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The University of Mary Washington Small Business Development Center (UMWSBDC) is a resource center that provides assistance to the small business community and budding entrepreneurs via management training, industrial and demographic research, and confidential one-on-one consulting with a focus on capital access and management planning.
FEES: Members are paid mileage and a flat fee per meeting; however, each member must bear the expense to travel to the sites. Promote the orderly and efficient developments of the physical, social, and economic elements of localities. Provide technical assistance. Transportation planning, state and federal grants, mapping, GIS, Indoor plumbing and rehabilitation, waste tire program. Staff provides technical/liaison assistance to member


Small Business Development
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Provides a town planning and zoning office that assists officials and the citizens of the Town of Culpeper in planning and managing for the orderly growth and development of the community.


Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Small Business Development
Provides leadership to advance Fluvanna County's business community and to promote economic development. Some long-term objectives include supporting businesses already in the County, enhancing the image of business in the County and increasing the membership of the Chamber. Additionally, the Chamber provides leadership to County government for economic development, encourages the development of infrastructure that can support business, establishes a stronger voice for business in local decision making and attracts and assists new and different businesses to the County to provide needed services.


Small Business Development
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Chambers of Commerce
Provides training, business technical assistance, and business loans to create or expand an existing business in the area served as listed below. Provides business readiness classes and business plan development courses. Both existing and start-up business clients are eligible to take the training courses.


Business Financing
Small Business Development
Committed to building a stronger business community and developing tourism in Dickenson County. We are a part of the Crooked Road "Virginia's Music Trail & home to The Breaks Interstate Park, known as the Grand Canyon of the South, the John Flannigan Dam & Reservoir and the Ralph Stanley Museum and Traditional Mountain Music Center. Chamber also serves as a visitor's center and houses the Historical Society of Dickenson County. Just moved into new location in former Doc Phipps House. Facility will be disability accessible soon.


Business Recruitment and Attraction
Chambers of Commerce
Small Business Development
Works to strengthen the business climate of the community. Provides networking, marketing, and referrals. Referrals are an integral part of building up the business in our area. All referrals that are given out by Chamber staff are Chamber members. Legislative representation is offered to the membership through VaWest. This lobby effort works to promote the area represented by chambers across the western portion of Virginia. Publishes a newsletter and business directory. Offers multiple volunteer opportunities. The Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. was created to assist the Chamber of Commerce in strengthening the development and growth of the Chamber's activities. By providing educational scholarships from the business community and assisting in fund-raising for the renovation project of the Carriage House in Longwood Park, the Foundation has emerged as a community leader


Small Business Development
Chambers of Commerce
Offers small business development products and services to Pulaski County micro entrepreneurs. Startup and growing businesses need access to capital, training and technical assistance in order to become viable and sustainable. Services include: *Micro Credit *Micro Loans *Roots Business Training Information is available from [email protected].
Provides an agency dedicated to the united interests of the community by advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of the community. Encourages existing businesses and industries and aids new businesses in the area. The Chamber offers a varied range of seminars and programs to aid its members. Membership fees based on company size. An annual listing of Chamber members and their addresses is available. When relocating to a new area, the local Chamber of Commerce is a good place to request community information. For Tourist Information, please call: (800)282-8223


Small Business Development
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Our organization, through connectivity, education, access, leadership and communication is the resource for the growth and enhancement of the Fauquier County business community. This chamber focuses on providing development and publication of promotional/descriptive materials, business seminars and community forums on local concerns.


Chambers of Commerce
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
Provides a membership organization dedicated to the united interests of Shenandoah County business community. The Chamber advances the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, and civic welfare of Shenandoah County. Encourages the existing businesses and industries and aids new businesses in the area. Offers a varied range of seminars and programs to aid members. Membership fees based on company size.


Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
The Certification Division of the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD) certifies small, women-owned, and minoritiy-owned (SWaM) businesses to enhance the participation in the state and local government procurement process for small, women-owned and minority-owned businesses.
The BIC is designed for clients who have outgrown their home office space and are not quite ready to move into commercial space. BIC clients are able to enjoy the benefits of a commercial location at a lower cost and enjoy the benefits of the advice of business professionals, discounts on educational programs, state-of-the-art telecommunications and computer equipment, access to training and meeting space and networking opportunities.
Addresses areas of concern including: *Providing advocacy, education and leadership development training on matters affecting business and agriculture. *Establishing business contact networks. *Marketing Smyth County and the towns of Chilhowie, Marion and Saltville to businesses. *Encouraging established business and industry to expand in Smyth County. *Providing referral services *Promoting tourism and technology.


Small Business Development
Chambers of Commerce
A non-profit, action oriented organization that serves as the leading spokesman for business in the Alleghany Highlands. Maintains programs in the areas of business development, communication, awards, education, governmental links, organizational development, and tourism. Members represent a wide spectrum of industrial, technological, retail, and service oriented businesses. Provides programs and services which foster a healthy business environment and promote economic growth.


Chambers of Commerce
Business Recruitment and Attraction
Small Business Development
Provides an agency dedicated to the united interests of the community by advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of the community. Encourages existing businesses and industries and aids new businesses in the area. An annual listing of Chamber members and their addresses is available. When relocating to a new area, the local Chamber of Commerce is a good place to request community information.


Chambers of Commerce
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Small Business Development
Provides an agency to advance the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, and civic welfare of Madison County. Encourages the existing businesses, and industries. Aids new businesses in the area. Offers a varied range of seminars and programs that aid members. Membership fees based on company size. Offers a listing of Chamber members and their addresses. Visitors Center is located at the Chamber.


Small Business Development
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Chambers of Commerce
The Central Virginia Small Business Development Center offers free business consulting services.


Business Networking Groups
Small Business Development
Helps small businesses obtain a fair share of federal government business. Provides counseling on how to prepare bids and obtain prime contracts and subcontracts. Assistance provided through resource partners - SCORE, SBDC, and WBC.
Variety of services for small businesses in Virginia. Services include free counseling and technical assistance, pre-business and business planning workshops, and information on starting and managing a small business offered through Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE); free counseling services available through a network of Small Business Development Centers; assistance for women business owners from a women's business ownership representative; assistance for veteran's business owners from a veterans business ownership representative; and assistance for businesses involved or interested in becoming involved in exporting from an International Trades Officer. SBA also provides loans for small businesses and post disaster assistance.


Small Business Development
Disaster Loans
Business Financing
Established to enhance, promote and improve the economic, civic, educational and cultural well being of Washington County.
Provides government services to the citizens and businesses of Scott County. Economic Development: 276-386-2525. Treasurer's Office: 276-386-7742. Commissioner of the Revenue: 276-3867692 Circuit Court Clerk: 276-386-3801 Extension Office: 276-452-2772. E911: 276-386-7220.


Specialized Business Development
Business Recruitment and Attraction
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Street Maintenance
Traffic Control
The Department of Community Development coordinates Lynchburg's construction, code compliance and community revitalization efforts. Community Development helps our businesses, institutions, neighborhoods and residents create a thriving City through efficient plan review and permitting, thoughtful planning and preservation and effective property maintenance and grant project implementation. The department is comprised of four divisions: Grants Administration Inspections - Code Compliance and New Construction Planning Zoning & Natural Resources


Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Small Business Development
Richmond SCORE provides free and confidential business mentoring tailored to meet the needs of your small business and your personal objectives. Richmond SCORE also offers workshops, for a modest fee, for both start-up entrepreneurs and existing small business owners.
Provides a membership organization dedicated to the united interests of the Bath County business community. The Chamber advances the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of Bath County, encourages the existing businesses and industries, and aids new businesses in the county. Offers a varied range of seminars and programs to aid its members. Also offers a listing of Chamber members and their addresses.


Small Business Development
Special Focus Community Economic Development
Chambers of Commerce