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AFOI offers two forms of video visitation: enhanced video visitation using at-home technology and video visitation. Video visitation is a way for families to meet with their imprisoned family or friends without having to invest the time and money in traveling long distances to correctional facilities. An inmate has to be eligible according to the following standards, as set by VADOC.
AFOI offers video visitation to many Virginia correctional facilities from 7 sites throughout the state, including Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Norfolk, Petersburg, Richmond, and Roanoke
AFOI offers two forms of video visitation: enhanced video visitation using at-home technology and video visitation. Video visitation is a way for families to meet with their imprisoned family or friends without having to invest the time and money in traveling long distances to correctional facilities. An inmate has to be eligible according to the following standards, as set by VADOC.
AFOI offers video visitation to many Virginia correctional facilities from 7 sites throughout the state, including Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Norfolk, Petersburg, Richmond, and Roanoke
Inmate Support Services
Agency provides pre and post trial services to the City of Chesapeake Court system. This multi-service agency has become a comprehensive community-based correction agency to divert and supervise minimum-security arrestees and detainees from the Chesapeake City Jail. Agency provides Pretrial services and Community-Based Probation within Chesapeake.
Agency provides pre and post trial services to the City of Chesapeake Court system. This multi-service agency has become a comprehensive community-based correction agency to divert and supervise minimum-security arrestees and detainees from the Chesapeake City Jail. Agency provides Pretrial services and Community-Based Probation within Chesapeake.
Inmate Support Services
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
Inmate Support Services
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
Inmate Support Services
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Provide quality educational programs that enable incarcerated youth and adults to become responsible, productive, tax responsible, tax-paying members of their communities.
Provide quality educational programs that enable incarcerated youth and adults to become responsible, productive, tax responsible, tax-paying members of their communities.
Inmate Support Services
Provides spiritual books to inmates and prison libraries; maintains a mentor-inmate correspondence program.
Provides spiritual books to inmates and prison libraries; maintains a mentor-inmate correspondence program.
Inmate Support Services
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Inmate Support Services
Accommodates pretrial inmates and people who are serving their sentences on weekends, and with inmate work crews. Oversees the Montgomery County Home Electronic Monitoring (HEM) program for inmates who have been ordered to serve their time while remaining in their home.
Accommodates pretrial inmates and people who are serving their sentences on weekends, and with inmate work crews. Oversees the Montgomery County Home Electronic Monitoring (HEM) program for inmates who have been ordered to serve their time while remaining in their home.
Correctional Facilities
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Inmate Support Services
Offers Employment preparation classes such as Keyboarding, Basic Computer Skills, Employability Skills and Workforce Skills. Offers life skills classes such as fatherhood, parenting, anger management, and impact of crime. Mentoring is available to offenders in the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and continues in the community for up to 12 months for customers returning to or residing in Fairfax County. Offers direct emergency assistance to ex-offenders including transportation, clothing, and referrals for other services upon release.
Offers Employment preparation classes such as Keyboarding, Basic Computer Skills, Employability Skills and Workforce Skills. Offers life skills classes such as fatherhood, parenting, anger management, and impact of crime. Mentoring is available to offenders in the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center and continues in the community for up to 12 months for customers returning to or residing in Fairfax County. Offers direct emergency assistance to ex-offenders including transportation, clothing, and referrals for other services upon release.
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Inmate Support Services
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
This program provides the opportunity for those incarcerated to participate in programs while in jail and to prepare for their release from jail back into the community.
Inmate Support Services
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Staff and volunteers from the Bridge Ministry will visit the local jails to share information about the Bridge Ministry program and conduct interviews with potential students. Men accepted into The Bridge Ministry program cannot have a record that includes violent or sexually-related crimes. Men who abide by the rules and regulations of The Bridge Ministry program, and, in the judgment of the staff are making suitable progress, can live in the dormitory up to 18 months at the Buckingham Campus. The client may also be offered the opportunity to spend the last 6 months of the program at a Bridge Ministry Intern House in Charlottesville while transitioning back into the community. The program provides an intense schedule of Bible training, character instruction, work training, drug counseling, financial management skills and educational opportunities. For more information, please call: (434)969-2991.
Staff and volunteers from the Bridge Ministry will visit the local jails to share information about the Bridge Ministry program and conduct interviews with potential students. Men accepted into The Bridge Ministry program cannot have a record that includes violent or sexually-related crimes. Men who abide by the rules and regulations of The Bridge Ministry program, and, in the judgment of the staff are making suitable progress, can live in the dormitory up to 18 months at the Buckingham Campus. The client may also be offered the opportunity to spend the last 6 months of the program at a Bridge Ministry Intern House in Charlottesville while transitioning back into the community. The program provides an intense schedule of Bible training, character instruction, work training, drug counseling, financial management skills and educational opportunities. For more information, please call: (434)969-2991.
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Inmate Support Services
Provide chaplain(s) as Pastoral Care Givers to local correctional facilities, ministering to inmates, staff members, and family members.
Provide chaplain(s) as Pastoral Care Givers to local correctional facilities, ministering to inmates, staff members, and family members.
Inmate Support Services
Faith Based Counseling
A jail facility of approximately 264,000 square feet with a rated capacity for 605 inmates with another 200 beds double bunked for a total of 805 inmates. Built by coalition of four localities that formed the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority which includes the counties of Franklin, Montgomery, and Roanoke and the city of Salem. Houses both male and female inmates who are sentenced waiting for release or transfer to the Dept. of Corrections. Houses overflow inmates from the existing Franklin, Montgomery and Roanoke county jails, to include those with segregation, medical or mental health needs.
A jail facility of approximately 264,000 square feet with a rated capacity for 605 inmates with another 200 beds double bunked for a total of 805 inmates. Built by coalition of four localities that formed the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority which includes the counties of Franklin, Montgomery, and Roanoke and the city of Salem. Houses both male and female inmates who are sentenced waiting for release or transfer to the Dept. of Corrections. Houses overflow inmates from the existing Franklin, Montgomery and Roanoke county jails, to include those with segregation, medical or mental health needs.
Correctional Facilities
Inmate Support Services