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Provides access to information/education, resources, linkage to care, and services in the prevention and care of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C. Free confidential HIV and Hepatitis C testing and counseling. Hepatitis C entry point for linkage to care services. Support services for persons affected by HIV/AIDS. The entry point for Ryan White Part B Services. Case Management and Patient Navigation services for persons living with HIV or HCV. Housing/Utility Assistance, Transportation vouchers, and food pantry for those living with HIV/AIDS ONLY. Provides harm reduction education and materials for those affected by substance use issues and free REVIVE instruction to those interested in obtaining Naloxone to prevent overdose. Service Navigation for linkage to basic needs (i.e., food, housing, etc.), insurance enrollment, etc., available to anyone regardless of HIV or HCV status. CHARLII (Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Resources and Linkages for Individuals experiencing Incarceration) coordinates for persons recently released from incarceration who are HIV positive.
Provides services including Peer Counseling, HARM reduction, support groups, assistance with job search, public benefits, and transportation, and referral to other community services for community residents. 24 hour phone Peer counseling 540-572-2312, Option 4.


Drug Related Harm Reduction Programs
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
Offer harm reduction services for people who use drugs, including naloxone, safer-use kits, and education. Additionally, provide referrals and linkages to care - including SNAP, Medicaid and benefits sign up and treatment/recovery services. Provide regular HepC & HIV testing, with patient navigation for treatment.


Drug Related Harm Reduction Programs
Provides free REVIVE instruction and distribution to those interested in obtaining Naloxone to prevent overdose.
Offer harm reduction services for people who use drugs, including naloxone, safer-use kits, and education. Additionally, provide referrals and linkages to care - including SNAP, Medicaid and benefits sign up and treatment/recovery services. Provide regular HepC & HIV testing, with patient navigation for treatment.


Drug Related Harm Reduction Programs
Provides free REVIVE instruction and distribution to those interested in obtaining Naloxone to prevent overdose.
Health Brigade's Comprehensive Harm Reduction/Needle Exchange Program purpose is to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis C among persons that inject drugs, their families, and the larger community. Service includes the distribution of sterile and disposal of used hypodermic needles and syringes, education, referral to drug treatment, testing, and an array of other health services. The program is also Mobile. Check the website, https://www.healthbrigade.org/patients-and-clients/needle-exchange, for current locations and hours.