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Offers alternative format services to businesses, restaurants, and other agencies to convert the printed materials used by them into a form usable by individuals with particular disabilities. Includes translating material into Braille, large-print and audiotape mediums.
Provides trained community interpreters in 15 different languages at reasonable cost to local agencies, hospitals, schools, courts, businesses, and medical providers.
Language Access services for City residents - Sight Translation (oral translation) of documents from Spanish to English
Provides accurate, reliable interpretation and translation services for the legal, medical, education, business and social services communities in Newport News and the surrounding areas.
Provide accurate, reliable interpretation and translation services for the legal, medical, education, business and social service communities in Roanoke and the surrounding areas. Offers Interpreter Training - an intensive, interactive forty-hour course designed for bilingual individuals.
Commonwealth Catholic Charities provide accurate, reliable interpretation and translation services for the legal, medical, education, business and social services communities in Richmond and the surrounding areas. Also offer Interpreter Training - an intensive, interactive forty-hour course designed for bilingual individuals.
APS provides spoken and ASL interpreting services for families, students, and staff. Arlington Public Schools provides written language translation services for families who speak a language other than English on an as-needed basis


English as a Second Language
Language Translation
Sign Language Interpretation
Language Interpretation
Offers interpretation and translation to persons speaking Ethiopian languages. Provides translation of legal papers, including asylum, and interpretation for legal, school and medical issues.
The Office of EL Programs and Services oversees and maintains services provided to ELs and immigrant youth in support of state and federal regulations. The main functions are to provide comprehensive registration services and ensure school-based programs that assist ELs to reach proficiency in English while meeting and exceeding state content standards.


Language Interpretation
English as a Second Language
Language Translation
KCSC offers immigration counseling services to Korean immigrants in the Greater Washington area, including: · Assistance in filing immigration documents · Citizenship interview preparation classes · Citizenship test preparation study booklet & CD · Interpretation and translation service for citizenship test and permanent resident card interview · Public notarization


Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
Language Interpretation
Notary Public Services
Citizenship Education
Language Translation