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Provides homes and support services to homeless people with disabilities. Clients pay rent based on income.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Supportive Housing provides housing and intensive supportive services for households experiencing chronic homelessness in central Virginia.
Permanent Supportive Housing for chronically homeless individuals/households within the Foothills Housing Network Service Area in conjunction with case management and stabilization services. The service is provided in scattered site housing with deep rent subsidies.
Serving and assisting unaccompanied youth to secure housing in order to focus on high school completion. Serves ages 18 to 24 who are currently enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools and are homeless and/or unaccompanied. Host Home Placement, Rental Subsidy, Case Management, Counseling. Assistance with acquiring benefits, healthcare and teaching basic life skills.
Provides critical support services to working families at risk of homelessness in Fairfax County. As a program of Shelter House, Family PASS provides families with a path to economic self-sufficiency through intensive case management and comprehensive support services


Case/Care Management
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
A supportive housing program consisting of efficiency apartments for 20 adults who have experienced chronic homelessness. Residents sign individual leases and pay rent based on income. Participants also receive advocacy, case management, employment assistance, rental subsidies, and other supportive services.
This program provides permanent supportive housing for homeless and low income adults. This program has housing for 80 single adults, and offers supportive services to all of the residents. Program has a social worker whose efforts are devoted to helping the residents to succeed independently. Our goal is to continue to provide the supportive services necessary to help our residents overcome their adversities and to allow them to maximize their potential.
Provides outreach for homeless people who are disabled from substance abuse or aids and/or mental illness and homeless families with children. Supportive services program offers case management, triage, budgeting, referrals, medication, assistive technology, information and referral and other services. Also offers residential housing (rent assistance) for homeless persons with disabilities through the Shelter Plus Care (S+C). The Shelter Plus Care program offers permanent housing, for homeless people with mental illness and/or substance abuse diagnosis. Both Supportive Services and Shelter Plus Care are HUD grant programs.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides permanent supportive housing and case manage services for chronically homeless individuals. Participants contribute 30% of their income for rent. Participants pay off debt or save approximately 5% of their income. Bus Line: CUE, Metrobus.


Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Case/Care Management
Provides permanent and transitional supportive housing.
Operation Homes for Heroes provides housing stabilization case management and supportive services to Veterans in need of stable, long-term housing in the Northern Virginia area.


Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Veteran Homes
The Crossings provides housing and supportive services for 30 previously homeless individuals and 30 individuals who are in need of affordable housing but are not chronically homeless. Support services are available to help residents stabilize and improve their health, incomes, and housing.
Permanent Supportive Housing provides housing to chronically homeless persons who suffer from mental illness and/or substance abuse. Participants maintain a lease in their own name. Case managers provide ongoing support to help participants retain housing. Persons in need may enter program directly from the street or from shelters in Arlington County
This program provides permanent supportive housing for single adults who were previously homeless. This program has housing for 60 single adults, and offers supportive services to all of the residents. Each location has a social worker whose efforts are devoted to helping the residents to succeed independently. Our goal is to continue to provide the supportive services necessary to help our residents overcome their adversities and to allow them to maximize their potential.
A multi-unit permanent supportive housing facility in Bristol, Virginia that provides chronically homeless men with disabilities with a residence and a variety of supportive services.
The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program will provide and integrate basic behavioral and primary health care services to individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) in stable housing. It is intended to enable individuals in the PSH program to have coordinated access to services that help ensure successful tenancy and reduce the severity of mental illness symptoms and medical problems in order to be well and live as independently as possible in their communities.
A permanent supportive housing development for homeless adults.
HomeAgain's Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program helps families experiencing chronic homelessness impacted by disabilities to obtain and maintain permanent housing with a long-term subsidy and support services. In particular, this program serves families with children where one or more adult member has a disability.
A low-barrier, 50 bed shelter offering advocacy, case management, employment assistance, meals, rental subsidies, and other supportive services to single adults experiencing homelessness.


Community Shelters
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Extreme Weather Shelters
The goal of the SSVF Program is to promote housing stability among very low-income Veteran families who reside in or are transitioning to permanent housing. SSVF provides outreach and case management services, and will assist participants to obtain VA benefits and other public benefits. SSVF may be able to provide temporary rental and/or security deposit assistance to veterans who are at imminent risk of losing their housing while also meeting the required vulnerability targeting criteria. In order to be considered for assistance, veterans must call the SSVF Intake Coordinator at the main office line and complete the screening questionnaire. SSVF is unable to assist veterans who have a dishonorable discharge.


Case/Care Management
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Veteran Homes
A permanent supportive housing program serving eight men who experienced chronic homelessness. With assistance offered eight hours per day, residents access advocacy, case management, employment assistance, rental subsidy, and other supportive services.
A multi-service facility offering 48 shelter beds, 4 medical respite beds for individuals discharged from hospitals in need of additional support, and a permanent supportive housing program. All programs provide advoacy, case management, employment assistance, meals, rental subsidy, and additional support services to individuals experiencing homelessness.


Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Medical Respite Facilities/Beds for Homeless People
Community Shelters