
Supportive Housing - Lynchburg, Rush Homes

Provides homes and support services to homeless people with disabilities. Clients pay rent based on income.

Physical Address

1721 Monsview Place, Lynchburg, VA 24504


(434) 455-2001


(434) 455-2001

Application process

Callers must contact Central Intake for assistance; (434) 455-5722, Monday through Friday 1p.m. - 4p.m.



Service area

Lynchburg, VA Amherst, VA Appomattox, VA Bedford, VA Campbell, VA

Agency info

Rush Homes

Rush Homes provides accessible and affordable housing to people with disabilities and low incomes. Clients pay an affordable rent while Rush Homes owns the homes. ELIGIBLE AGE: Must be at least 18 years of age ELIGIBLE INCOME: Must be considered low-income by HUD guidelines ELIGIBLE POPULATION: Adults with disabilities and low incomes