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United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg identifies the community’s greatest challenges and drives impact by investing in solutions in youth opportunity, financial stability and healthy community.


Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Provides the Community Action Partnership of Staunton, Augusta, and Waynesboro (CAPSAW). CAPSAW is the Community Action agency designated in July 2009 by Virginia's governor to serve the citizens of Augusta County, the City of Staunton, and the City of Waynesboro. It has also been designated by the City Councils of Staunton and Waynesboro, and the Board of Supervisors of Augusta County, through a Memorandum of Agreement. CAPSAW administers funds made available annually to designated Community Action agencies through the Federal Community Services Block Grant, the State Community Services Block Grant, and Federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funds, along with required match funds provided by each of three localities. The federal and state funds made available to CAPSAW are administered through the Virginia Department of Social Services.
Creating community-based and community-led solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a good quality of life: education, financial stability and health.


Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Serves as the coordinating agency of Human Services for the City of Winchester and the Counties of Frederick, Clarke, Shenandoah, Page and Warren. Conducts an annual fund drive and facilitates a comprehensive community needs assessment for the planning district. Also spearheads a resource and referral program called the Valley Assistance Network (VAN).
The Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge is a charitable organization that distributes grants, scholarships, and awards to numerous organizations and individuals each year. Supported by hundreds of local donors, many of whom have created permanent chartiable funds within the Community Foundation.
Through an initiative-based cradle-to-career approach, United Way of Southwest Virginia is creating solutions to address the challenges facing tomorrow's workforce. United Way convenes cross-sector partners to make an impact on the most complex problems in the region. Through collaboration with government, business, nonprofit and individuals, United Way innovates for positive, lasting social change.


Volunteer Development
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
The Community Foundation and its various supporting organizations manage a number of competitive grant making programs.
Makes grants to organizations planning to improve the health status of the people living in the service area by addressing the unmet needs of the medically indigent and uninsured and by supporting programs which have the primary purpose of preventing illness and disease.
Raises financial support from local businesses and individuals for a variety of local charities.
Provides services that actively promote accomplishment in Portsmouth's public schools and create opportunities for further improvement.
Love Heals hosts benefit concerts where we partner with a local Storyteller to share up to 15 minutes of their story to encourage and inspire their local community. 100% of every dollar raised goes to the Storyteller and we keep a donation window open for up to 1 month. We cover costs that are associated with their hardship. Hardship could be a medical crisis, loss of a loved one, kinship/ foster care, homelessness, etc. Examples of costs Love Heals will cover include reimbursements of lost wages, medical debt, mortgage payments, rent, home repairs, car payments, etc. So long as documentation is provided to validate costs that are associated with our Storytellers hardship, Love Heals will partner with the individual to help payout those costs directly to vendors.


Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
RUW works with local companies and businesses to mobilize the caring power of our community, raising funds and awarding grants to local nonprofits who are addressing the underlying causes of poverty by focusing on Education, Income and Health.
The global organization focused on type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Driven by grassroots volunteers. The charitable supporter of T1D diabetes research. Offers the following community outreach programs: Bag of Hope for newly diagnosed patients which contains books, video tapes, meal planners, and other informative materials; Family Network, a support group for the families of diabetic children; and Community Speakers which provides volunteer speakers to various community groups.


Disease/Disability Information
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Focuses on uniting local people and resources to improve lives in the New River Valley. Providies in-house program support and financial support for 22 partner agencies working to address needs and provide services in three impact areas: 1) Self-Sufficiency, 2) Strengthening Families and Youth, and 3) Health and Crisis Intervention. Volunteer referrals are also provided. Programs include: Family Wize Prescription Cards, Holiday Meal Box Program, Toys From the Heart, Stuff the Bus, Diaper Bank, and Elves United. Inquire for more information and about our other programs.
Raises funds throughout the community for over 1000 non-profit organizations during an annual campaign, September through early December. ****United Way NCA does not offer direct services to the public. ****


Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Serves as a local non-profit organization that raises funds and distributes those funds to health and human service organizations in our community. Provide referrals to local agnecies, but do not give funds directly to clients.


Counseling/Information Support Volunteer Opportunities
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations