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Promotes the overall development of Giles County. Develops a positive environment for the operation and growth of business, industry, and tourism. Contributes to the development of a better quality of life for our citizens, including employment opportunities, leisure time activities, and community events. Offers a business research library, counseling and education, new contacts for members, quarterly newsletters, and an information center.


Chambers of Commerce
Office Equipment/Supplies Donation Programs
Occupational/Professional Associations
Business Financing
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, in cooperation with seven regional Goodwill organizations, began a partnership with Dell on October 1, 2008 to recycle computer equipment. Through the partnership Goodwill will accept and sort donated computer equipment that will be responsibly recycled through Dell's product recycling programs. Items that may be recycled through the RECONNECT program include: *computers, *keyboards, *printers, *monitors, *external hard drives, *other related hardware. It is recommended that donors remove all data from hard drives and other storage media before donating to Goodwill. Computers of any brand and condition may be donated and recycled through the RECONNECT program. Donations are accepted any all Goodwill Retail Stores and Attended Donation Centers. Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, headquartered in Roanoke, is providing job training and employment services throughout its service area in the Roanoke, New River, and Shenandoah Valleys of Virginia. Programs are available to assist individuals with disabilities, disadvantages, and job seekers seeking to improve their employment opportunities.
Accepts the following donations: financial donations. Visit website for more information. Items accepted:kitchen accessories,new linens, furniture, children's items, sporting goods, games, musical instruments, toiletries, cosmetics, grooming accessories, gift cards, ESL materials, furniture, dishes, linens, paper products, household cleaning products, vacuum cleaners (new and used), carbon monoxide detectors/smoke detectors, batteries, office supplies, computers, metro fare cards/bus passes, cars. Wish List items call (703-237-2035 ex 125.) Volunteer opportunities, both individual and corporate.


Household Goods Donation Programs
Clothing Donation Programs
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Office Equipment/Supplies Donation Programs
Helps existing businesses that are struggling to overcome hardships and problems, while helping thriving businesses to expand. Assists new businesses in startup, making the process smoother and the likelihood of success greater. Plays an integral role in helping those entrepreneurs who have already risked their time and money in their businesses to be more successful. Some of the services offered include: *Assistance in developing a business plan; *Market research and analysis; *Assistance in developing a marketing plan; *Assistance with financial and cash flow management; *General business counseling; *Access to capital; *Educational classes (may involve a small fee to attend); *Recordkeeping and taxes; *Government procurement; *United States Small Business Administration loan guarantee program information.


Office Equipment/Supplies Donation Programs
Small Business Development