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Smoke Free Babies is a new an incentive-based education program for pregnant women who smoke about the hazards of smoking during pregnancy and the dangers of secondhand smoke to their children. This program is currently available in Smyth and Washington counties and the city of Bristol, and is funded by the CJ Foundation for SIDS.
Leads a statewide effort to reduce and prevent youth tobacco use. Promotes healthy living habits to children and teens in Virginia through a variety of methods, including: classroom programs; a multimedia youth marketing campaign; and cutting-edge university research. Funding and training is provided to community organizations, public school systems, etc., via a best-value RFP process with three-year grant cycles.


Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Student Health Programs
Provides a smoking cessation program, Quit For Good, for 10 weeks that helps you prepare to quit and stay smoke free. For information on other health improvement programs, visit the web site.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
This program's focus is on behavior modification and making a personal plan for quitting. Program includes identifying triggers and learning how to cope with them while getting ongoing support, important of exercise, stress management techniques, identifying why you smoke, use of nicotine replacement therapy, etc.


Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
An incentive-based education program for pregnant women who smoke about the hazards of smoking during pregnancy and the dangers of secondhand smoke to their children. This program is currently available in Smyth and Washington counties and the city of Bristol, and is funded by the CJ Foundation for SIDS.
Provides numerous services to at- risk youth and families including community education, school based programs, consultation, training sessions and targeted prevention programs.


Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention