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The Family Support Program offers weekly, confidential support/educational groups for parents and caregivers. During group meetings, parents and caregivers discuss issues concerning them, such as healthy discipline techniques, stress and anger management and child development. Participants are encouraged to learn from each other's experiences. Children can attend a Children's Group which meets at the same time as the Parents Support Group. Children's groups are designed to provide age (0-17yrs) appropriate activities which foster the development of positive self esteem, social skills, safety skills and feeling identification.
The Family Support Program offers weekly, confidential support/educational groups for parents and caregivers. During group meetings, parents and caregivers discuss issues concerning them, such as healthy discipline techniques, stress and anger management and child development. Participants are encouraged to learn from each other's experiences. Children can attend a Children's Group which meets at the same time as the Parents Support Group. Children's groups are designed to provide age (0-17yrs) appropriate activities which foster the development of positive self esteem, social skills, safety skills and feeling identification.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Parenting Education
Provides a format for parents of children 10-18 to explore the ups and downs of parenting teens. Information is provided on teen development, communication and anger management. Teens are encouraged to attend with parents.
Provides a format for parents of children 10-18 to explore the ups and downs of parenting teens. Information is provided on teen development, communication and anger management. Teens are encouraged to attend with parents.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Provides basic parenting classes for teens - adults to assist parents in developing skills that are appropriate when raising their children. Also offers a Teen Mom Support Group call for meeting times.
Provides basic parenting classes for teens - adults to assist parents in developing skills that are appropriate when raising their children. Also offers a Teen Mom Support Group call for meeting times.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Parenting Education
Fathers in Training (FIT) provides a supportive environment where young fathers can learn to parent their children, become financially responsible and learn about relationships, health and sexuality. in an environment that is conducive to learning and will address some very serious barriers to effective fathering such as domestic violence, anger management, conflict resolution, responsible fathering and working with support systemsand employment. FIT is geared to the protection of children and family. Twenty week (20 sessions) training sessions . Participants must complete at least 17 out of 20 sessions in order to receive a certificate of Program Completion.
Fathers in Training (FIT) provides a supportive environment where young fathers can learn to parent their children, become financially responsible and learn about relationships, health and sexuality. in an environment that is conducive to learning and will address some very serious barriers to effective fathering such as domestic violence, anger management, conflict resolution, responsible fathering and working with support systemsand employment. FIT is geared to the protection of children and family. Twenty week (20 sessions) training sessions . Participants must complete at least 17 out of 20 sessions in order to receive a certificate of Program Completion.
Parenting Education
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Sacred Heart Center serves as a hub for a variety of activities serving the Latino Community. Activities range from health and mental health services to support groups to interactive workshops, and much more.
Sacred Heart Center serves as a hub for a variety of activities serving the Latino Community. Activities range from health and mental health services to support groups to interactive workshops, and much more.
Community Clinics
Case/Care Management
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Provides help to strengthen individuals and families, helping them to cope with the stresses of life, by providing education, counseling and advocacy. Also provides outpatient treatment which is family focused and family maintained through programs that deal with marriage conflict, job stress, child behavior teenage adjustments, aging parents, depression, divorce, consumer credit counseling, good beginnings and a prevention program for young at risk mothers.
Provides help to strengthen individuals and families, helping them to cope with the stresses of life, by providing education, counseling and advocacy. Also provides outpatient treatment which is family focused and family maintained through programs that deal with marriage conflict, job stress, child behavior teenage adjustments, aging parents, depression, divorce, consumer credit counseling, good beginnings and a prevention program for young at risk mothers.
Family Preservation Programs
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Offers the REAL Dads program: Be a REAL Dad. The mission of REAL Dads is to improve the quality of children's lives by supporting fathers in becoming more Responsible, Empowering, Available and Loving men in the lives of their Children. What will this program provide you The REAL Dads program provides encouragement and support to dads and provides fathers with resources and information to support their parenting goals. Children NEED fathers and fathers NEED their children. The REAL Dads program helps to strengthen this relationship. Contact Eddie Harris at 434 882-1026 or 434 296-4119 ext. 227. ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
Offers the REAL Dads program: Be a REAL Dad. The mission of REAL Dads is to improve the quality of children's lives by supporting fathers in becoming more Responsible, Empowering, Available and Loving men in the lives of their Children. What will this program provide you The REAL Dads program provides encouragement and support to dads and provides fathers with resources and information to support their parenting goals. Children NEED fathers and fathers NEED their children. The REAL Dads program helps to strengthen this relationship. Contact Eddie Harris at 434 882-1026 or 434 296-4119 ext. 227. ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
Parenting Education
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Program designed to help parents understand their youth's developmental changes, while encouraging positive communication to resolve conflict in the home and out.
Program designed to help parents understand their youth's developmental changes, while encouraging positive communication to resolve conflict in the home and out.
Parenting Education
Parenting/Family Support Groups
The Youth and Family Support Services Program assists families with youth between the ages of 3-17 experiencing challenging peer and family relationships and life crises by strengthening parental and family relationships through prevention, education, and supportive case management services.
The Youth and Family Support Services Program assists families with youth between the ages of 3-17 experiencing challenging peer and family relationships and life crises by strengthening parental and family relationships through prevention, education, and supportive case management services.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Parenting Education
Case/Care Management
Weekly support group for single mothers to discuss topics such as loneliness, finances, and raising and disciplining children. Helps single mothers with rent, food, utilities, finding work, getting their driver's licenses, obtaining and maintaining a vehicle and other life challenges. Financial counseling is also available through this outreach.
Weekly support group for single mothers to discuss topics such as loneliness, finances, and raising and disciplining children. Helps single mothers with rent, food, utilities, finding work, getting their driver's licenses, obtaining and maintaining a vehicle and other life challenges. Financial counseling is also available through this outreach.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Provides supportive and caring services to military families through a variety of programs such as home visits, infant massage, play groups, support groups, and parenting classes. NPSP can help families cope with stress, isolation, deployment/post-deployment issues, and improve parenting skills.
Provides supportive and caring services to military families through a variety of programs such as home visits, infant massage, play groups, support groups, and parenting classes. NPSP can help families cope with stress, isolation, deployment/post-deployment issues, and improve parenting skills.
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Parenting Education
Provides educational programs and support services to strengthen family relationships and alleviate stresses on family life. Workshops include couples communication, problem solving and conflict resolution, dynamics of child and spouse abuse, and managing child behavior. Offers a family life library, respite child care, and prenatal support. New parent support and play group that meets once a week.
Provides educational programs and support services to strengthen family relationships and alleviate stresses on family life. Workshops include couples communication, problem solving and conflict resolution, dynamics of child and spouse abuse, and managing child behavior. Offers a family life library, respite child care, and prenatal support. New parent support and play group that meets once a week.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Parenting/Family Support Groups
In addition to pregnancy options counseling and limited medical services our practical assistance includes: Life skills classes such as parenting classes and mom's support groups and Birth of a Family are offered and maternity and baby clothes (up to 24 month size) for eligible clients, emergency diapers and formula as available. Also have access to interpretors in almost any known language through on line live medical intrepretors.
Do not perform or refer for abortions.
In addition to pregnancy options counseling and limited medical services our practical assistance includes: Life skills classes such as parenting classes and mom's support groups and Birth of a Family are offered and maternity and baby clothes (up to 24 month size) for eligible clients, emergency diapers and formula as available. Also have access to interpretors in almost any known language through on line live medical intrepretors.
Do not perform or refer for abortions.
Family Planning
Parenting Education
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Serves at-risk low income children ages 0-6 and their families. Offers prevention education and intervention services, case management services through home visits to families, and group activities where families can learn from and support each other. Satellite office in Louisa/Fluvanna County is also available for parenting needs: 434-589-0927 The mission of Child Health Partnership is to engage in partnership with low-income families with preschool children to improve family health and self-sufficiency. Serves the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa and the city of Charlottesville.
Serves at-risk low income children ages 0-6 and their families. Offers prevention education and intervention services, case management services through home visits to families, and group activities where families can learn from and support each other. Satellite office in Louisa/Fluvanna County is also available for parenting needs: 434-589-0927 The mission of Child Health Partnership is to engage in partnership with low-income families with preschool children to improve family health and self-sufficiency. Serves the counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa and the city of Charlottesville.
Parenting Education
Case/Care Management
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Parent Counseling
This program works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive assistance, coordination, medical, educational, housing, community support and personal services to military families with special needs.
This program works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive assistance, coordination, medical, educational, housing, community support and personal services to military families with special needs.
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Provides consultation to parents and custodial family members on issues such as rights and responsibilities in special education and the special education process. Provides information on disabilities and makes referrals to appropriate agencies and organizations. Workshops are offered. A lending library is available.
Provides consultation to parents and custodial family members on issues such as rights and responsibilities in special education and the special education process. Provides information on disabilities and makes referrals to appropriate agencies and organizations. Workshops are offered. A lending library is available.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Special Education
Parenting Education
The International Cesarean Awareness Network of Northern Virginia holds monthly support meetings for women who are pregnant, women who have had cesareans and are recovering physically and emotionally, women who are hoping to avoid future cesareans, and women who would like a vaginal birth after cesarean. Mothers and partners are also welcome to these meetings.
The International Cesarean Awareness Network of Northern Virginia holds monthly support meetings for women who are pregnant, women who have had cesareans and are recovering physically and emotionally, women who are hoping to avoid future cesareans, and women who would like a vaginal birth after cesarean. Mothers and partners are also welcome to these meetings.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Rappahannock Area Foster Families Team recruits, trains, approves and supports foster/adoptive families. RAFFT provide basic training several times a year both evening and day classes and a variety of other training to further assist our foster/adoptive parents.
Rappahannock Area Foster Families Team recruits, trains, approves and supports foster/adoptive families. RAFFT provide basic training several times a year both evening and day classes and a variety of other training to further assist our foster/adoptive parents.
Parenting/Family Support Groups
Foster Parent/Family Recruitment
Parenting Education