
Transportation - Charlottesville, RideShare, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission

Rideshare is a program of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, working to reduce traffic congestion and increase mobility throughout the City of Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson. RideShare offers free car pool and School Pool matching, a van pool start-up service, and operates a Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides free rides home in an emergency to users of alternative transportation. RideShare also works with employers to develop and implement traffic reduction programs, and markets the region's Park and Ride lots. RideShare is a member of the Commuter Information Team (CIT), a partnership that includes JAUNT, Charlottesville Transit Service (CTS), University Transit Service (UTS), and Greene County Transit. Our work with the CIT includes acting as a transportation information and referral center for the region, as well as contributing to joint marketing and awareness efforts. Virginia Relay Users: Dial 711

Physical Address

401 East Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902


(434) 296-4269

Application process

Self, telephone and walk-in referrals

Service area

Charlottesville, VA Albemarle, VA Fluvanna, VA Greene, VA Louisa, VA Nelson, VA

Agency info

Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission

One of 21 Planning District Commissions in Virginia. Promotes regional cooperation. Provides a forum for issues that cross jurisdictional lines in Central Virginia and facilitates community discussion. 12-member Commission is composed of a majority of local elected officials and citizens appointed by the localities. Serves as the administrative and planning agent for the regional HOME Consortium. Oversees the Metropolitan Planning Organization, a federally funded transportation planning agency for the area, and works towards the development of a rural transportation plan for the region. Also has an environmental program that focuses on regional issues such as sustainability, water resources, and solid waste.