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The Winchester campus provides special education services for children with autism and other developmental disabilities at the Elm Street location and the Ruth Birch center. Also provide community-based group homes for children and adults with autism and an intellectual disability. Applied behavior analysis services are also available and are provided by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Autism Therapy
Special Education
A residential facility for 12 adults with developmental disabilities that helps residents achieve independence within the community. Clients are offered support for community living, respite services, and are taught daily living skills. Service in Washington County is funded by Highlands Community Services Board.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Services include: Emergency Services are unscheduled and sometimes scheduled crisis intervention, stabilization, and referral assistance provided over the telephone or face-to-face, if indicated, 24 hours per day and seven days per week to people seeking such services for themselves or others. Services may include walk-ins, home visits, and jail interventions. Emergency Services may include preadmission screening activities associated with admission to a state hospital or training center. Project REACH is a program to support adults and adolescents with intellectual disability and/or developmental disability, as well as mental health condition or challenging behavior that is negatively affecting their quality of life. Purchase of Inpatient Hospitalization Psychiatric Services/Medication includes the provision of psychiatric nursing services by licensed psychiatrist and nurses and may include medication services including prescribing medications and medication management. Outpatient Services are generally provided on an individual, group, or family basis, and usually in a clinic or similar facility or in another location. Outpatient Services may include diagnosis and evaluation, screening and intake, counseling, psychotherapy, behavior management, psychological testing and assessment, laboratory and other ancillary services. Case Management assist individuals and their family members to access needed services that are responsive to the person's individual needs. Services include: identifying and reaching out to individuals in need of services, assessing needs and planning services, linking the individual to services and supports, assisting the person directly to locate, develop, or obtain needed services and resources, coordinating services with other providers, enhancing community integration, making collateral contacts, monitoring service delivery, and advocating for people in response to their changing needs. Day Support Services are services provided in the community and in the program that are individualized activities, supports, training, supervision, and transportation to individuals with intellectual disability to improve their functioning or maintain an optimal level of functioning. Specific components of this service develop or enhance the following skills: self-care and hygiene, eating, toileting, task learning, community resource utilization, environmental and behavioral skills, medication management and transportation. Group Homes provide overnight care in a group home with an intensive treatment or training program. The group home provides 24 hour supervision for individuals who require training and assistance in basic daily living functions such as meal preparation, personal hygiene, transportation, recreation, laundry, and budgeting. Employment Services provide work and support services to groups or individuals in non-residential settings. a. Sheltered Employment Services provide work in a setting that is for individuals with disabilities who are not ready, are unable, or choose not to enter into competitive employment in an integrated setting. This service includes the development of social, personal, and work-related skills based on an individualized services plan. b. Supported Employment provides paid employment to an individual placed in an integrated work setting in the community. The employer employs the individual. On-going support services that may include transportation, job-site training, counseling, advocacy, and any other supports needed to achieve and to maintain the individual in the supported placement are provided by an employment specialist, co-workers of the supported employee, or other qualified individuals. Supported Residential Services are services that support individuals in their own housing arrangements with staff.


Psychiatric Day Treatment
Residential Treatment Facilities
Psychiatric Case Management
Provides a community based intensive treatment setting for severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents who otherwise would require treatment in a more restrictive residential setting or who, upon return from a residential setting, would require more treatment or supervision than what would normally be available in their own home or in a traditional foster home. TFC Sponsor Homes are a distinct, powerful and unique model of care that combines the best elements of traditional foster care with a treatment methodology within a family setting.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Therapeutic Foster Homes
Provides residential group homes for at risk 13-19 year old males and females who are neglected/abused or in need of services. They access services in the community, including school, therapy and medical services. The residents are able to obtain employment and develop independent living skills. Children are referred by local Departments of Social Services, Family Assessment Planning Teams, local school systems, legal guardians, and other treatment facilities. STARS has the capacity to serve up to 16 girls and 15 boys. Appropriate Referrals include developmentally disadvantaged adolescents with any of the following needs or disorders: Youth in need of Independent Living Skills, CHINS, Pregnant, Adjustment Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Bi-Polar Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Personality Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Mild Mental Retardation, and not appropriate for private foster care placement.
Provides high quality community services to persons who have a primary diagnosis of an intellectual, developmental disability, or a long term mental illness. Services are provided in home and community based environments and are designed to provide a high degree of individual attention, emotional support, and opportunity for self expression and individualized routine. Provides residential support to children and adults with a diagnosis of developmental/intellectual disability (DD/Community Living Waiver/Comprehensive Services Act funding) and/or mental illness (Discharge Assistance Planning funding). Wall Residencecs contracts with highly qualified families to deliver services in their home and community. Services include: *Sponsored Residential Service; *Group Homes; *In-Home Support; *Crisis Stabilization; *Therapeutic Consultation; *Community Engagement; *Community Coaching.
Residential services are offered with 24 hour supervision for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Elk Hill-Charlottesville Group Home serves a maximum of eight court and social services referred adolescents ages 14 to 17 who are no longer at high risk for violence, severe aggression, sexual offense and elopement, as well as serving as a step down from the residential program. Set in a supportive community environment, daily routines are structured around independent living and transitional issues.
Horizon’s ICF programs offer adults with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability with active treatment in functional skills to create an environment in which the individual can not only live safely but can excel. Horizon’s ICFs also support individuals with a variety of medical and behavioral needs that require extensive supports to be healthy. High quality, comprehensive services are provided by Horizon's interdisciplinary team of ICF staff which includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, dieticians, recreational therapists, OT/PT speech therapists, residential technicians, counselors, family social workers, case managers, and citizen volunteers among others. All work together to monitor Service Treatment Plans, medical needs, and provide daily living support which includes full-service laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and more. The result is the ability to provide continuous, direct care twenty-four (24) hours per day, with 24/7 oversight and on-call availability after normal business hours.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Residential Treatment Facilities
The Lynnhaven Boys Home services 13 to 17 year old boys with behavioral/emotional/mental health issues who are unable to remain their own homes without the risk of detention, commitment or removal by Child Protective Services. Services provided in this group home include: individual and family counseling; substance abuse group counseling, using laboratory confirmed urine drug tests; aggression replacement training; gender-specific groups that address the male role in the society and healthy intimate relationships with others; post-release transition services; academic support/literacy services; recreation and pro-social activities.
The Elk Hill-Amani Group Home serves a maximum of eight court and social services referred adolescents males ages 14 - 17 who are no longer at high risk for violence, severe aggression, sexual offense and elopement, as well as serving as a step down from the residential program. Set in a supportive community environment, daily routines are structured around independent living and transitional issues.
A 12 bed, community based, coed residential facility serving youth ages 12-17. Chaplin provides 24 hour supervision in a safe and structured environment, in which residents are empowered with behavior modification tools that facilitate the development of healthy and productive patterns of behavior.
Leland House provides short-term (up to 45 days) intervention and stabilization for children in Fairfax County who are in crisis and cannot remain in their home or current residential setting.
The program provide group homes for individuals with mental retardation. It also provides a highly structured program for residents to make progress toward more independent living. It operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The program is internally accessible for the handicapped.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
The educational/residential program assists students and adults whose diagnoses include autism and intellectual disabilities, as well as behavioral, learning and emotional disorders. The Richmond campus also provide applied behavior analysis services.


Special Education
Residential Treatment Facilities
Provides short term, crisis emergency home for teens, ages 13-17 years. Services provided while in the home include:coordination of community service opportunities; aggression replacement training; individual and group counseling; optional health education training on a bi-weekly basis; utilization of community resources to educate residents on health, nutrition and personal safety; and recreational and pro-social activities that include the Outdoor Adventure Program.


Crisis Intervention
Residential Treatment Facilities
Operates five group homes with two levels of assistance-Intensive and Supportive. Counselors help residents learn and master tasks such as maintaining good hygiene and nutrition, taking medications as prescribed, seeing doctors and dentist routinely, taking care of their home, planning their time, making decisions, and managing their finances.
Psychiatric residential treatment provider for adolescents and young adults who are diagnosed with an intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder. Adolescents and young adults dually diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability and an Axis I diagnosis; or adolescents and young adults dually diagnosed with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Autism and Aspergers) and an Axis I diagnosis.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Autism Therapy
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Provides therapeutic residential treatment for males and females ages 11 to 17. The evidenced based trama informed model is the the Sanctuary Model. Specific treatment programs are offered to treat: substance abuse, sexual acting out, assessment and diagnisis and sexual expoliation.


Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Residential Treatment Facilities
Provides alternative living arrangements for individuals with an intellectual disability by providing them with a nurturing and supportive family home. Supports are provided as identified in an Individual Support Plan.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Adult Protective Services
Aurora House is a residential counseling center for girls ages 13-20 and certified by the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice. Aurora House offers short- and long-term community-based treatment to a group of up to 12 girls.
The Residential Program offers a safe and caring environment in which a young man can learn to identify, analyze, and acquire skills to cope with his problems, improve his academic and social skills, and develop self-confidence and responsibility. While the young men's primary focus is achieving a series of well-defined goals in their counseling program, the Residential Program encompasses a full array of wellness-building and skill-enhancement components.
A residential facility for adult males with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services include support for community living, ongoing support services and daily living skills.
Horizon’s ICF programs offer adults with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability with active treatment in functional skills to create an environment in which the individual can not only live safely but can excel. Horizon’s ICFs also support individuals with a variety of medical and behavioral needs that require extensive supports to be healthy. High quality, comprehensive services are provided by Horizon's interdisciplinary team of ICF staff which includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, dieticians, recreational therapists, OT/PT speech therapists, residential technicians, counselors, family social workers, case managers, and citizen volunteers among others. All work together to monitor Service Treatment Plans, medical needs, and provide daily living support which includes full-service laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and more. The result is the ability to provide continuous, direct care twenty-four (24) hours per day, with 24/7 oversight and on-call availability after normal business hours.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Argus House is a community-based group home for high-risk male adolescents age 13 through 17, specifically juveniles who have committed delinquent offenses - or have been labeled as a child in need of supervision - and who display the motivation and ability to change. Clients and their families must be residents of Arlington County and the City of Falls Church.