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1 in 14 citizens have been victims of ID theft. It's the fastest growing crime in the US. This agency is run by former FBI agents and assists in all aspects of recovering your good name. Agency also puts tools in place to prevent any further threats to credit or one's identity for employment, etc. 1) Financial Assistance - Id Theft Recovery 2) Debt Relief - Id Theft Recovery 3) Credit Assistance - ID Theft Recovery
A non-profit organization supported largely by membership dues paid by business and professional groups in the service area. Provides reports on business firms that will be helpful to the consumer before making a purchase, Also provides information regarding charity groups and organizations. Helps to resolve consumers' disputes with businesses through telephone conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Promotes ethical business standards and voluntary self-regulation of business practices. Complaints may be submitted on the website 24/7: www.bbb.org/consumer-complaints/file-a-complaint/get-started.


Identity Theft Prevention
Consumer Protection Agencies
Consumer Education
Consumer Complaints