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Provides a non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors and a Steering Committee made up of citizens and law enforcement personnel with a wide variety of backgrounds. They donate their time and effort in the fight against crime to help make the community as safe and secure as possible. Cash rewards are paid for information that leads to the arrest of persons involved in criminal activity. Rewards are also paid for information that leads to the arrest of fugitives or persons wanted by local law enforcement. To report criminal activity, please call Crime Stoppers at (434)977-4000. Information regarding terrorism or narcotics related offenses should go directly to the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement Anti-Terrorism Task Force at (434)970-3376. Callers may remain anonymous. Police Emergency: 911 Police Non-Emergency: (434)977-9041
Enables citizens in the community to provide information concerning crimes with anonymity and confidentiality.
Groups of citizens gather together for mutual protection and crime prevention.
Report suspicious drug activity to this toll free number: 1-800-553-DOPE (3673)
Provides an independent, unbiased review of complaints brought to the office by police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and citizens. Assists the public by providing information on the judicial system processes and procedures. Magistrates also have the statutory power to administer oaths, take acknowlegements, and act as conservators of the peace. Magistrates have the following powers, as specified by state law: *Issuing arrest warrants; *Issuing search warrants; *Admitting to bail or committing to jail; *Issuing warrants and subpoenas; *Issuing civil warrants; *Accepting prepayment for certain offenses; *Issuing emergency custody orders; *Issuing civil or criminal temporary mental detention orders; *Issuing medical emergency temporary detention orders; *Issuing emergency protective orders; *Issuing out of service orders. Office is adjacent to the Roanoke City Jail.
The program is set up to offer cash rewards and anonymity to citizens who provide information to crime solvers. Most of the information received by crime stoppers is via telephone. The phone is manned by the Nottoway sheriff office on a 24 hour a day basis and serving Nottoway County and the towns of Blackstone, Crewe, and Burkeville.
Manassas Crime Solvers is a program that offers citizens a safe, secure, and totally anonymous way to help their local Police Department in: solving crimes, seizing illegal drugs, recovering stolen property and putting criminals behind bars.
A fusion center is a collaborative effort of state and federal agencies working in conjunction with local partners to share resources, expertise, and/or information to better identify, detect, prevent, and respond to terrorist and criminal activity utilizing an all crimes/all hazards approach. Report suspected terrorism activity or suspicious incidents to the Toll Free Terrorism Hotline 877- 4VA-TIPS (877- 482- 8477).
Provides a law enforcement agency to ensure the safety and protection of residents of Buena Vista. For more information, or in case of emergency, please call: Administration: (540)261-6174 Emergency Dispatch: (540)261-6171 or 911
Uses an anonymous system to receive information on crimes in Staunton, Waynesboro and Augusta County. The process involves calling Crime Stoppers at: (800) 322-2017 and receiving a caller code. The information is taken and then disseminated to the appropriate jurisdictions. Caller receives a reward if an arrest is made based on the information provided. Caller still remains anonymous. Languages: Some Spanish. Donations are tax deductible.
Insurance Fraud Program provides insurance fraud training for law enforcement personnel, investigates insurance fraud, and educate citizen through educational and rewards programs. Fraudulent insurance schemes or insurance fraud, should be reported to the Virginia State Police Insurance Fraud Program on the insurance fraud hotline at 1-877-62FRAUD (1-877-623-7283) or visit www.stampoutfraud.com. Tipsters will remain anonymous and may also be eligible to receive a reward of up to $25,000.
This program allows law-abiding citizens the opportunity to safely fight back against crime, especially drug dealing, in their neighborhood. You can call the police on crime occurring outside your home and be assured that you will not have to appear in court or have your name disclosed. For complete information, please visit the web site.
A crime tip hotline with rewards leading to the arrest and conviction of lawbreakers. Callers remain anonymous.
Central Virginia Crime Stoppers, Inc. is a non-profit 501C(3) corporation that brings together law enforcement, the community and the news media in a joint effort to solve crime. This project represents an unprecedented level of law enforcement cooperation and support. The program pays cash rewards up to $1,000 to people who call the special tip line and give enough information to help solve felony crimes