
Glasses and Hearing Aids - Crozet, Crozet Lions Club

Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Offers assistive devices, such as glasses and hearing aids, to sight and hearing impaired persons who meet set financial criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations and glaucoma screening. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man. Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but also develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills. Contacts: (434)987-1229 - President Becca White (434)989-3897 - Secretary Connie Sandridge (434)823-2105 - Treasurer Jennifer Roff

Physical Address

5560 Jamestown Road, Crozet, VA 22932

Application process

Self or agency referral. Income guidelines apply.



Service area

Albemarle County, VA

Agency info

Crozet Lions Club

Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation and local initiatives. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man by joining a Lion at a dinner meeting. Check Crozet Lions web site for meeting dates, times, and location. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but also develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills.