health and/or well-being.
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Assistive Technology Equipment
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Supplies rehabilitation technology that specializes in pediatric positioning and mobility equipment sales and service.
Supplies rehabilitation technology that specializes in pediatric positioning and mobility equipment sales and service.
Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Serves children birth to age 21 with special health care needs. Provides care coordination including referrals to health care services, case management, and referrals community support and resources. Maintains a database of regional and local resources for children with special health care needs. Financial assistance may be available to assist with specialty medical care, if income and medical criteria are met. Also loaner hearing aids for children are available through the Virginia Hearing Aid Loaner Bank housed at UVA. For Toll-free access, please call: (866)596-9367 (BRCC Direct Toll-Free Number) Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children is located in Charlottesville but serves 16 counties and 5 cities to the West and North of Albemarle County. The Care Connection for Children (formerly known as Children's Specialty Services) program is divided into 6 Centers of Excellence throughout the state. The Charlottesville area center is known as the Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children (BRCCC). It is a collaboration between the Virginia Department of Health and the University of Virginia Children's Medical Center. The BRCCC is directly affiliated with the UVA Children's Medical Center. BRCC serves the Counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Frederick, Greene, Highland, Madison, Nelson, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren and Cities of Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Waynesboro, Winchester There are 5 other centers across the Commonwealth. Please call the number above if you have a question about which center serves your locality.
Serves children birth to age 21 with special health care needs. Provides care coordination including referrals to health care services, case management, and referrals community support and resources. Maintains a database of regional and local resources for children with special health care needs. Financial assistance may be available to assist with specialty medical care, if income and medical criteria are met. Also loaner hearing aids for children are available through the Virginia Hearing Aid Loaner Bank housed at UVA. For Toll-free access, please call: (866)596-9367 (BRCC Direct Toll-Free Number) Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children is located in Charlottesville but serves 16 counties and 5 cities to the West and North of Albemarle County. The Care Connection for Children (formerly known as Children's Specialty Services) program is divided into 6 Centers of Excellence throughout the state. The Charlottesville area center is known as the Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children (BRCCC). It is a collaboration between the Virginia Department of Health and the University of Virginia Children's Medical Center. The BRCCC is directly affiliated with the UVA Children's Medical Center. BRCC serves the Counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Frederick, Greene, Highland, Madison, Nelson, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren and Cities of Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Waynesboro, Winchester There are 5 other centers across the Commonwealth. Please call the number above if you have a question about which center serves your locality.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Case/Care Management
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Provide no-cost adaptive mobility and communication equipment, educate pediatric clinicians, teachers, and caregivers, and promote responsive and responsible public health policy.
Provide no-cost adaptive mobility and communication equipment, educate pediatric clinicians, teachers, and caregivers, and promote responsive and responsible public health policy.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under the age of 18, in the U.S. or Canada, suffering from any type of medical hair loss. Donated hair is used to create a hair prosthetic. The hair prosthetic is then given to the child in order to help restore self-esteem and self-confidence, thus enabling the child to face the world and his peers.
Provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under the age of 18, in the U.S. or Canada, suffering from any type of medical hair loss. Donated hair is used to create a hair prosthetic. The hair prosthetic is then given to the child in order to help restore self-esteem and self-confidence, thus enabling the child to face the world and his peers.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Natural Hair/Wig Donation Programs
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assistive Technology Training
Specialized Information and Referral
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist can provide training to persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families and training to businesses, nonprofits, and professionals that serve persons who have a hearing loss. Responds to request for information and referrals on niche topics related to hearing loss including, but not limited to, where to find sign language classes, support services, assistive technology, and more. Specialist promote public awareness about services via exhibits at local-regional events. Specialist assist clients with their telecommunication needs including applications, assessments, installation, training and troubleshooting specialized telecommunication equipment.
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
The Technology Assistance Program (TAP) is dedicated to making technology available to eligible people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled. Equipment is provided to qualified individuals on a Loan-to-Own (L2O) basis. This gives qualified individuals up to 30 days to decide whether to keep, exchange, or return the equipment. If following the 30-day period, the recipient feels the equipment enables him or her to successfully communicate over the telephone, he or she retains ownership of the equipment. Assistive technology available include: * TTY's (text telephones) * Amplified telephones * Voice Carry Over (VCO) phones *, Captioned telephones * Outgoing speech amplification phones * Signalers for the phone and door * Hearing Carry Over (HCO) phones * Other equipment available by special request Note: All equipment through TAP carry a one-year manufacturer's warranty, and training on how to use the equipment is available. TAP participants can apply for new equipment every four years.
The Technology Assistance Program (TAP) is dedicated to making technology available to eligible people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled. Equipment is provided to qualified individuals on a Loan-to-Own (L2O) basis. This gives qualified individuals up to 30 days to decide whether to keep, exchange, or return the equipment. If following the 30-day period, the recipient feels the equipment enables him or her to successfully communicate over the telephone, he or she retains ownership of the equipment. Assistive technology available include: * TTY's (text telephones) * Amplified telephones * Voice Carry Over (VCO) phones *, Captioned telephones * Outgoing speech amplification phones * Signalers for the phone and door * Hearing Carry Over (HCO) phones * Other equipment available by special request Note: All equipment through TAP carry a one-year manufacturer's warranty, and training on how to use the equipment is available. TAP participants can apply for new equipment every four years.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Offers a Service club to assist the visually impaired and hearing impaired with assistive devices, such as glasses and hearing aids. Must be able to demonstrate financial need for assistance in obtaining necessary eye examinations and/or glasses.
Offers a Service club to assist the visually impaired and hearing impaired with assistive devices, such as glasses and hearing aids. Must be able to demonstrate financial need for assistance in obtaining necessary eye examinations and/or glasses.
Medical Expense Assistance
Assistive Technology Equipment
Offers eyeglasses to the financially needy. Client must be unable to receive glasses from a public program, and be unable to afford the full fee for glasses. Requests client pay part of the cost if possible. Appointment required.
Offers eyeglasses to the financially needy. Client must be unable to receive glasses from a public program, and be unable to afford the full fee for glasses. Requests client pay part of the cost if possible. Appointment required.
Eye Care
Assistive Technology Equipment