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Provides needed supports for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who choose to live in their own homes.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Management Instruction
Transformed Support Services offers the following Mental Health Support and group activities: - 24 hour accessibility - Crisis Intervention - Case management services - Accessing and coordinating community resources - Collaboration with other involved agencies - Individual and Family Counseling in the home and community - Educational tutoring and monitoring of day support program attendance, behavior, and performance - Substance abuse counseling and preventive education - Conflict resolution and anger management - Behavior Modification Program - Independent living skills training - Intensive parenting skills training ALL SERVICES COVERED BY MEDICAID


Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Home Management Instruction
A community based day support program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Each participant receives individualized training and support to achieve their greatest potential.
Sunrise Community of Virginia provides training, assistance and specialized supervision to help an individual learn and maintain skills in: daily activities such as personal care; the use of community resources in a safe and meaningful manner; demonstrating appropriate behavior at home and within the community. Resources for Independence provides this assistance to an individual at home or in a group home.


Personal Care
Home Management Instruction
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Provides community-based case management to child, adolescent, and adult brain injury survivors and their families who reside in the service area. Identifies, plans, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates services and resources to meet an individual's needs. A collaborative process is used to identify survivor centered goals, and marshal (coordinate) resources to meet those goals. Includes advocating for and creating community resources needed to assist survivors in maximizing recovery, optimizing employment or service potential, and reintegrating into their families and communities. Areas which are frequently the focus of case management services include: * Behavior / Self Direction; * Cognitive Skills and Communication; * Education; * Health and Medical Services; * Mobility and Transportation; * Recreation and Socialization; * Self Care and Independent Living; * Vocation and Employment.


Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Case/Care Management
Home Management Instruction
Provide support to adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities in acquiring housing and supports that meet their needs to live as independently as possible.


Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Home Management Instruction
Provides planned combinations of individualized activities, supports, training, supervision and transportation to individuals with intellectual disabilities to improve their skills or maintain an optimal level of functioning. The program is designed to provide training and support in non-vocational areas such as self care, independent living, communication, socialization and motor skills.


Case/Care Management
Home Management Instruction
Faith Compassion Home Care provides personal home care to new mothers, special need recipients, the elderly, or the disabled in need of in-house home care.


Home Management Instruction
Personal Care
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Housekeeping Assistance
A combination of training and support activities designed to enable adults with significant functional limitations to achieve and maintain community stability and independence in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment.


Home Management Instruction
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Psychiatric Case Management
JSSA's care managers act as consultants, educators, and advocates, helping clients manage the growing demands and responsibilities of aging or caring for an aging loved one. First, comprehensive assessment to determine a senior's needs takes place at home or in the office. Next, care managers will coordinate and monitor a personalize care plan to help ensure safety, independence, and quality of life. Services may include counseling, transportation to medical appointments, home-delivered meals, home care services, and socialization programs. JSSA's Senior Services department also cares for the community's aging Holocaust population.


Home Management Instruction
Geriatric Counseling
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Case/Care Management
Provides in-home and community-based support services to individuals with mental illnesses by providing health and medication management and basic living skills instruction. Program objectives include increasing socialization and natural supports and identifying productive day activities. Individualized, person-centered service plans document individual goals. Counselors work with each individiual to reach their goals.


Home Based Mental Health Services
Psychiatric Case Management
Home Management Instruction
Offers intensive services to families at high risk of removal of their children from the home. The preventive services offered include, but are not limited to: budgeting, securing adequate housing, proper nutrition, appropriate family interaction, discipline, proper medical care, conflict resolution, and interaction with the school system.