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Assists Staunton's City Council, Planning Commission, and citizens in developing and implementing policy reflecting the goals and priorities in Staunton's Comprehensive Plan vision for the future planning and land use policy in the city. In addition, planning staff serves as liaison for the Historic Preservation Commission.
The Arlington Real Estate Group in cooperation with Arlington Economic Development will engage the local real estate community to participate and shape the future of commercial development in Arlington County with an emphasis on relevant market information, economic development and the smart growth movement by showcasing the latest trends and developments in commercial real estate throughout Arlington County.


Small Business Development
Redevelopment Programs
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Provides resources and assistance for the development of affordable housing, water and waste systems, and other community development programs for low to moderate income citizens of Fluvanna County. For all services please contact the main office of the Fluvanna Louisa Housing Foundation in Louisa at (540)967-3483 or call toll-free at (866)325-4131 Ext 7483.