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Emergency Management provides disaster preparedness, response and recovery services to the residents of King and Queen County by writing and maintaining the Emergency Operations Plan, managing the county's emergency operations center, and by coordinating post disaster recovery and mitigation activities. Emergency Management also provides emergency planning in such areas as special needs, continuity of operations and emergency operations. Emergency management staff members are available to give presentations on emergency preparedness to your homeowner's association, civic group, business or faith community.
Emergency Management provides disaster preparedness, response and recovery services to the residents of King and Queen County by writing and maintaining the Emergency Operations Plan, managing the county's emergency operations center, and by coordinating post disaster recovery and mitigation activities. Emergency Management also provides emergency planning in such areas as special needs, continuity of operations and emergency operations. Emergency management staff members are available to give presentations on emergency preparedness to your homeowner's association, civic group, business or faith community.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Emergency Management
Emergency Management
County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Management
Emergency Management
County Offices of Emergency Services
Help you prepare for disasters that take place when you're at home, work or on the road.
Find out how to become active in community preparedness activities obtain additional skills that are useful for responding during disasters.
Learn about local, regional and national resources for information and materials.
Understand how your County is preparing and how we will respond during disasters.
Learn how to obtain and provide information during disasters.
Help you prepare for disasters that take place when you're at home, work or on the road.
Find out how to become active in community preparedness activities obtain additional skills that are useful for responding during disasters.
Learn about local, regional and national resources for information and materials.
Understand how your County is preparing and how we will respond during disasters.
Learn how to obtain and provide information during disasters.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
The County's Office of Emergency Management provides emergency planning, management and coordination of disaster response efforts. Operates emergency operations center. Provides information and training for public awareness and protection from natural, man-made, technological, and peace or wartime nuclear emergencies.
The County's Office of Emergency Management provides emergency planning, management and coordination of disaster response efforts. Operates emergency operations center. Provides information and training for public awareness and protection from natural, man-made, technological, and peace or wartime nuclear emergencies.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Coordinates with local and State authorities in time a disaster.
Coordinates with local and State authorities in time a disaster.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
This program is primarily responsible to maintain the various emergency plans for the county including the Dinwiddie County Emergency Operations Plan, the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan, and the Disaster Mitigation Plan. The emergency management program is also responsible for maintaining the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and staffing the EOC and coordinating response during major events that affect the County.
This program is primarily responsible to maintain the various emergency plans for the county including the Dinwiddie County Emergency Operations Plan, the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan, and the Disaster Mitigation Plan. The emergency management program is also responsible for maintaining the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and staffing the EOC and coordinating response during major events that affect the County.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
Provides vision, direction, and subject matter expertise in the field of emergency management to heighten Bedford County's state of emergency readiness. Provide proactive leadership in facilitating and coordinating a regional approach to emergency management.
Provides vision, direction, and subject matter expertise in the field of emergency management to heighten Bedford County's state of emergency readiness. Provide proactive leadership in facilitating and coordinating a regional approach to emergency management.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
To ensure that Isle of Wight County is prepared to handle all emergencies of man-made or natural origin and additionally ensure that county citizens are provided quality fire protection and emergency medical services provided by our excellent volunteer fire and rescue agencies. Other responsibilities include developing emergency preparedness plans, assisting various volunteer citizen committees and participating in regional emergency preparedness organizations.
To ensure that Isle of Wight County is prepared to handle all emergencies of man-made or natural origin and additionally ensure that county citizens are provided quality fire protection and emergency medical services provided by our excellent volunteer fire and rescue agencies. Other responsibilities include developing emergency preparedness plans, assisting various volunteer citizen committees and participating in regional emergency preparedness organizations.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
Emergency Management
Ensure that the County is prepared for all types of emergencies and maintain the Emergency Operations Plan
Manage the response to natural or man-made disasters affecting the County through the Emergency Operations Center
Act as the lead agency in recovery efforts to restore the County to its pre-disaster state
Take measures to mitigate hazards in order to reduce risk to life and property in future disasters
Emergency Management
Ensure that the County is prepared for all types of emergencies and maintain the Emergency Operations Plan
Manage the response to natural or man-made disasters affecting the County through the Emergency Operations Center
Act as the lead agency in recovery efforts to restore the County to its pre-disaster state
Take measures to mitigate hazards in order to reduce risk to life and property in future disasters
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
The Department of Public Safety coordinates all emergency services in Henry County. Department personnel directs and coordinates the efforts of the department and work to keep the department and community in a state of readiness in the event a disaster were to strike.
The Department of Public Safety coordinates all emergency services in Henry County. Department personnel directs and coordinates the efforts of the department and work to keep the department and community in a state of readiness in the event a disaster were to strike.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Manage and coordinate the County's emergency response efforts in times of Natural Disasters, Hazardous Material spills and other events / hazards that could pose a danger to the citizens of Wise County or the public in general. The following locations have been designated as emergency shelters in the event of natural disasters, weather related emergency conditions or other events / hazards that could pose a danger to the public: Appalachia -Appalachia High School Gym Big Stone Gap -Union High School Coeburn -Coeburn Middle School Pound -J W Adams Combined School St. Paul -St. Paul Elementary School Wise -Central High School
Manage and coordinate the County's emergency response efforts in times of Natural Disasters, Hazardous Material spills and other events / hazards that could pose a danger to the citizens of Wise County or the public in general. The following locations have been designated as emergency shelters in the event of natural disasters, weather related emergency conditions or other events / hazards that could pose a danger to the public: Appalachia -Appalachia High School Gym Big Stone Gap -Union High School Coeburn -Coeburn Middle School Pound -J W Adams Combined School St. Paul -St. Paul Elementary School Wise -Central High School
County Offices of Emergency Services
Coordinates planning for and the coordinated response to significant natural, man made, and terrorist incidents.
Coordinates planning for and the coordinated response to significant natural, man made, and terrorist incidents.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
Provides emergency management and disaster preparedness.
Provides emergency management and disaster preparedness.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Plan, prepare for and mitigate emergencies; educate the public on preparedness; coordinate and support responses to and recovery from emergencies; collect and disseminate critical information.
Emergency Communications Center: (used when EOC is not activated)
Non-Emergency (804) 733-2770
Emergency Operations Center: (used only when activated)
(804) 733-2659 Public Number
Plan, prepare for and mitigate emergencies; educate the public on preparedness; coordinate and support responses to and recovery from emergencies; collect and disseminate critical information.
Emergency Communications Center: (used when EOC is not activated)
Non-Emergency (804) 733-2770
Emergency Operations Center: (used only when activated)
(804) 733-2659 Public Number
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Responsible for: maintaining the county Emergency Operations Plan; responding to and managing disasters and hazardous materials spills; assisting with multi-agency emergency responses; coordinating emergency drills; evaluating the county's exposure to potential weather-related, chemical or other hazards; investigating environmental hazards and report to the appropriate state/federal agencies.
Responsible for: maintaining the county Emergency Operations Plan; responding to and managing disasters and hazardous materials spills; assisting with multi-agency emergency responses; coordinating emergency drills; evaluating the county's exposure to potential weather-related, chemical or other hazards; investigating environmental hazards and report to the appropriate state/federal agencies.
Disaster Warnings
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Coordinates Powhatan County 's planning for and the coordinated response to significant natural, man made, and terrorist incidents that exceed the normal day-to-day response capabilities of Powhatan County 's emergency response system.
Coordinates Powhatan County 's planning for and the coordinated response to significant natural, man made, and terrorist incidents that exceed the normal day-to-day response capabilities of Powhatan County 's emergency response system.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
Provides disaster preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery services to the citizens of Buchanan County.
Provides disaster preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery services to the citizens of Buchanan County.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
Provides emergency managment and disaster preparedness for the county.
Provides emergency managment and disaster preparedness for the county.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Coordinates planning for and the coordinated response to significant natural, man made, and terrorist incidents.
Coordinates planning for and the coordinated response to significant natural, man made, and terrorist incidents.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
All hazards emergency management program. Emergency Management staff monitors daily weather and intelligence briefings to protect citizens and visitors from natural and man-made disasters. The Public Safety Committee meets bi-monthly to discuss safety issues of the island, including those pertaining to emergency management . During an emergency, the Town operates within the guidelines of the Emergency Operations Plan that is reviewed and updated regularly and is re-adopted by the Town Council every 4 years, as is required by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The purpose of this plan is to establish the legal and organizational basis for operations in the Town of Chincoteague in response to any type of disaster or large-scale emergency situation.
The Town of Chincoteague's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is located in the Municipal Building at 6150 Community Drive. The EOC is staffed with emergency personnel during disasters to mitigate the dangers to life safety, public property, and private property.
All hazards emergency management program. Emergency Management staff monitors daily weather and intelligence briefings to protect citizens and visitors from natural and man-made disasters. The Public Safety Committee meets bi-monthly to discuss safety issues of the island, including those pertaining to emergency management . During an emergency, the Town operates within the guidelines of the Emergency Operations Plan that is reviewed and updated regularly and is re-adopted by the Town Council every 4 years, as is required by the Commonwealth of Virginia. The purpose of this plan is to establish the legal and organizational basis for operations in the Town of Chincoteague in response to any type of disaster or large-scale emergency situation.
The Town of Chincoteague's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is located in the Municipal Building at 6150 Community Drive. The EOC is staffed with emergency personnel during disasters to mitigate the dangers to life safety, public property, and private property.
Disaster Preparedness
County Offices of Emergency Services
The Office of Emergency Management oversees hazmat incidents, search and rescue missions, etc. Responsible for the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC). Completed Tier II Forms are submitted from area businesses as required by law. The Coordinator conducts exercises for radiological emergencies and natural disasters and is responsible for preparing, updating, and maintaining a variety of emergency plans that would be followed in case of such events. To report an emergency management incident or hazard in progress: (540) 582-7100 (24 hours, 7 days a week). To report an illegal incident or emergency management incident that is not currently active, please call Emergency Management: (540) 507-7923.
The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC) duties in partnership with the George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC). The Emergency Management Coordinator conducts training and exercises for radiological emergencies, all-hazards (natural or man-made), and disasters. The Emergency Management Coordinator is also responsible for preparing, updating, and maintaining a variety of emergency, all-hazards plans that would be followed in case of such events.
The Office of Emergency Management oversees hazmat incidents, search and rescue missions, etc. Responsible for the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC). Completed Tier II Forms are submitted from area businesses as required by law. The Coordinator conducts exercises for radiological emergencies and natural disasters and is responsible for preparing, updating, and maintaining a variety of emergency plans that would be followed in case of such events. To report an emergency management incident or hazard in progress: (540) 582-7100 (24 hours, 7 days a week). To report an illegal incident or emergency management incident that is not currently active, please call Emergency Management: (540) 507-7923.
The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC) duties in partnership with the George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC). The Emergency Management Coordinator conducts training and exercises for radiological emergencies, all-hazards (natural or man-made), and disasters. The Emergency Management Coordinator is also responsible for preparing, updating, and maintaining a variety of emergency, all-hazards plans that would be followed in case of such events.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Coordinates and activates emergency services in the time of disaster, (i.e., rescue, sheltering and medical care). Assigns agencies and volunteer groups at the local level to coordinate and carry out the disaster plan. Also provides emergency training for volunteers.
Coordinates and activates emergency services in the time of disaster, (i.e., rescue, sheltering and medical care). Assigns agencies and volunteer groups at the local level to coordinate and carry out the disaster plan. Also provides emergency training for volunteers.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Emergency Management plan, prepare for and mitigate emergencies; educate the public on preparedness; coordinate and support responses to and recovery from emergencies; collect and disseminate critical information.
Emergency Management plan, prepare for and mitigate emergencies; educate the public on preparedness; coordinate and support responses to and recovery from emergencies; collect and disseminate critical information.
County Offices of Emergency Services
Disaster Preparedness
Liaison between the Virginia State Emergency Management Division and other state agencies during disasters and works with local Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, EMS, Volunteer Rescue Squads and others, coordinating the planning, response, recovery and mitigation activities for natural and man made disasters.
Liaison between the Virginia State Emergency Management Division and other state agencies during disasters and works with local Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, EMS, Volunteer Rescue Squads and others, coordinating the planning, response, recovery and mitigation activities for natural and man made disasters.
County Offices of Emergency Services