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Provides a membership organization dedicated to the united interests of the Bath County business community. The Chamber advances the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of Bath County, encourages the existing businesses and industries, and aids new businesses in the county. Offers a varied range of seminars and programs to aid its members. Also offers a listing of Chamber members and their addresses.


Small Business Development
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Chambers of Commerce
Provides a forum for regional operations in the Planning District 10 locality. As a State Data Center, offers information and statistics on demography and economic trends. Regional planning activities include the Long Range Transportation Plan, the Rural Long Range Plan, the Solid Waste Management Plan, the Hazard Mitigation Plan, and the Consolidated Plan for housing. Virginia Relay Users: Dial 711


Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Supports the economic, civic, commercial, industrial, educational and tourism interests of Radford and the New River Valley.


Business Recruitment and Attraction
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Chambers of Commerce
The Planning Commission is comprised of seven city residents, of which one is a City Council member, serving four-year terms (two term maximum). They typically meet once a month to consider requests on issues such as rezonings, special use permits, major subsdivisions, and street and alley closings. The Commission's recommendations are forwarded to City Council to help their decision-making. The Commission also assists the City with special projects such as ordinance revisions and special sub-committees. The duties and responsibilities of the Planning Commission are in City Code Section 10-1-1. Regular Planning Commission meetings are typically held on the second Wednesday of every month, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801. .


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Department of Economic Development acts as a liaison to forge partnerships between business and government in Roanoke. Staff is comprised of economic development professionals whose core functions include: Business retention and expansion including a variety of incentives and programs Engaging the community to both enhance and attract a creative and innovative workforce Liason with other organizations engaged in workforce development and training Entrepreneurial development Facilitation of commercial and industrial development through business attraction Support to the Economic Development Authority and Roanoke Arts Commission


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Housing Development
Promotes Charlottesville and Albemarle to the traveling public and to companies and organizations for small conferences and conventions. Information, brochures and pamphlets are available for local and statewide scenic, historic, recreation and vacation sites online at https://www.visitcharlottesville.org/plan/visitor-center/ . Maintains information for the entire Commonwealth. Mails out information specifically for Charlottesville and Albemarle.


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Travelers Assistance
Provides government services to the citizens and businesses of Scott County. Economic Development: 276-386-2525. Treasurer's Office: 276-386-7742. Commissioner of the Revenue: 276-3867692 Circuit Court Clerk: 276-386-3801 Extension Office: 276-452-2772. E911: 276-386-7220.


Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Traffic Control
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Specialized Business Development
Business Recruitment and Attraction
Street Maintenance
Services offered by Development Services include: Development Services, Civil Engineering, Stormwater Management, Building Safety/Building Permits
Provides an agency dedicated to the united interests of the community by advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of the community. Encourages existing businesses and industries and aids new businesses in the area. The Chamber offers a varied range of seminars and programs to aid its members. Membership fees based on company size. An annual listing of Chamber members and their addresses is available. When relocating to a new area, the local Chamber of Commerce is a good place to request community information. For Tourist Information, please call: (800)282-8223


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
Serves as staff to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals and the public, with respect to land use planning and development. Major responsibilities include planning, zoning, subdivision, building, permitting, and Code and Ordinance enforcement. The Department consists of three functional divisions - the Planning Office, Zoning, Permitting and Inspections Office, and the Environmental Office of the County Soil Scientist.


Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Provides services and programs to enhance the quality of life for the citizens and promote the viability of intake and industry in the Staunton, Waynesboro and Augusta County area. Serves over 360 member businesses, the general public and those outside our area wishing to relocate or visit our community.


Small Business Development
Chambers of Commerce
Special Focus Community Economic Development
A business resource center committed to the growth and development of beginning or expanding businesses. Our 10,000 square foot facility offers a diverse range of facilities from single offices to light manufacturing areas. The benefits received from operating a business within the incubator are shared secretarial services, fax, copy machine, conference facilities, employee lounges, and computer lab for your training needs.


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
Business Recruitment and Attraction
Provides information about land use and community planning for the City of Charlottesville.


Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Helps to market Nelson County as a destination for tourism and meetings, and thereby increase the economic base of Nelson County.


Travelers Assistance
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Provides a membership organization that works to preserve and enhance the free and competitive enterprise system, promoting growth and development of Gloucester County. They voice issues and actions effecting business and industry in Gloucester County.


Small Business Development
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Provides a membership organization dedicated to the united interest of Highland County business community. The Chamber advances the economic industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of Highland County.


Chambers of Commerce
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
Provides an agency dedicated to the united interests of the community by advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of the community. Encourages existing businesses and industries and aids new businesses in the area. An annual listing of Chamber members and their addresses is available. When relocating to a new area, the local Chamber of Commerce is a good place to request community information.


Chambers of Commerce
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
The Chamber promotes regional business by providing referrals and connections and influencing public policy to benefit all businesses. Fosters growth by offering relevant programs and events designed to address business needs, solve business problems and increase opportunities.


Chambers of Commerce
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Generates increased tourism sales, tourism industry employment, and local tax revenues.


Travelers Assistance
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Developing and implementing the county’s economic development program, the EDA also has the authority to borrow money, issue bonds, and buy and sell land on behalf of the county to support economic development projects.
Promote the orderly and efficient developments of the physical, social, and economic elements of localities belonging to the Region 2000 Partnership. Provide technical assistance to local governments. State Data Center Affiliate. Transportation planning, state and federal grants, mapping, GIS. The Region 2000 is also in partnership with the Region 2000 Economic Development Council, the Region 2000 Workforce Investment Board and the Region 2000 Technology Council.


Specialized Personnel Recruitment Programs
Special Focus Community Economic Development
The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia that engages the resources of Virginia Tech, Danville Community College, Averett University and other partners. Its main goal is to diversify, transform and grow the economy of Southern Virginia.


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Our organization, through connectivity, education, access, leadership and communication is the resource for the growth and enhancement of the Fauquier County business community. This chamber focuses on providing development and publication of promotional/descriptive materials, business seminars and community forums on local concerns.


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Chambers of Commerce
Small Business Development
Reviews and develops plans that reflect the County's interest in the preservation of the environment, the provision of efficient public facilities and services, the provision of diverse housing opportunities, and the effective utilization of the area's land resources. Building Inspections also fall under Communtiy Developemnt.


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups