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Services completed by the Child Welfare Unit include: Prevention of Foster Care, Court-ordered Custody Home Studies, Interstate Compact requests, Resource Parent home studies and other services requested by the court as appropriate. Home studies are prepared for any court ordering this service to determine custody and/or visitation privileges. The Family Services Worker will conduct the study and make a recommendation to the court regarding the custody.
Services completed by the Child Welfare Unit include: Prevention of Foster Care, Court-ordered Custody Home Studies, Interstate Compact requests, Resource Parent home studies and other services requested by the court as appropriate. Home studies are prepared for any court ordering this service to determine custody and/or visitation privileges. The Family Services Worker will conduct the study and make a recommendation to the court regarding the custody.
Family Preservation Programs
Children's Protective Services
The ANCHOR Commission is a governmental entity which oversees a Group Home / Shelter Care facility for male teenagers who are court involved and referred - 12 to 17 years of age. Other services provided for all youth are: Outreach Detention and GPS Monitoring, Seven Challenges and Brief Challenges substance use programs, Aggression Replacement Training (A.R.T.), Co-Parenting: Two Parents, Two Homes (custody) class, Transitional Day Program (TDP) and Lee Ford Camp Recreational Facility.
The ANCHOR Commission is a governmental entity which oversees a Group Home / Shelter Care facility for male teenagers who are court involved and referred - 12 to 17 years of age. Other services provided for all youth are: Outreach Detention and GPS Monitoring, Seven Challenges and Brief Challenges substance use programs, Aggression Replacement Training (A.R.T.), Co-Parenting: Two Parents, Two Homes (custody) class, Transitional Day Program (TDP) and Lee Ford Camp Recreational Facility.
Correctional Facilities
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Family Preservation Programs
Based on the Healthy Families of America criteria, this in-home program targets families who have children at risk for child abuse and neglect or developmental problems, by providing long-term education and resource management.
Based on the Healthy Families of America criteria, this in-home program targets families who have children at risk for child abuse and neglect or developmental problems, by providing long-term education and resource management.
Case/Care Management
Family Preservation Programs
Home visiting work with families who may have histories of trauma, intimate partner violence, mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Services begin prenatally or right after the birth of a baby and are offered voluntarily, intensively and over the long-term (3 to 5 years after the birth of the baby). Healthy Families connects new parents around the community with a variety of services, including - for the most overburdened families - a free-of-charge home visitor who supports the family before the child is born until the child enters school.
Home visiting work with families who may have histories of trauma, intimate partner violence, mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Services begin prenatally or right after the birth of a baby and are offered voluntarily, intensively and over the long-term (3 to 5 years after the birth of the baby). Healthy Families connects new parents around the community with a variety of services, including - for the most overburdened families - a free-of-charge home visitor who supports the family before the child is born until the child enters school.
Family Preservation Programs
UMFS provides adoption through treatment foster care. At UMFS we recognize adoption is a lifelong process, and focus on creating a relationship between a child and adoptive parents. UMFS pay special attention to the complex circumstances that give rise to the need for adoption and to the stresses and adjustments that ensue for all parties in this process.
UMFS provides adoption through treatment foster care. At UMFS we recognize adoption is a lifelong process, and focus on creating a relationship between a child and adoptive parents. UMFS pay special attention to the complex circumstances that give rise to the need for adoption and to the stresses and adjustments that ensue for all parties in this process.
Family Preservation Programs
Adoption Services
Offers intensive, ongoing supportive services to children and families at risk. These services are provided directly or through purchase and referral to community resources.
Offers intensive, ongoing supportive services to children and families at risk. These services are provided directly or through purchase and referral to community resources.
Family Preservation Programs
Reduces the institutionalization of youths, shortens stays in psychiatric residential treatment facilities, treats children/adolescents in the least restrictive environment possible, aids in the transition of the child into a community-based treatment setting, and helps in the family reunification process.
Reduces the institutionalization of youths, shortens stays in psychiatric residential treatment facilities, treats children/adolescents in the least restrictive environment possible, aids in the transition of the child into a community-based treatment setting, and helps in the family reunification process.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Family Preservation Programs
Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Offers intensive, ongoing supportive services to children and families at risk. These services are provided directly or through purchase and referral to community resources.
Offers intensive, ongoing supportive services to children and families at risk. These services are provided directly or through purchase and referral to community resources.
Family Preservation Programs
he objectives of the Promoting Safe and Stable Families aer: 1) to prevent child maltreatment among families at risk through the provision of supportive family services; 2) to assure children's safety within the home and preserve intact families in which children have been maltreated, when teh family's problems can be addressed effectively; 3) to address the problems of families whose children have been placed in foster care so that reunification may occur in a safe and stable manner; 4) to support adoptive families by providing support services as necessary so that they can make a lifetime commitment to their children. This is accomplished through the issuance of grants to state child and welfare agencies to serve families at risk or in crisis, to develop or expand and operated coordinated programs of community-based family support services, family preservation services, family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services.
Services are for the child and the parents or primary care giver. Such services may include individual, group, and family counseling; inpatient, residential, or outpatient substance use treatment and recovery services; mental health services; violence services; temporary respite care, child care and after-school care' therapeutic services; transportation services; parenting services; fatherhood programs; assessments; educational services; housing or other material assistance; socialization and recreational activities; case management and referrals to community services.
he objectives of the Promoting Safe and Stable Families aer: 1) to prevent child maltreatment among families at risk through the provision of supportive family services; 2) to assure children's safety within the home and preserve intact families in which children have been maltreated, when teh family's problems can be addressed effectively; 3) to address the problems of families whose children have been placed in foster care so that reunification may occur in a safe and stable manner; 4) to support adoptive families by providing support services as necessary so that they can make a lifetime commitment to their children. This is accomplished through the issuance of grants to state child and welfare agencies to serve families at risk or in crisis, to develop or expand and operated coordinated programs of community-based family support services, family preservation services, family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services.
Services are for the child and the parents or primary care giver. Such services may include individual, group, and family counseling; inpatient, residential, or outpatient substance use treatment and recovery services; mental health services; violence services; temporary respite care, child care and after-school care' therapeutic services; transportation services; parenting services; fatherhood programs; assessments; educational services; housing or other material assistance; socialization and recreational activities; case management and referrals to community services.
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Family Preservation Programs
Healthy Families is a nationally accredited program that provides families with information and guidance to help their children to be healthy, safe, secure, and ready for school.
Healthy Families is a nationally accredited program that provides families with information and guidance to help their children to be healthy, safe, secure, and ready for school.
Parenting Education
Family Preservation Programs
Provides care and case management and family preservation services. The Virginia Comprehensive Services Act provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams to support services for high-risk youth. These funds are returned to the localities with a required state/local match and are managed by local interagency teams. The purpose of the act is to provide high quality, child centered, family focused, cost effective, community-based services to high-risk youth and their families. FUNDING SOURCES: Federal, State & County Governments.
Provides care and case management and family preservation services. The Virginia Comprehensive Services Act provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams to support services for high-risk youth. These funds are returned to the localities with a required state/local match and are managed by local interagency teams. The purpose of the act is to provide high quality, child centered, family focused, cost effective, community-based services to high-risk youth and their families. FUNDING SOURCES: Federal, State & County Governments.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Family Preservation Programs
Offers Community Assessment of Youth and Families at Risk. Interagency Team then suggests appropriate services.
Offers Community Assessment of Youth and Families at Risk. Interagency Team then suggests appropriate services.
Family Preservation Programs
Offers intensive services to families at high risk of removal of their children from the home. The preventive services offered include, but are not limited to: budgeting, securing adequate housing, proper nutrition, appropriate family interaction, discipline, proper medical care, conflict resolution, and interaction with the school system.
Offers intensive services to families at high risk of removal of their children from the home. The preventive services offered include, but are not limited to: budgeting, securing adequate housing, proper nutrition, appropriate family interaction, discipline, proper medical care, conflict resolution, and interaction with the school system.
Family Preservation Programs
Home Management Instruction
Offers intensive services to families at high risk of removal of their children from the home. The preventive services offered include, but are not limited to: budgeting, securing adequate housing, proper nutrition, appropriate family interaction, discipline, proper medical care, conflict resolution, and interaction with the school system.
Offers intensive services to families at high risk of removal of their children from the home. The preventive services offered include, but are not limited to: budgeting, securing adequate housing, proper nutrition, appropriate family interaction, discipline, proper medical care, conflict resolution, and interaction with the school system.
Family Preservation Programs
Foster Homes for Children With Disabilities
Provide care and case management and family preservation services. The Virginia Comprehensive Services Act provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams to support services for high-risk youth. These funds are returned to the localities with a required state/local match and are managed by local interagency teams. The purpose of the act is to provide high quality, child centered, family focused, cost effective, community-based services to high-risk youth and their families.
Provide care and case management and family preservation services. The Virginia Comprehensive Services Act provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams to support services for high-risk youth. These funds are returned to the localities with a required state/local match and are managed by local interagency teams. The purpose of the act is to provide high quality, child centered, family focused, cost effective, community-based services to high-risk youth and their families.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Family Preservation Programs
The Early Prevention Unit helps families through difficult times. The Early Prevention Unit offers resources and information, home visiting, case management, crisis intervention, family conflict resolution, parent education and support and fatherhood outreach. Services are free and confidential.
The Early Prevention Unit helps families through difficult times. The Early Prevention Unit offers resources and information, home visiting, case management, crisis intervention, family conflict resolution, parent education and support and fatherhood outreach. Services are free and confidential.
Family Preservation Programs
Family Partnership Meetings address difficulties families face by bringing all involved parties to the table, identifying strengths and potential barriers, and then collaborating to develop an action plan. By involving birth families and community members, along with resource families, service providers, and agency staff in all placement decisions, the group works to ensure a network of support is in place for the child and the adults who care for them.
Family Partnership Meetings address difficulties families face by bringing all involved parties to the table, identifying strengths and potential barriers, and then collaborating to develop an action plan. By involving birth families and community members, along with resource families, service providers, and agency staff in all placement decisions, the group works to ensure a network of support is in place for the child and the adults who care for them.
Family Preservation Programs
Family support, family preservation and time limited reunification services to families whose children may be at risk of out-of-home placement. Time Limited Reunification funds are available to birth parents whose children are in foster care and who are making progress towards reuniting with their children. Services are provided with the goal of bringing children back into their home within the first 12 months and no longer than 15 months that the children are in foster care.
Family support, family preservation and time limited reunification services to families whose children may be at risk of out-of-home placement. Time Limited Reunification funds are available to birth parents whose children are in foster care and who are making progress towards reuniting with their children. Services are provided with the goal of bringing children back into their home within the first 12 months and no longer than 15 months that the children are in foster care.
Family Preservation Programs
NVFS' Youth Initiatives programs provide teenagers and young adults with the skills and resources needed to build healthier well-being - at school, at home and within their communities. This includes connections to healthy activities as well as the skills to build and maintain healthy relationships with friends and family. Providing youth with these tools helps them build brighter futures not only for themselves, but for their community as well.
NVFS' Youth Initiatives programs provide teenagers and young adults with the skills and resources needed to build healthier well-being - at school, at home and within their communities. This includes connections to healthy activities as well as the skills to build and maintain healthy relationships with friends and family. Providing youth with these tools helps them build brighter futures not only for themselves, but for their community as well.
Family Preservation Programs
Youth Enrichment Programs
Gang Programs
A family preservation program also known as Professional Parent Services (Parent Aide)and mentor service for children, which strives to strengthen and preserve families by providing home-based services to improve basic parenting skills and to reduce the number of out-of-home placements.
A family preservation program also known as Professional Parent Services (Parent Aide)and mentor service for children, which strives to strengthen and preserve families by providing home-based services to improve basic parenting skills and to reduce the number of out-of-home placements.
Family Preservation Programs
Provides care and case management and family preservation services. The Virginia Comprehensive Services Act provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams to support services for high-risk youth. These funds are returned to the localities with a required state/local match and are managed by local interagency teams. The purpose of the act is to provide high quality, child centered, family focused, cost effective, community-based services to high-risk youth and their families.
Provides care and case management and family preservation services. The Virginia Comprehensive Services Act provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams to support services for high-risk youth. These funds are returned to the localities with a required state/local match and are managed by local interagency teams. The purpose of the act is to provide high quality, child centered, family focused, cost effective, community-based services to high-risk youth and their families.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Family Preservation Programs
The Child and Family Services center provides prevention, substance use and mental health services to the children and families in the community. The goals of these services are to help families build resiliency and keep children/youth safely in their homes and communities when possible. Trauma-informed services and prevention trainings are provided in the communities, schools and in an office-based environment.
The Child and Family Services center provides prevention, substance use and mental health services to the children and families in the community. The goals of these services are to help families build resiliency and keep children/youth safely in their homes and communities when possible. Trauma-informed services and prevention trainings are provided in the communities, schools and in an office-based environment.
Home Based Mental Health Services
Family Preservation Programs
Family Counseling
Healthy Families is a parenting education program. The program provides a personal needs assessment and community service linkage to parents, prenatally or immediately following birth of the child. Provides home visiting services to parents of any age focusing on parenting education and support. Builds positive parent/child relationship through knowledge and understanding; promotes appropriate child development through play; works to achieve optimal health through access to care; and improves self-sufficiency. Will refer to other HumanKind services as appropriate. Free, voluntary and confidential.
Healthy Families is a parenting education program. The program provides a personal needs assessment and community service linkage to parents, prenatally or immediately following birth of the child. Provides home visiting services to parents of any age focusing on parenting education and support. Builds positive parent/child relationship through knowledge and understanding; promotes appropriate child development through play; works to achieve optimal health through access to care; and improves self-sufficiency. Will refer to other HumanKind services as appropriate. Free, voluntary and confidential.
Family Preservation Programs
Parenting Education
Family Support Centers/Outreach
SFFC Virginia is a program that gives parents or caregivers in temporary crisis time to get back on their feet while their children are cared for in a safe and loving Christian home. Provide a circle of support to keep families together safely by providing professional intervention, therapeutic care, and parenting education.
SFFC Virginia is a program that gives parents or caregivers in temporary crisis time to get back on their feet while their children are cared for in a safe and loving Christian home. Provide a circle of support to keep families together safely by providing professional intervention, therapeutic care, and parenting education.
Family Preservation Programs
Offers intensive, ongoing supportive services to children and families at risk. These services are provided directly or through purchase and referral to community resources.
Offers intensive, ongoing supportive services to children and families at risk. These services are provided directly or through purchase and referral to community resources.
Family Preservation Programs