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Utilizes volunteers throughout its programming. Potential opportunities include: Meals on Wheels for Seniors Assistant, Nutrition and Education Site Assistant, Animeals/Ensure Deliverer, Bedford Ride Office Assistant, Medicare Counselor, Matter of Balance Coach, Chronic Disease Self-Management Leader, and Care Management Aid. Anyone interested in volunteering is encouraged to contact the agency to discuss which position best fits his/her skills and interests. Training will be provided for each position.
Utilizes volunteers throughout its programming. Potential opportunities include: Meals on Wheels for Seniors Assistant, Nutrition and Education Site Assistant, Animeals/Ensure Deliverer, Bedford Ride Office Assistant, Medicare Counselor, Matter of Balance Coach, Chronic Disease Self-Management Leader, and Care Management Aid. Anyone interested in volunteering is encouraged to contact the agency to discuss which position best fits his/her skills and interests. Training will be provided for each position.
Volunteer Development
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for persons 18+.
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for persons 18+.
Volunteer Development
Volunteer Service Programs
Provides an Encompass Community Supports Volunteer program which functions as a supportive volunteer clearinghouse for persons of any age. ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
Provides an Encompass Community Supports Volunteer program which functions as a supportive volunteer clearinghouse for persons of any age. ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
Area Agencies on Aging
Volunteer Development
Volunteer Pulaski! is a volunteer based program for assisting with community needs in Pulaski County and the Town of Pulaski. Shannon Cook, Program Director, will connect a volunteer with available opportunities to assist local community organizations. Any nonprofit organization in need of volunteers may contact Volunteer Pulaski! for assistance. An application is required for any volunteer enrolled in the program.
Volunteer Pulaski! is a volunteer based program for assisting with community needs in Pulaski County and the Town of Pulaski. Shannon Cook, Program Director, will connect a volunteer with available opportunities to assist local community organizations. Any nonprofit organization in need of volunteers may contact Volunteer Pulaski! for assistance. An application is required for any volunteer enrolled in the program.
Volunteer Development
Volunteer Arlington serves as a resource to the Arlington community by:
- Publicizing volunteer opportunities from hundreds of non-profit and government agencies
- Managing a user-friendly website that offers a variety of tools for connecting volunteers and organizations
- Linking charitable organizations with businesses and individuals who wish to donate non-monetary goods
- Outreaching to special populations (young adults - 20s/30s, multicultural, and 50+ volunteers)
Volunteer Arlington serves as a resource to the Arlington community by:
- Publicizing volunteer opportunities from hundreds of non-profit and government agencies
- Managing a user-friendly website that offers a variety of tools for connecting volunteers and organizations
- Linking charitable organizations with businesses and individuals who wish to donate non-monetary goods
- Outreaching to special populations (young adults - 20s/30s, multicultural, and 50+ volunteers)
Volunteer Development
To assist and serve the patients of Central Virginia by providing enhanced services and to be of assistance to staff members. Assist visitors and patient family members. Opportunities are available in almost all areas of the hospital.
To assist and serve the patients of Central Virginia by providing enhanced services and to be of assistance to staff members. Assist visitors and patient family members. Opportunities are available in almost all areas of the hospital.
Volunteer Development
Global Non-profile organization that offers opportunities for people to volunteer from all over the world in different areas. Areas include medical volunteers, student youth programs, community fundraising and service project volunteers.
Global Non-profile organization that offers opportunities for people to volunteer from all over the world in different areas. Areas include medical volunteers, student youth programs, community fundraising and service project volunteers.
Volunteer Development
Through Community Relations we actively recruit volunteers to serve in a variety of positions with the Division of Community Programs and affiliated programs. We also seek to ensure up to date information and presentations for community groups and intersted parties seeking to provide information on children and families, communities and other useful information for the City of Chesapeake.
Through Community Relations we actively recruit volunteers to serve in a variety of positions with the Division of Community Programs and affiliated programs. We also seek to ensure up to date information and presentations for community groups and intersted parties seeking to provide information on children and families, communities and other useful information for the City of Chesapeake.
Volunteer Development
Promotes, facilitates and increases youth volunteerism. Operates the Youth Service Coalition which seeks to promote service opportunities for Alexandria youth.
Promotes, facilitates and increases youth volunteerism. Operates the Youth Service Coalition which seeks to promote service opportunities for Alexandria youth.
Volunteer Development
Provides professional, compassionate care for patients and their families facing a limited life expectancy. Volunteer opportunities range from direct patient/family help to office tasks, help with fundraisers, memorial services, speaking engagements, etc. The program is long term/on going. All individuals must have a personal interview and complete a volunteer training course on hospice care, dealing with such topics as death and dying, family dynamics, communications skills, spiritual care, the grief process and the role of the volunteer. Does not accept court referred volunteers.
Provides professional, compassionate care for patients and their families facing a limited life expectancy. Volunteer opportunities range from direct patient/family help to office tasks, help with fundraisers, memorial services, speaking engagements, etc. The program is long term/on going. All individuals must have a personal interview and complete a volunteer training course on hospice care, dealing with such topics as death and dying, family dynamics, communications skills, spiritual care, the grief process and the role of the volunteer. Does not accept court referred volunteers.
Health/Disabilities Related Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Development
Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals to participate more fully in the life of their community through volunteer service to include: delivering Meals on Wheels, transporting people to medical appointments and other destinations, Medicare Insurance Counseling, Matter of Balance workshop Coach, Tai Chi leaders, Health and Wellness Program assistance, and assistance with crafts, entertainment, and activities at VPAS Cafes, just to name a few. Criminal background checks are required for certain volunteer positions.
Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals to participate more fully in the life of their community through volunteer service to include: delivering Meals on Wheels, transporting people to medical appointments and other destinations, Medicare Insurance Counseling, Matter of Balance workshop Coach, Tai Chi leaders, Health and Wellness Program assistance, and assistance with crafts, entertainment, and activities at VPAS Cafes, just to name a few. Criminal background checks are required for certain volunteer positions.
Volunteer Development
VOLUNTEER SVCS CO-COORDINATOR/TWO-YEAR Serve as a partner in education with the Lynchburg City School System at Linkhorne Middle School. Also provide tutoring and mentoring for after-school programs. Serve Lynchburg Community Action Group with building restoration. Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity and supply lunches to Habitat work crews. Actively involved with the Miller Home and Presbyterian Home for parties, one-on-ones, and repair work as well. EVENTS: CASA's Casino Night, EELC Fall Fair.
VOLUNTEER SVCS CO-COORDINATOR/TWO-YEAR Serve as a partner in education with the Lynchburg City School System at Linkhorne Middle School. Also provide tutoring and mentoring for after-school programs. Serve Lynchburg Community Action Group with building restoration. Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity and supply lunches to Habitat work crews. Actively involved with the Miller Home and Presbyterian Home for parties, one-on-ones, and repair work as well. EVENTS: CASA's Casino Night, EELC Fall Fair.
Volunteer Development
Through an initiative-based cradle-to-career approach, United Way of Southwest Virginia is creating solutions to address the challenges facing tomorrow's workforce. United Way convenes cross-sector partners to make an impact on the most complex problems in the region. Through collaboration with government, business, nonprofit and individuals, United Way innovates for positive, lasting social change.
Through an initiative-based cradle-to-career approach, United Way of Southwest Virginia is creating solutions to address the challenges facing tomorrow's workforce. United Way convenes cross-sector partners to make an impact on the most complex problems in the region. Through collaboration with government, business, nonprofit and individuals, United Way innovates for positive, lasting social change.
Volunteer Development
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
In addition to matching interested student volunteers with on-going service placements in the community, the Nabors Service League organizes annual, one-time projects, including: Nabors Service Day, the Dream a Dream and Make a Wish Literacy Campaign, Alternative Breaks, Halloween Festivities, Make a Difference Day Cancer Awareness Project, Thanksgiving Food Drive, and the Annual Hunger Cleanup.
In addition to matching interested student volunteers with on-going service placements in the community, the Nabors Service League organizes annual, one-time projects, including: Nabors Service Day, the Dream a Dream and Make a Wish Literacy Campaign, Alternative Breaks, Halloween Festivities, Make a Difference Day Cancer Awareness Project, Thanksgiving Food Drive, and the Annual Hunger Cleanup.
Volunteer Development
Promotes volunteering by individuals, groups and corporations, serves as a resource on volunteering for non-profit agencies and provides training opportunities for both volunteers and paid staff of non-profit agencies. Does not offer placement services. On-line database of regional volunteer opportunities available at http://www.BeAVolunteer.info.
Promotes volunteering by individuals, groups and corporations, serves as a resource on volunteering for non-profit agencies and provides training opportunities for both volunteers and paid staff of non-profit agencies. Does not offer placement services. On-line database of regional volunteer opportunities available at http://www.BeAVolunteer.info.
Volunteer Development
Recruits adult and youth volunteers for over 180 human service agencies in the Prince William area. Maintains information on many human services to help prospective volunteers choose the most satisfying position - client-centered, administrative, boards, technical advice or training or independent projects. Offers daytime, evening, and weekend hours for a one-time activity, or weekly, monthly, or seasonal commitment. Offers court-ordered community service. Weekly Call to Action column is published every Friday on the website and on social media (Facebook and X).
Recruits adult and youth volunteers for over 180 human service agencies in the Prince William area. Maintains information on many human services to help prospective volunteers choose the most satisfying position - client-centered, administrative, boards, technical advice or training or independent projects. Offers daytime, evening, and weekend hours for a one-time activity, or weekly, monthly, or seasonal commitment. Offers court-ordered community service. Weekly Call to Action column is published every Friday on the website and on social media (Facebook and X).
Volunteer Development
Offers volunteer opportunities at the library. To volunteer at the Library, you must be at least 18 years old and be able to help at least one hour per week. The Staunton Public Library depends on the efforts of its volunteers and encourages all patrons to talk to the Volunteer Coordinator between the hours of 9AM and 5PM, Monday through Friday (except Wednesday mornings).
Offers volunteer opportunities at the library. To volunteer at the Library, you must be at least 18 years old and be able to help at least one hour per week. The Staunton Public Library depends on the efforts of its volunteers and encourages all patrons to talk to the Volunteer Coordinator between the hours of 9AM and 5PM, Monday through Friday (except Wednesday mornings).
Volunteer Development
Provides and accepts donations of clothing, shoes, household items (furniture and applicances). Does not accept or carry mattress, boxsprings, etc.
Provides and accepts donations of clothing, shoes, household items (furniture and applicances). Does not accept or carry mattress, boxsprings, etc.
General Appliance Provision
General Clothing Provision
Volunteer Development
A nonprofit organization whose network of local, statewide and international affiliate programs educates individuals about litter prevention and ways to reduce, reuse, recycle and properly manage waste materials. Motivates volunteers to clean up, beautify and improve their neighborhoods, thereby creating healthier, safer and more livable community environments.
A nonprofit organization whose network of local, statewide and international affiliate programs educates individuals about litter prevention and ways to reduce, reuse, recycle and properly manage waste materials. Motivates volunteers to clean up, beautify and improve their neighborhoods, thereby creating healthier, safer and more livable community environments.
Volunteer Development
Environmental Beautification
The Loudoun Cares online Volunteer Center is a web portal that connects individuals with nonprofit agencies that have needs for volunteers. The site can be accessed at www.volunteer.loudouncares.org.
Additional programs include:
Outstanding Volunteer Awards recognizing Loudoun County volunteers in over 13 categories annually
Volunteer Engagement Training Programs offered twice a year this is an 13-hour training designed to assist those individuals in our local nonprofits that manage volunteer programs and events.
The Loudoun Cares online Volunteer Center is a web portal that connects individuals with nonprofit agencies that have needs for volunteers. The site can be accessed at www.volunteer.loudouncares.org.
Additional programs include:
Outstanding Volunteer Awards recognizing Loudoun County volunteers in over 13 categories annually
Volunteer Engagement Training Programs offered twice a year this is an 13-hour training designed to assist those individuals in our local nonprofits that manage volunteer programs and events.
A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that supports more than 280 nonprofits across the Peninsula through continuing education, Board Training, networking, information sharing, and expanded outreach.
A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that supports more than 280 nonprofits across the Peninsula through continuing education, Board Training, networking, information sharing, and expanded outreach.
Volunteer Development
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Through courses, research projects, volunteerism, fellowships, discussion series, and reflection the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement bring students, faculty, staff and community partners together to explore educationally meaningful approaches to community-identified needs.
Through courses, research projects, volunteerism, fellowships, discussion series, and reflection the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement bring students, faculty, staff and community partners together to explore educationally meaningful approaches to community-identified needs.
Postsecondary Institutions
Volunteer Development
RSVP connect volunteers age 55 and over to non-profits across the community. RSVP serves as a gathering place for older adults to socialize, participate in group service projects, and work toward the common goal of making Northern Virginia stronger, more resilient, and empowered.
RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) is part of AmeriCorps Seniors, which focuses on making public service a central part of the American experience.
RSVP connect volunteers age 55 and over to non-profits across the community. RSVP serves as a gathering place for older adults to socialize, participate in group service projects, and work toward the common goal of making Northern Virginia stronger, more resilient, and empowered.
RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) is part of AmeriCorps Seniors, which focuses on making public service a central part of the American experience.
Volunteer Service Programs
Volunteer Development
The Department of Community Resources assists and connects volunteers, human service organizations and available resources to address community needs.
The Department of Community Resources assists and connects volunteers, human service organizations and available resources to address community needs.
Volunteer Development
The region's non-profit volunteer resource hub, working with community non-profit and public service organizations to address volunteer needs. promotes the professional development of effective volunteer programs in partner organizations by providing resources and training opportunities and recognizes the efforts of community volunteers during National Volunteer Week.
The region's non-profit volunteer resource hub, working with community non-profit and public service organizations to address volunteer needs. promotes the professional development of effective volunteer programs in partner organizations by providing resources and training opportunities and recognizes the efforts of community volunteers during National Volunteer Week.
Volunteer Development
Volunteer Mobilization Events