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Offers pregnancy confirmation, peer counseling on pregnancy options, STI testing and nurse's assessment. ALL services are free and confidential. Our Connections Program connects patients with local community resources that offer assistance and education while supporting them in all aspects of their well-being.


Family Planning
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Peer Counseling
The Peer Mentor Provides motivation and serves as a role model of living independently with a disability; Assists with self-exploration and attainment of goals for independence; Provides information regarding community resources; and Promotes being part of the disability advocacy community speaking up for equal rights and opportunities.
Offers group and individual counseling services to veterans with readjustment issues and helps veterans navigate the Department of Veterans Affairs system.


Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Peer Counseling
Individual Counseling
Offers pregnancy confirmation, peer counseling on pregnancy options, STI testing and nurse's assessment. ALL services are free and confidential. Connections Program connects patients with local community resources that offer assistance and education while supporting them in all aspects of their well-being.


Peer Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Family Planning
The only national organization helping burn survivors everywhere get back to living. Work to empower anyone affected by burn injury through peer support, education, collaboration and advocacy.
Assists emerging consumers toward greater independence by identifying needs, sharing information, and solving problems. Offers individual and group sessions. Trains individuals with disabilities to serve as peer counselors in support, referral and advocacy for others with disabilities. Serves and uses volunteers from all disability groups.
Provides persons with disabilities peer counseling to give opportunity to work to achieve personal goals. Offers one-on-one peer counseling, independent living skills training and facilitated support groups. Peer counseling issues may include any topic related to living independently with a disability such as housing, employment, transportation or other concerns.
Peer Support Services offers volunteer-based individual and group peer counseling for a variety of sexual orientation and gender identity issues.


Lifestyle/Transition Related Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Vets4Warriors is a national program that provides 24/7, free, confidential personalized services (peer support) to all Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members Veterans and their families/caregivers.


Lifestyle/Transition Related Support Groups
Peer Counseling
The Independent Living Coordinators employed by the Center are individuals with disabilities who share similar life experiences to those coming into the Center and are able to share their experience in a manner that will assist those coping with the effects of disability in their lives. Participants are expected to develop a plan to achieve maximum independence and set goals toward accomplishing that independence. Through counseling, participants learn about the needs and resources required for meeting their individual independent living goals. Counselors assist, but do not set, the individual to set achievable goals that best fit their own level of aspiration within reasonable time-frames. Peer counseling can be provided individually or in a group setting.


Peer Counseling
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Provides a Counseling Program where counseling is offered by individuals with a disability who mentor others with disabilities.
Turning Point provides a way to intervene rapidly after a first episode of psychosis, and to provide wraparound services for the young person with the goal of getting them re-engaged in the community and less dependent on a service system. The early intervention program helps the young people and their families understand and manage symptoms of mental illness and/or substance use disorder, while also building skills and supports that allow them to be successful in work, school, and life in general.


Family Counseling
Peer Counseling
Psychiatric Case Management
Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Life Skills Education
Matches newly diagnosed patients with others who share a similar diagnosis or situation to provide support, information and hope.


Peer Counseling
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Independent Living Coordinators are individuals with disabilities who share similar life experiences to those being served. Through Peer Mentoring, consumers learn about the needs and resources necessary for independent living. Consumers set goals and actively pursue steps to achieve their goals. Peer Mentoring takes place individually or in a group setting.
Provided by Peer Support Specialists, who are people that are currently in recovery from mental illness. Offers services in all outpatient offices as well as all four of the psychosocial rehabilitation programs. Services provided include group activities, education, and WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) groups.
Trillium provides peer-support services for people living with serious mental illness. The director and several of our staff are Virginia Certified Peer Recovery Specialists.