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A respiratory specialty medical clinic offering: * Screening and diagnosis. * Preventive care for respiratory infections. * Medical treatment. * Medical physicals. * Laboratory services. * Patient education. * Pulmonary rehabilitation. * Spirometry. * Smoking cessation. * Audiometry. * Oximetrey. * Benefits counseling and lay advocacy support, a benefit which extends to widows of miners as well. Stone Mountain Health Services Benefits Counseling and Lay Advocacy Component have proven to be and are still one of the leading resources in the nation in securing Federal Black Lung Benefits for coal miners and their widows. The Black Lung Staff continues to work collaboratively with each patient's primary health care provider to ensure that medical treatment is ongoing and meeting the patient's needs. Those patients without a primary care physician will be referred to a physician of their choice or a Stone Mountain Health Services Provider.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Community Clinics
Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Provides a smoking cessation program, Quit For Good, for 10 weeks that helps you prepare to quit and stay smoke free. For information on other health improvement programs, visit the web site.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
This program's focus is on behavior modification and making a personal plan for quitting. Program includes identifying triggers and learning how to cope with them while getting ongoing support, important of exercise, stress management techniques, identifying why you smoke, use of nicotine replacement therapy, etc.


Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Services offered: * Screening and diagnosis; * Preventive care for respiratory infections; * Medical treatment; * Medical physicals; * Laboratory services; * Patient education; * Pulmonary rehabilitation; * Spirometry; * Smoking cessation; * Audiometry; * Oximetrey * Benefits counseling and lay advocacy support, a benefit which extends to widows of miners. Secures Federal Black Lung Benefits for coal miners and their widows. Works collaboratively with each patient's primary health care provider to ensure that medical treatment is on-going and meeting the patient's needs. Those patients without a primary care physician will be referred to a physician of their choice or a Stone Mountain Health Services Provider.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Community Clinics