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Serves senior citizens through programs and services enabling the individual to remain independent and productive. Also participates with the Hampton Roads chapter Alzheimer's Association for subsidized in-home respite care. Agency provides in home care, care coordination, transportation, congregate and home delivered meals.
Assists individuals who are 60 years of age or older, have dependencies in two or more activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding) and have two or more unmet needs, remain in their homes.
Professionally certified care managers assess older person's living situations and provide cost effective options to meet their needs. Client fees based on ability to pay. Provides research and develops plan of care, in-home assistance arrangements, meals on wheels, assistance with complicated paperwork from other agencies, Alzheimer's and Dementia support groups, adult day care, home repair and weatherization, health insurance counseling, legal aid, friendly visitor, telephone reassurance, and transportation.
Assists adults with brain injuries and their families in developing a plan and obtaining services for maximizing independence and quality of life. Services provided include: information and referral, assessment, long-term case management, independent living skills training, job training/finding/coaching, transportation, respite care, socialization and recreation, mental health and behavioral services, day activity programs, and supervised independent living. Call ahead for sign language.
Services are provided to impaired persons 18 years of age and older, persons of 60 years of age and older, and to their families when appropriate. The services provided include, but are not limited to : assisting in placement such as in an adult home, nursing homes, etc.; companion services designed to assist a person who is unable to care for themselves and needs assistance with activities of daily living; and nursing home/personal care screenings performed by the Adult Services Worker for persons who receive Medicaid or will receive within a 6 month period. These services are intended to maximize self-sufficiency, prevent abuse/neglect/exploitation, and to prevent, delay, and/or reduce inappropriate institutionalization.


Case/Care Management
Personal/Grooming Needs
Homemaker Assistance
Personal Care
Provides individualized medical case management for people living with HIV/AIDS and referral services to other community resources. Services are based upon meeting certain financial eligibility criteria. Depending on available funding, VAN may provide financial assistance for HIV-related medical visits, lab work and HIV and pre-approved non-HIV medications. Additional assistance may include emergency utility assistance (electric and heating oil only). Valley Aids Network (VAN) is a funding source of LAST RESORT after other community resources have been contacted. We also have bilingual (English/Spanish) HIV Support Groups. VAN administers Short-Term HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS), a federal program that provides housing assistance to low income persons with HIV/AIDS and their families. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Medical Expense Assistance
Hepatitis Testing
Case/Care Management
HIV Testing
Adult Services are provided to adults age 18 and older who have a disability and to their families when appropriate. Adult Services may include the provision of case management, home - based care, transportation, adult day care, nutrition services, placement services, long term care pre-screening for Medicaid-funded services, guardianship monitoring, and other activities to aid the adult.
Provides outpatient-based services designed to evaluate and treat mental health and/or substance abuse disorders in persons age 5 through 18 years of age. Specific services include: Screening, assessment, and treatment planning Counseling/psychotherapy (family, individual, and/or girls' group) Counseling/psychotherapy (individual, group, and family) Crisis intervention (may sometimes be appropriately provided under this core service area or under emergency services) Psychiatric evaluation and treatment Case Management and Service coordination


Supportive Substance Use Disorder Services
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Case/Care Management
Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Evaluation
Services are provided to impaired persons 18 years of age and older, persons of 60 years of age and older, and to their families when appropriate. The services provided include, but are not limited to assisting in placement such as an adult home, nursing homes, etc.; companion services designed assist a person who is unable to care for themselves and needs assistance with activities of daily living; and nursing home/personal care screenings performed by the Adult Services Worker for persons who receive Medicaid or will receive within a 6 month period. These services are intended to maximize self-sufficiency, prevent abuse/neglect/exploitation, and to prevent, delay, and/or reduce inappropriate institutionalization. Companion services are available based on funds, there is a waiting list.


Homemaker Assistance
Case/Care Management
Personal Care
Provides decision support whereby individuals, with support from family members, caregivers, and/or significant others, are supported in their deliberations to make informed long-term support choices in the context of the individual's preferences, strengths, needs, values and individual circumstances. MEOC is a No Wrong Door agency.


Case/Care Management
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Bilingual case managers will conduct a comprehensive assessment of Latinos and others to obtain health care services, cultural, and social needs and develop a patient-centered care plan with mutually agreed upon goals.
Adult Services include the provision of companion services to the elderly and screening to determine the need for possible nursing home or adult home placements.
Provides case management/care coordination for both mental health and substance abuse. Services are designed to link individuals with resources in order to promote community integration and independence while promoting self-determination and recovery.
VPAS' Case Management service offers an assessment of needs, development of an individualized plan of care, referral and linkage to community services, and monitoring and satisfaction of services implemented. A personal home visit is conducted to determine the level of service required.
Provides an array of outpatient services for children with serious emotional disturbances, substance abuse disorders and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, individual, family and group counseling, school-based day treatment, Intensive In-Home Services, Infant/Toddler Case Management, and case management for children 3-18. Services are for children only. Child and Family Outpatient Services is the Regional Children's Center which serves the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke, and the City of Winchester. New Clients, please call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804


Medication Information/Management
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Case/Care Management
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Early Intervention for Mental Illness
An intensive, long-term home visiting and case management services are targeted toward helping families build a foundation for success, where the outcomes of our work are evident in stronger, more self-reliant families, a healthier community, and children who enter school ready to learn and succeed.


Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Case/Care Management
Parenting Education
The program provides short-term case management support to attain permanent housing for Veterans experiencing homelessness. Veterans experiencing homelessness may call the screening line at 202-658-9599 to be assessed for services. Veterans should leave a message and it will be returned promptly. For Veterans who are not eligible for services through the Veterans First program, will be provided with referrals to appropriate community resources that may be able to provide further assistance. Provides energy assistance through EnergyShare program.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Case/Care Management
VPAS' Case Management service offers an assessment of needs, development of an individualized plan of care, referral and linkage to community services, and monitoring and satisfaction of services implemented. A personal home visit is conducted to determine the level of service required.
Provides free access to HIV and Hepatitis C prevention information/education, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and non-occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) counseling. Service Navigation for linkage to STI testing, PrEP and nPEP navigation, basic needs (i.e., food, housing, etc.), insurance enrollment, etc., available to anyone regardless of HIV or HCV status.


Case/Care Management
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Provide "wraparound" services, focusing on the individuals receiving assistance and developing unique service plans to fit their circumstances and needs. Participants are assigned Care Managers to provide continual, confidential assessments and follow-up. Participants receive in-home assessments to identify their needs and be directly connected to agency programs, including those providing nutrition, transportation, housing, health and wellness, and care services. Advocacy, informational resources, and referrals to other community service organizations are also available.
Provides an array of outpatient services for individuals age 18+ with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and intellectual disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, individual and group counseling, case management, in-home services, psychosocial clubhouse, and peer support. The Shenandoah County clinic is an Adult Regional Center serving the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke, and the City of Winchester. New Clients please call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804


Adult Day Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Respite Care
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Information/Education
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Consultation and support to enhance linkages with area assisted living facilities (ALF). Complete wrap-around services include case management, ALF staff training, consumer education, medication monitoring, physician/nursing consultation, skills training and supportive counseling. Adult Habilitative Services programs consist of case management, habilitation services, community living services, and supports to consumers with intellectual / developmental disability. The goal of this community support system is to maximize each consumer's potential for independence, improved quality of life, and optimum level of functioning.


Case/Care Management
Assisted Living Facilities
Partners with school systems and other agencies to help students with disabilities in transition from middle school to high school and post graduate opportunities. Helps people transition from nursing facilities and other institutions back into the community.


Centers for Independent Living
Case/Care Management
The BabyCare program is a home-based program that fosters safe and healthy pregnancies and healthy babies by providing free education, care coordination, and support services from registered nurses to high-risk pregnant people and infants up to 24 months of age. Services Include: - intensive case management - coordination of care - Pack 'N Plays - education about prenatal care, birthing, infant care, parenting and community resources. Free child safety seats and booster seats are also available.


Case/Care Management
Neonatal Care
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Postpartum Care
Entry point for Ryan White Part B Services. Case Management and Patient Navigation services for persons living with HIV or HCV. Medical clinic, emergency housing/utility assistance, transportation vouchers, and food pantry for those living with HIV ONLY. CHARLII (Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Resources and Linkages for Individuals experiencing Incarceration) coordinates for persons recently released from incarceration who are HIV positive.


Case/Care Management
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs