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Due to weather conditions and extreme temperatures, the Winter Shelter will be open 24/7 through Friday, January 17 at noon. Please share this information with anyone in need of a safe and warm place to stay. To reach the Winter Shelter, call 571.652.9984. The City of Alexandria Winter Shelter, also called Hypothermia Shelter, ensures that individuals and families experiencing homelessness have a warm, clean and safe environment to retreat from the elements of weather at night. The Winter Shelter, operated by Carpenter's Shelter, is open nightly from 7 p.m. - 7 a.m. regardless of weather from Friday, November 1 through Tuesday, April 15. The Winter Shelter provides supportive services and resources necessary to assist residents in obtaining stable housing.


Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Community Storm Shelters
Housing Resource Center Transitions Day Services at the Housing Resource Center (HRC), 104 N. Witchduck Road, is open until 3 p.m. on Feb. 19 for individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Adults experiencing homelessness in Virginia Beach who will need overnight shelter should make their way to the HRC before 3 p.m. for intake for the Winter Shelter program. Housing & Neighborhood Preservation’s Outreach Team will be in the community on Wednesday until 3 p.m., offering transportation to individuals who are residing in encampments and cars to bring them to the HRC to access the Winter Shelter. The City’s contracted Winter Shelter provider, PiN Ministry, has partnered with an additional church to shelter up to 100 individuals. Families with children experiencing unsheltered homelessness (living on the street or in their cars) should call the HRC at 757-385-5167 before 5 p.m. on Feb. 19.


Community Storm Shelters
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Disaster Warnings
Disaster Preparedness
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
H.E.L.P. Shelter Operations: H.E.L.P.’s A Night’s Welcome will operate from 40 Kings Way (Hampton Baptist Church) starting at 6 p.m. and remain open throughout the snow event.


Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Warnings
Community Storm Shelters
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
• WARMING CENTER The City of Lynchburg, in partnership with the Salvation Army, 2215 Park Avenue, will again open an overnight warming center for unsheltered individuals and families in the community . This is a low-barrier warming center. Warming Center Extended! The Salvation Army, 2215 Park Avenue, will open an overnight low-barrier warming center for unsheltered individuals and families in the community. There will be extra beds designated for the warming center. The warming center will be open: The Salvation Army, 2215 Park Avenue, will open an overnight low-barrier warming center for unsheltered individuals and families in the community. T Subject to change due to weather. Please contact the Salvation Army with questions regarding the schedule.


Critical Service Status Information
Disaster Warnings
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Disaster Preparedness
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Community Storm Shelters
There are no declared emergencies at this time


Disaster Warnings
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Disaster Related Cash Grants
Animal Shelters
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Community Storm Shelters
Provides shelter, food, emotional support, health services, relief supplies and other forms of support to people impacted by disasters. Work with individuals, families, businesses and communities to provide recovery assistance in the weeks and months following a disaster.


Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Community Storm Shelters
Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies