Vision Impaired - Lincoln, Christian Record Services
All who are legally blind* or have physical impairments which prevent them from holding a book to read are eligible for the following free services in the following formats: Audio Lending Library Magazines Bible Study Guides Wildlife STORYTELLERS(R) Lending Library Over 1,400 book titles are available on NLS digital cartridge through the Christian Record lending library. Books may be checked out on a 30-day loan period. Gift Bibles and Bible Courses Gift Bibles are available in Braille, large print, solar player, and NLS cartridge. Bible courses are available in braille, large print, and NLS digital cartridge. Full-Vision Books A combination of braille and print enables blind parents to read to their sighted children and sighted parents to help blind children learn to read braille. Anne Lowe Scholarship
Physical Address
5900 South 58th Street, Lincoln, NE 68516
Closed from 12Noon to 1PM CST.
(402) 488-7582
(402) 488-7582
Application process
Contact for more information.
Service area
Agency info
Christian Record Services for the Blind
Christian Record Services, Inc. (DBA Christian Record Services for the Blind) provides free services worldwide to people who are legally blind or physically incapable of holding reading material. National Camps for Blind Children, a Christian Record program, offers confidence-building summer camp experiences to children and adults at locations nationwide (USA only). Apply online for free reading services at Lib.Guide.