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Pittsylvania County Animal Services Officers are appointed conservators of the peace and have enforcement powers concerning animal issues. Pittsylvania County Animal Services Officers handle a wide variety of animal issues, including but not limited to:
Dangerous dogs
Loose or stray dogs
Upholding state and local animal codes and regulations
Pittsylvania County Animal Services Officers are appointed conservators of the peace and have enforcement powers concerning animal issues. Pittsylvania County Animal Services Officers handle a wide variety of animal issues, including but not limited to:
Dangerous dogs
Loose or stray dogs
Upholding state and local animal codes and regulations
Animal Control
Animal Licenses
Animal Adoption
Animal Rescue
A private, non-profit, no-kill Humane Society, caring for lost and homeless pets. Services provided includes:
Spay/Neuter Clinic
Lost and Found Pet Services
Pet Owner Services
Pet Activities and Training
Pet Behavior Resources
Pet End of LIfe Services
City of Lynchburg Dog Licenses
Humane Education and Children's Program
Pet Friendly Housing
A private, non-profit, no-kill Humane Society, caring for lost and homeless pets. Services provided includes:
Spay/Neuter Clinic
Lost and Found Pet Services
Pet Owner Services
Pet Activities and Training
Pet Behavior Resources
Pet End of LIfe Services
City of Lynchburg Dog Licenses
Humane Education and Children's Program
Pet Friendly Housing
Animal Shelters
Animal Licenses
Animal Adoption
The Animal Services Unit is charged with protecting animals from inhumane treatment. Animal Services officers enforce state laws and county ordinances as they apply to domestic animals. The unit operates a shelter for the complete care of animals in their custody. The Animal Services Shelter provides comprehensive medical care for homeless or unwanted cats and dogs until they are adopted or placed with an animal rescue organization.
The Animal Services Unit is charged with protecting animals from inhumane treatment. Animal Services officers enforce state laws and county ordinances as they apply to domestic animals. The unit operates a shelter for the complete care of animals in their custody. The Animal Services Shelter provides comprehensive medical care for homeless or unwanted cats and dogs until they are adopted or placed with an animal rescue organization.
Animal Licenses
Animal Control
Pet adoption, animal licensing, enforces domestic animal laws, educating public about responsible companion animal ownership, investigates animal cruelty cases, finds homes for homeless animals and humanely euthanizes all unwanted animals.
Pet adoption, animal licensing, enforces domestic animal laws, educating public about responsible companion animal ownership, investigates animal cruelty cases, finds homes for homeless animals and humanely euthanizes all unwanted animals.
Animal Control
Animal Licenses
After hours emergency services, animal cruelty investigations, animal sheltering and accepting of strays and owner surrenders, barking dogs and pooper scooper law enforcement, dangerous and vicious dog investigations, dead animal removal, disaster preparedness information, feral cat abatement, leash law enforcement, lost and found animals, pet licensing, rabies control and wildlife assistance.
After hours emergency services, animal cruelty investigations, animal sheltering and accepting of strays and owner surrenders, barking dogs and pooper scooper law enforcement, dangerous and vicious dog investigations, dead animal removal, disaster preparedness information, feral cat abatement, leash law enforcement, lost and found animals, pet licensing, rabies control and wildlife assistance.
Animal Shelters
Animal Licenses
Animal Control
Enforces all State & County laws dealing with animals and their care. Enforces licenses on dogs, picks up stray and lost pets, cruelty to animal laws, enforces leash laws, barking ordinance laws, exotic animal laws and dangerous dog laws.
Enforces all State & County laws dealing with animals and their care. Enforces licenses on dogs, picks up stray and lost pets, cruelty to animal laws, enforces leash laws, barking ordinance laws, exotic animal laws and dangerous dog laws.
Animal Control
Animal Licenses
Issues dog licenses for dogs housed within the city limits. Licenses are now valid for up to 3 years.
Issues dog licenses for dogs housed within the city limits. Licenses are now valid for up to 3 years.
Animal Licenses
Enforces licensing, rabies vaccination and running at large complaints, rescues injured or sick stray pets, temporary care and shelter of injured wildlife, administers adoption program, educates public about inhumane treatment of animals, assists in rabies related incidents involving domestic and wild cases.
Enforces licensing, rabies vaccination and running at large complaints, rescues injured or sick stray pets, temporary care and shelter of injured wildlife, administers adoption program, educates public about inhumane treatment of animals, assists in rabies related incidents involving domestic and wild cases.
Protective Services for Animals
Animal Licenses
Animal Control
Picks up and impounds or returns to their owners domestic animals who have strayed from their homes. Also enforces leash laws and animal sanitation ordinances and handles complaints regarding domestic animals who have bitten someone or are otherwise making nuisances of themselves. For Dog Tags, call 540-473-8254.
Picks up and impounds or returns to their owners domestic animals who have strayed from their homes. Also enforces leash laws and animal sanitation ordinances and handles complaints regarding domestic animals who have bitten someone or are otherwise making nuisances of themselves. For Dog Tags, call 540-473-8254.
Animal Licenses
Animal Control
The department investigates complaints of cruelty to animals, quarantines animals that have bitten humans, provides 24-hour emergency service for injured or stray animals and removes stray dogs and livestock from streets and public areas. The Animal Shelter is operated in accordance with state and local law.
The department investigates complaints of cruelty to animals, quarantines animals that have bitten humans, provides 24-hour emergency service for injured or stray animals and removes stray dogs and livestock from streets and public areas. The Animal Shelter is operated in accordance with state and local law.
Animal Control
Animal Licenses