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Provides infants and children with visual disabilities, their families and teachers with technical assistance and support to help them during the child's development and educational process. Staff provide technical assistance for evaluation, program planning, curriculum modification, transition programs, information about blindness, and adaptive equipment.
Provides infants and children with visual disabilities, their families and teachers with technical assistance and support to help them during the child's development and educational process. Staff provide technical assistance for evaluation, program planning, curriculum modification, transition programs, information about blindness, and adaptive equipment.
Braille Instruction
Eye Care
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Training
Vision screenings on children ages 2 through 5 years old at local preschools and community events.
Vision screenings on children ages 2 through 5 years old at local preschools and community events.
Eye Screening
VisioCheck, a comprehensive, full-service program, was specifically designed to help schools meet their mandated screening requirements (public schools and Head Starts) and school-readiness responsibilities (preschool and private school programs) while ensuring the best possible outcomes.
VisioCheck, a comprehensive, full-service program, was specifically designed to help schools meet their mandated screening requirements (public schools and Head Starts) and school-readiness responsibilities (preschool and private school programs) while ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Eye Screening
The Children's Vision Screening program provides screenings from ages 3 to 18. Screenings test for distance acuity, amblyopia, or lazy eye, and strabismus, a turned eye.
The Children's Vision Screening program provides screenings from ages 3 to 18. Screenings test for distance acuity, amblyopia, or lazy eye, and strabismus, a turned eye.
Eye Screening
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Offers assistive devices, such as glasses and hearing aids, to sight and hearing impaired persons who meet set financial criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations and glaucoma screening. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man. Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but also develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills. Contacts: (434)987-1229 - President Becca White (434)989-3897 - Secretary Connie Sandridge (434)823-2105 - Treasurer Jennifer Roff
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Offers assistive devices, such as glasses and hearing aids, to sight and hearing impaired persons who meet set financial criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations and glaucoma screening. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man. Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but also develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills. Contacts: (434)987-1229 - President Becca White (434)989-3897 - Secretary Connie Sandridge (434)823-2105 - Treasurer Jennifer Roff
Eye Screening
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
Are you in need of glasses? You don’t have any eyeglasses insurance? Our iNfoucs eye glasses voucher program is for you. Dreams of Hope Foundation has partnered with Conexus to provide free vouchers for those in need of glasses and does not have insurance to cover the prescription. Prescription must be dated in the last two years.
Are you in need of glasses? You don’t have any eyeglasses insurance? Our iNfoucs eye glasses voucher program is for you. Dreams of Hope Foundation has partnered with Conexus to provide free vouchers for those in need of glasses and does not have insurance to cover the prescription. Prescription must be dated in the last two years.
Provides an international service orientated civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Assists the needy with eyeglasses, eye examinations and hearing aids.
Provides an international service orientated civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Assists the needy with eyeglasses, eye examinations and hearing aids.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Hearing Screening
Offers vision testing/screening and treatment at schools, health fairs, work place and places of worship.
Offers vision testing/screening and treatment at schools, health fairs, work place and places of worship.
Eye Screening
Provides low vision examinations, available by appointment, to maximize use of residual vision for those who cannot see with conventional glasses. Preliminary assessment, and follow-up counseling and training programs in the home or school setting are aimed at ensuring that maximum benefit is gained from the low vision (20/70)optical aids prescribed. Examiners are located throughout Virginia.
Provides low vision examinations, available by appointment, to maximize use of residual vision for those who cannot see with conventional glasses. Preliminary assessment, and follow-up counseling and training programs in the home or school setting are aimed at ensuring that maximum benefit is gained from the low vision (20/70)optical aids prescribed. Examiners are located throughout Virginia.
Assistive Technology Training
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Offers a variety of programs and services for people with low vision, including examinations and personalized rehabilitation programs.
Offers a variety of programs and services for people with low vision, including examinations and personalized rehabilitation programs.
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Provides assistive devices to individuals with sight and hearing impairment(s) who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations.
Provides assistive devices to individuals with sight and hearing impairment(s) who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations.
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Civic Groups
Hearing Screening
Sight - Eye exams, eye glasses, eye surgery, companion dogs.
Hearing - Hearing exams, hearing aids, surgery.
Sight - Eye exams, eye glasses, eye surgery, companion dogs.
Hearing - Hearing exams, hearing aids, surgery.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Hearing Screening
Eye Screening
Health education, supportive services and financial assistance within the financial capabilities/limitations of the club to aid individuals who are blind or deaf.
Health education, supportive services and financial assistance within the financial capabilities/limitations of the club to aid individuals who are blind or deaf.
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Hearing Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment
Offers a variety of programs and services for people with low vision, including examinations and personalized rehabilitation programs.
Offers a variety of programs and services for people with low vision, including examinations and personalized rehabilitation programs.
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Basic eye exams
Basic eye exams
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Offers information with an emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Helps the needy obtain eye examinations, glaucoma screening, eyeglasses and hearing aids.
Offers information with an emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Helps the needy obtain eye examinations, glaucoma screening, eyeglasses and hearing aids.
Assistive Technology Equipment
Hearing Screening
Eye Care
Eye Screening