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Relief to victims of disaster that need emergency food, clothing, and shelter. This program provides temporary basic housing and shelter on a emergency basis to prevent homelessness for individuals and families in crisis. Housing includes referrals and information and location term living arrangements for people who require a moderate-extensive amount of support to maintain independent living conditions.


Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Emergency Assistance provides short-term, limited financial assistance to individuals and families with children when a fire or other natural disaster has destroyed those things necessary for taking care of the household.


Disaster Related Cash Grants
Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Provide relief to victims of disaster. Provide disaster community education programs. Provide relief to victims in single-family fires. Work with city government to maintain disaster plan for city-wide coverage.


Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Disaster Related Shelter Services
Provides short-term limited financial assistance to families with children when a fire or other natural disaster has destroyed those things necessary to take care of the individuals family. Is limited to resources and funds available.


Disaster Related Cash Grants
Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Provides short-term limited financial assistance to families with children when a fire or other natural disaster has destroyed those things necessary to take care of the individuals family. Cannot be more than $500.00 and is limited to 30 consecutive days in any 12 month period.


Disaster Related Cash Grants
Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Provides short-term limited financial assistance to families with children when a fire or other natural disaster has destroyed those things necessary to take care of the individuals family. Cannot be more than $500.00 and is limited to 30 consecutive days in any 12 month period.


Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Disaster Related Cash Grants
Emergency Assistance provides short-term, limited financial assistance to individuals and families with children when a fire or other natural disaster has destroyed those things necessary for taking care of the household. EA may also be available to assist in a housing emergency if the person had no control over the circumstances of the emergency. Emergency Assistance payments can be made for shelter (for example rent, utilities, moving costs), or the repair or replacement of essential household items. The amount of assistance cannot be more than $500 in any 12-month period. Call 3-1-1 for information on the applicaiton process or to speak with a customer service representative. Visit one of our two Social Services locations for assistance.
Provides shelter, food, emotional support, health services, relief supplies and other forms of support to people impacted by disasters. Work with individuals, families, businesses and communities to provide recovery assistance in the weeks and months following a disaster.


Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Community Storm Shelters
During a disaster, offers shelter and meals to those displaced. After a disaster, trained Red Cross interviewers meet one on one with families to determine their needs. The assistance may include providing the means for them to pay for groceries, new clothes, rent, emergency home repairs, transportation, medicines, and tools.


Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies