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Program for people with Alzheimer's, Autism, Down Syndrome. Sheriff's office will place a wrist band/transmitter on program participants. Caregiver will check transmitter daily and once a month sheriff's office will change transmitter battery. If client wanders, caregiver needs to call 911 and reference Project Lifesaver client. 911 will dispatch Project Lifesaver Team with receiver to search for client with wrist band. Project is meant to bring peace of mind to family members. Personnel on call after office hours.


Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Emergency Alert
The C.P.A. meets once a week for two hours and learns some of what it is like to be a Police Officer and step in shoes by attending some of the police training. Some of the topics discussed are: The History of Police, Gang Issues, Domestic Security and Terrorism, Firearms and Tactical Operations, The Court System, Traffic Stops and Patrol Techniques, K-9, Defensive Tactics and F.A.T.S. ( Firearm Training Simulator), Crime Prevention, Evidence and Forensics. Meet for two hours once a week for 10 weeks in the Fall.


Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Legal Information Services
Receives and investigates employment discrimination charges against private employers, state, and local governments. People are encouraged to come to the office as early in the morning as possible, to ensure adequate time to complete the intake process. All charges are handled on a walk-in basis.


Discrimination Assistance
Legal Information Services
Labor and Employment Law
Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Offers technical assistance to businesses, agencies and individuals wishing to make their facilities and/or services more accessible to all consumers. Staff members make site visits and prepare a written summary with recommendations for the most economical and efficient method to become totally accessible.


Centers for Independent Living
Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Legal Information Services
The reduction of the incidence of crime and the improvement of the quality of life in Arlington County by making it a place where all people can live safely and without fear.
Public safety presentations. Assistance with legal questions. Services for the collateral effects of victimization.


Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Legal Information Services