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Provides a variety of clinical services for residents of the City of Lynchburg and the surrounding area. Services and programs are designed to support the mental health and overall wellbeing of our clients. Individuals who seek behavioral healthcare services in the City of Lynchburg can receive case mental health management services for adults and intellectual & developmental disabilities case management for both children and adults. Services Available At This Location: Adult Medication Management Case Management Financial Interviews Outpatient Therapy Prevention & Wellness Adult Medication Management Case Management Financial Interviews Outpatient Therapy Prevention & Wellness


Adult Psychiatry
Psychiatric Case Management
Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Case Management Children and teens ages 3 through 18 years old, who have emotional, behavioral, or developmental issues are eligible for case management services. Those who are at-risk of developing emotional, behavioral, or developmental issues may also qualify for services. These services are flexible in nature and are provided at different levels of intensity dependent on the child and family’s needs. Outpatient Counseling for Children Outpatient Services include individual, group, and family therapy. In most cases, counseling is short-term and family-centered, and focused on improving the child's or teen's functioning. Issues that benefit from this approach are aggression, defiant behaviors, school problems, trauma, anxiety, depression, and family disruptions such as divorce and bereavement. Prevention Prevention Services seek to encourage and promote the development of strengths and potentials in general and at-risk populations. It is the goal of prevention services to enhance protective factors and reduce risk factors for youth and their families. Psychiatric Services Psychiatric Services provide medication management. The collaboration between the psychiatrist and therapist is key to recovery; balancing pharmaceutical intervention, insight, education; and behavioral restructuring. Because it is essential to address physical and emotional needs, psychiatric services require that the child or adolescent participate in at least one other agency-based service (such as case management, intensive in-home, or outpatient counseling.) Emergency Services Emergency Services are designed to address urgent or severe behavioral health crises. Our Emergency Services staff provides 24-hour crisis assessment and referral services. If you or someone you know or care for is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, call now 757-378-5555.


General Counseling Services
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Home Based Mental Health Services
Psychiatric Case Management
Crisis Intervention
BreakThru Services provides intensive in-home services which offers goal-directed training to enable individuals with mental, behavioral and or emotional illness to achieve and maintain stability and in-home placement in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment. BreakThru Services LLC will also provide training in the following areas to the individuals we serve: Training in: Benefits of psychoeducation in the home setting Modeling of appropriate behavior related to the individual's health and safety Functional skills and appropriate behavior related to the individual's health and safety Therapeutic Interpersonal relations between family members in the homeActivities of daily living


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Home Based Mental Health Services
Providing short-term help with long-term impact to consumers with significant substance abuse or emotional challenges that do not warrant hospitalization.


Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Compass provides an array of services along the therapeutic continuum all designed to intervene at the lowest level of care necessary to prevent further disruption or disturbance to families and to improve quality of life. Crisis Intervention services offer immediate access (24/7) to quality therapeutic care and support during a crisis. Crisis intervention is a community-based service that provides brief mental health support to promote client stabilization and crisis management in the home or other appropriate settings. Intensive In-Home (IIH) is a home-based, highly supportive and comprehensive program that provides stability for children, adolescents, and their family who are experiencing a mental health crisis. By design, IIH services are more intensive than traditional mental health services as they focus on the stabilization of the child across multiple settings with the goal of decreasing future hospitalizations or other high-level out of home placements. Mental Health Skill-building Services (MHSS) is an intensive, home-based service that is designed to assist the client in obtaining independence or stability within the community. MHSS is available for adults who have long-term mental health needs, cognitive deficiencies or dual diagnoses. Connections provides home-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children and adolescents under the age of 21, who demonstrate significant impairment in adaptive functioning that is related to either developmental delays or other health conditions. Connections is not a diagnosis-specific program and children with other disorders who exhibit communication and social skills deficits in combination with maladaptive behaviors may qualify for services. Outpatient Counseling: Compass offers individual, family, and couples therapy, matching our treatment approach with our clients' specific needs. Compass specializes in a variety of mental health concerns including stress, anxiety, depression, family conflicts, and behavioral challenges.


Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Mental Health Screening
Home Based Mental Health Services
Autism Therapy
Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Crisis Intervention
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
HAMHDS provide a comprehensive continuum of mental health services to the individuals we serve. We serve individuals throughout the lifespan who are experiencing a range of symptoms and illnesses.


Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Adult Psychiatry