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Provides a Service Club for visually impaired. Offers eye exams and glasses assistance.
Seeks to remove discrimination wherever found and to promote equal rights for everyone. The goal is racial justice for housing, education, jobs, etc. Various fundraising events include the Freedom Fund Fashion Show.


Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Civic Groups
Provides an international civic club which is service oriented with focus on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness.
Interest in water resources of the James River, including economic development, conservation water quality improvements, water supply and flood control.
Provides a service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation.
Provides assistive devices to individuals with sight and hearing impairment(s) who meet financial eligibility criteria. Also helps the needy obtain eye examinations.


Civic Groups
Eye Care
Assistive Technology Equipment
Hearing Screening
Eye Screening
Assists Lions Club with numerous local projects. Primary interests involve sight and hearing. More hands on than the Lions Club. Offers information with an emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Helps the needy obtain eye examinations, glaucoma screening, eyeglasses and hearing aids
The Friends of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library is a 501(c)(3) entity recognized as such by the IRS. The Friends accept donations of books, audio and visual tapes and CDs and DVDs and records. Details of what the Friends want and do not want can be found on the appropriate page of the Friends' web site, along with information on when and how to make donations. Funds raised through the spring and fall book sales are used to support additional library programs and projects promoting literacy and personal development, and the development of library services. The Friends' newsletter, "Among Friends" appears three times a year - spring, summer and fall.
Fellowship meetings, Bible studies; day and night trips, monthly newsletter, Gospel singers and more!
Promotes Americanism; social and community welfare; participate in adopt-a-Highway Program.
Special interest community service organization which provides hearing aids and eyeglasses to the needy.
The Junior League of Roanoke Valley, Virginia, Inc. is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact.


Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups
Civic Groups
Classical children choir


Civic Groups
Artist Services
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man. Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but also develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills.
Provides an international service orientated civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Assists the needy with eyeglasses, eye examinations and hearing aids.
Community Service; operate the Pamplin Community Center and Ball Field, Adopt-a-Highway trash pickup on 2 miles of highway in Pamplin area
Provides a program whose main objective is to monetarily support the Fluvanna County Library through fund raising activities-book sales, bake sales, etc; and to provide volunteer services to the library. Also provides general library services without charge to all residents of Fluvanna County.
The Friends of the Lynchburg Public Library (FLPL) is a 501(c)(3) with a board of directors (Friends) who raise funds and advocate for the growth and sustainability of the library beyond what falls under the city's purview. support the vital services and programs provided by the Lynchburg Public Library. Promote literacy, advocated for the development of library services, encouraged community support, and funded projects to support library services by providing equipment, materials and programs.
A support and education consultant service agency of the Virgina Education Association to our members. Purpose is to promote public education; provide service to members; lobby for education legislation; assist with salary negotiations;improve and maintain community relations.


Business Networking Groups
Civic Groups
Provides a membership group that supports the Library by volunteering, increasing public interest with special programs and raising funds.
Emphasis is helping veterans and their families locally;community service; sponsor and support children and youth programs.


Military Family Service/Support Centers
Civic Groups
Community Facilities/Centers
Provides an international civic club which is service oriented with focus on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness.
Administrative Entity- Provides a Fraternal organization with a special interest in youth and community service.
Science Fiction/Star Trek/ Hobby group; meets monthly, 3rd Saturday at Madison Heights Library in James River Shopping Center Sponsors 10 charities at Christmas. Sends local Amherst County students to Space Camp. Raises funds through an Annual Charity Auction held at the Holiday Inn Downtown Lynchburg every August. Is a 501(c)(3) organization
The Remington Lions Club sponsors events and fund raisers to help people in our community. Lots of hands are needed. Our help includes but is never limited to the following: Eye exams, eye glasses, eye surgery, companion dogs; Hearing exams, hearing aids, surgery; donations to individuals or families for food, heat, medical, prescriptions, crutches, wheelchairs, that have fallen on hard times and are in need of temporary relief; Scholarships for our young children who have worked hard and are in need of a little boost; Donations of our facility for local families for funerals and for our kids activities. All of the funds that we raise are used to help and support our friends and neighbors in our local community.