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Matches commuters with similar origin-destination points and schedules to reduce commuting costs and encourage reducing the number of single-occupant vehicles on the roads.
Volunteers provide transportation to medical appointments and to grocery stores to those over 60 in the community who, for whatever reason, are unable to drive themselves.


Paratransit Programs
Local Automobile Transportation
Rideshare is a program of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, working to reduce traffic congestion and increase mobility throughout the City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson. RideShare offers free car pool and School Pool matching, a van pool start-up service, and operates a Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides free rides home in an emergency to users of alternative transportation. RideShare also works with employers to develop and implement traffic reduction programs, and markets the region's Park and Ride lots. RideShare is a member of the Commuter Information Team (CIT), a partnership that includes JAUNT, Charlottesville Transit Service (CTS), University Transit Service (UTS), and Greene County Transit. Our work with the CIT includes acting as a transportation information and referral center for the region, as well as contributing to joint marketing and awareness efforts. Virginia Relay Users: Dial 711


Local Automobile Transportation
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Provides commuters with free ridesharing information, including ridematching assistance to form or join carpools or vanpools.
Personalized ridematching service that will help you find a carpool or vanpool.
WFW provides free, door-to-door transportation to medical appointments and treatment for those in the service area without other means of transportation. Ten days notice is needed to arrange rides. Priority given to dialysis and cancer patients.
Assists Loudoun residents in forming carpools or vanpools using the Metropolitan Washington's Council of Government's RideShare Database.
Provides the RideSmart commuter assistance program that provides practical alternatives to driving alone to work by providing ride sharing options. We can provide free information on the following services: Vanpools, Commuter Connections, Guaranteed Ride Home Program and Park & Ride Lots. Visit the web site for more information.
Provides older adults with free, door-to-door transportation to medical-related appointments in local geographic area. Transportation also provided for errands (non-medical related).


Paratransit Programs
Local Automobile Transportation
NOTE: RIDE Solutions DOES NOT offer one-time rides or medical transport. RIDE Solutions provides free commuter services to residents in the greater Roanoke, Lynchburg, Martinsville/Danville, and New River Valley regions. Offering carpool matching, transit, walk and bike routing assistance for commuters. Matching is handled through the www.ridesolutions.org website or by downloading the ConnectingVA app for iOS or Android. RIDE Solutions does not offer free transit passes, transportation subsidies, or other direct financial assistance. RIDE Solutions DOES NOT offer one-time rides or medical transport. Some examples of employee transportation services we can provide: - Free carpool matching for commuters looking for ways to reduce transportation expenses to get to work. - Transit support for commuters unfamiliar with their local transit agency. - Vanpool start-up assistance for employers. - Bicycle commuting support for employees with qualifying commutes. - Emergency Ride Home incentives so participating commuters do not get stuck at work without a ride. Residents who participate in the RIDE Solutions program can earn rewards for logging their carpool, bike, transit, vanpool, or telework trips. While the carpool matching service is free and eligible to anyone, whether or not they have a vehicle, we cannot guarantee that we will have a match for any particular commuter. Our matching program relies on having an available commuter in the database who matches the route and schedule of the requestor. Once in the database, RIDE Solutions continues seeking matches for our commuters and notify them immediately if a new match is generated.
Transportation for medical and rehabilitation/therapy appointments to older adults in the Fairfax Burke and South County areas.


Local Automobile Transportation
Paratransit Programs
Provides ground transportation, when available, for cancer patients to and from treatment centers.


Paratransit Programs
Local Automobile Transportation
Offers carpool and vanpool matching, Guaranteed Ride Home program and commuting incentive programs. Provides information about alternative forms of commuting including bus routes, bicycling, and telecommuting/teleworking.
Driver's assistance program for people who have phobias about driving on bridges at no extra charge for cars, SUVs, trucks and vans for crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.


Local Automobile Transportation
Travelers Assistance
Volunteers take older adults no longer able to drive to local grocery stores, banks, beauty parlors, and other outings, on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings.


Local Automobile Transportation
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
SoberRide is a free ride program for would-be impaired drivers, helps to ensure greater Washington, DC residents have a safe way home on high-risk holidays. Currently, SoberRide operates during the December/January holiday season, St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Independence Day and Halloween.


Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Local Automobile Transportation
Provide transportation to and from medical related appointments for Goochland County adults who have limited income.


Local Automobile Transportation
Paratransit Programs
Rappahannock United Way is committed to reducing transportation barriers that prevent individuals and families from accessing healthcare, getting quality jobs, completing education programs, and more.Ride United now offers round-trip Lyft rides to connect community members to services that are critical, including education, employment, health care, and more. Lyft codes provide 1 round trip ride up to $26 each way.
Free transportation to medical appointments, RX pick up, and grocery shopping.
Ride Assist Services provides volunteer transportation to Powhatan County, VA seniors, age 60 over who are unable to drive themselves, for basic needs: medical/dental appointments, pharmacy, grocery shopping, personal business such as banking, community agency, post office.


Local Automobile Transportation
Ride United is a transportation gap program for employees that do not have transportation to and from work. Service Areas: 24203 24201 24202(city only) 37620 37621 37625 37618 37617(city only)
Transportation services for older adults and persons with disabilities.